
class jiminy_py.core.AbstractSensor

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property data

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> numpy.ndarray fset( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> None

property fieldnames

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap.StdVec_StdString:

Name of each element of the data measured by the sensor.

get_options((AbstractSensor)arg1) dict :

Configuration options of the sensor.

property index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> int:

Index of the sensor of the global shared buffer.

property is_attached

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> bool:

Whether the sensor has been attached to a robot.

property is_initialized

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> bool:

Whether the sensor has been initialized.


Note that a sensor can be considered initialized even if its telemetry is not properly configured. If not, it must be done before being ready to use.

property name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> str:

Name of the sensor.

set_options((AbstractSensor)arg1, (dict)arg2) None :

Set the configuration options of the sensor.


sensorOptions – Dictionary with the parameters of the sensor.

property type

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractSensor)self) -> str:

Type of the sensor.

class jiminy_py.core.ImuSensor((object)self, (str)name)

Bases: AbstractSensor

fieldnames = ['GyroX', 'GyroY', 'GyroZ', 'AccelX', 'AccelY', 'AccelZ']
property frame_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImuSensor)self) -> int

property frame_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImuSensor)self) -> str

initialize((ImuSensor)self, (str)frame_name) None
type = 'ImuSensor'
class jiminy_py.core.ContactSensor((object)self, (str)name)

Bases: AbstractSensor

fieldnames = ['FX', 'FY', 'FZ']
property frame_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ContactSensor)self) -> int

property frame_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ContactSensor)self) -> str

initialize((ContactSensor)self, (str)frame_name) None
type = 'ContactSensor'
class jiminy_py.core.ForceSensor((object)self, (str)name)

Bases: AbstractSensor

fieldnames = ['FX', 'FY', 'FZ', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ']
property frame_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ForceSensor)self) -> int

property frame_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ForceSensor)self) -> str

initialize((ForceSensor)self, (str)frame_name) None
property joint_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ForceSensor)self) -> int

type = 'ForceSensor'
class jiminy_py.core.EncoderSensor((object)self, (str)name)

Bases: AbstractSensor

fieldnames = ['Q', 'V']
initialize((EncoderSensor)self[, (object)motor_name=None[, (object)joint_name=None]]) None
property joint_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.EncoderSensor)self) -> int

property joint_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.EncoderSensor)self) -> str

property motor_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.EncoderSensor)self) -> int

property motor_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.EncoderSensor)self) -> str

type = 'EncoderSensor'
class jiminy_py.core.EffortSensor((object)self, (str)name)

Bases: AbstractSensor

fieldnames = ['U']
initialize((EffortSensor)self, (str)motor_name) None
property motor_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.EffortSensor)self) -> int

property motor_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.EffortSensor)self) -> str

type = 'EffortSensor'
class jiminy_py.core.SensorMeasurementTree((object)self, (dict)sensor_measurements)

Bases: instance

items((SensorMeasurementTree)self) list
keys((SensorMeasurementTree)self) list

keys( (SensorMeasurementTree)self, (str)sensor_type) -> list

values((SensorMeasurementTree)self) list