- exception jiminy_py.viewer.ViewerClosedError[source]¶
Raised when a method is called in a closed viewer.
- jiminy_py.viewer.sleep(dt)[source]¶
Function to provide cross-platform time sleep with maximum accuracy.
It returns immediately instead of raising an exception if the input time is negative.
Wrapper around the standard method ‘time.sleep’ which provides high-precision cross-platform sleep method since Python>=3.11.
- Parameters:
dt (float) – Sleep duration in seconds.
- Return type:
- class jiminy_py.viewer.Viewer(robot, use_theoretical_model=False, robot_color=None, lock=None, backend=None, open_gui_if_parent=None, delete_robot_on_close=False, robot_name=None, scene_name='world', display_com=False, display_dcm=False, display_contact_frames=False, display_contact_forces=False, display_f_external=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Backend-agnostic 3D viewer.
This class can be used to render the state of a robot, including sensor data and external forces if any. It is mainly used to render the current simulation state or replay multiple complete trajectories as-posteriori.
The environment variable ‘JIMINY_INTERACTIVE_DISABLE’ can be used to force disabling interactive display.
The environment variable ‘JIMINY_VIEWER_DEFAULT_BACKEND’ can be used to overwrite the default backend.
- Parameters:
robot (Model) – Jiminy.Model to display.
use_theoretical_model (bool) – Whether to use the theoretical rigid or extended simulation model of this robot. Note that using the extended model if possible is more efficient since update of the frames placements can be skipped as it is already synchronized with the simulation state. Optional: Actual model by default.
robot_color (str | Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray | None) – Color of the robot. It will override the original color of the meshes if not None. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Disabled by default.
lock (RLock | None) – Custom threading.RLock for parallel rendering. None to use the unique lock associated with the current thread. Optional: None by default.
backend (str | None) – Name of the rendering backend to use. It can be either ‘panda3d’, ‘panda3d-qt’, ‘meshcat’. None to keep using to one already running if any, or the default one otherwise. Note that the default is hardware and environment dependent. See viewer.default_backend method for details. Optional: None by default.
open_gui_if_parent (bool | None) – Open GUI if new viewer’s backend server is started. None to fallback to default. Optional: Do not open gui for ‘meshcat’ backend in interactive mode with already one display cell already opened, open gui by default in any other case if graphical server is available.
delete_robot_on_close (bool) – Enable automatic deletion of the robot when closing. Optional: False by default.
robot_name (str | None) – Unique robot name, to identify each robot. Optional: Randomly generated identifier by default.
scene_name (str) – Scene name. Optional: ‘world’ by default.
display_com (bool) – Whether to display the center of mass. Optional: Disabled by default.
display_dcm (bool) – Whether to display the capture point / DCM. Optional: Disabled by default.
display_contact_frames (bool) – Whether to display the contact frames. Optional: Disabled by default.
display_contact_forces (bool) – Whether to display the contact forces. Note that the user is responsible for updating sensors data since Viewer.display is only computing kinematic quantities. Optional: Disabled by default.
display_f_external (Sequence[bool] | bool | None) – Whether to display the external external forces applied at the joints on the robot. If a boolean is provided, the same visibility will be set for each joint, alternatively one can provide a boolean list whose ordering is consistent with pinocchio_model.names. Note that the user is responsible for updating the force buffer viewer.f_external data since Viewer.display is only computing kinematic quantities. Optional: Root joint for robot with freeflyer by default.
kwargs (Any) – Unused extra keyword arguments to enable forwarding.
- window_name = 'jiminy'¶
- static open_gui()[source]¶
Open a new viewer graphical interface. It is only possible if a backend is already running.
Only one graphical interface can be opened locally for efficiency.
- Return type:
- static has_gui()[source]¶
Whether the viewer has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), ie the viewer is connected to a given backend that is running up to now, and onscreen rendering has been specifically requested.
- Return type:
- static wait(require_client=False)[source]¶
Wait for all the meshes to finish loading in every clients.
- Parameters:
require_client (bool) – Wait for at least one client to be available before checking for mesh loading.
- Return type:
- static is_alive()[source]¶
Check if the backend server is running and responding to queries.
- Return type:
- is_open()[source]¶
Check if a given viewer instance is open, or if the backend server is running if no instance is specified.
- close()[source]¶
Close a given viewer instance, or all of them if no instance is specified.
Calling this method with an viewer instance always closes the client. It may also remove the robot from the server if the viewer attribute delete_robot_on_close is True. Moreover, it is the one having started the backend server, it also terminates it, resulting in closing every viewer somehow. It results in the same outcome than calling this method without specifying any viewer instance.
- Parameters:
self (Viewer | None)
- Return type:
- static connect_backend(backend=None)[source]¶
Get the running process of backend client.
This method can be used to open a new process if necessary.
- Parameters:
backend (str | None) – Name of the rendering backend to use. It can be either ‘panda3d’, ‘panda3d-qt’, ‘meshcat’. Optional: The default is hardware and environment dependent. See viewer.default_backend for details.
- Returns:
Pointer to the running backend Client and its PID.
- Return type:
- static set_watermark(img_fullpath=None, width=None, height=None)[source]¶
Insert desired watermark on bottom left corner of the window.
The relative width and height cannot exceed 20% of the visible area, otherwise it will be rescaled.
- Parameters:
img_fullpath (str | None) – Full path of the image to use as watermark. Meshcat supports format ‘.png’, ‘.jpeg’ or ‘svg’, while Panda3d only supports ‘.png’ and ‘.jpeg’ for now. None or empty string to disable. Optional: None by default.
width (int | None) – Desired width for the image. None to not rescale the image manually. Optional: None by default.
height (int | None) – Desired height for the image. None to not rescale the image manually. Optional: None by default.
- Return type:
- static set_legend(labels=None)[source]¶
Insert legend on top left corner of the window.
Make sure to have specified different colors for each robot on the scene, since it will be used as marker on the legend.
- static set_clock(t=None)[source]¶
Insert clock on bottom right corner of the window.
Only Panda3d rendering backend is supported by this method.
- Parameters:
t (float | None) – Current simulation time is seconds. None to disable. Optional: None by default.
- Return type:
- static get_camera_transform(camera_name=None)[source]¶
Get transform of the camera pose.
The reference axis is negative z-axis instead of positive x-axis.
It returns the previous requested camera transform for meshcat, since it is impossible to get access to this information. Thus this method is valid as long as the user does not move the camera manually using mouse camera control.
Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d rendering backend.
- set_camera_transform(position=None, rotation=None, relative=None, camera_name=None, wait=False)[source]¶
Set transform of the camera pose.
The reference axis is negative z-axis instead of positive x-axis, which means that position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], rotation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] moves the camera at the center of scene, looking downward.
Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d rendering backend.
- Parameters:
position (Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None) – Position [X, Y, Z] as a list or 1D array. If None, when it will be kept as is. Optional: None by default.
rotation (Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None) – Rotation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] as a list or 1D np.array. If None, when it will be kept as is. Optional: None by default.
relative (int | str | None) – How to apply the transform:
None: absolute.
’camera’: relative to current camera pose.
other: relative to a robot frame, not accounting for the rotation of the frame during travelling. It supports both frame name and index in model.
camera_name (str | None) – Name of the camera to consider. None to specify the “default” world facing camera that is used when GUI (onscreen window) in enabled. Optional: None by default.
wait (bool) – Whether to wait for rendering to finish.
self (Viewer | None)
- Return type:
- set_camera_lookat(position, relative=None, wait=False)[source]¶
Set the camera look-at position.
It preserve the relative camera pose wrt the lookup position.
- Parameters:
position (Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray) – Position [X, Y, Z] as a list or 1D array
relative (int | str | None) – If specified, set the lookat position relative to provided position, in absolute world otherwise. Both frame name and index in model are supported.
wait (bool) – Whether to wait for rendering to finish.
- Return type:
- static register_camera_motion(camera_motion)[source]¶
Register camera motion. It will be used later by replay to set the absolute or relative camera pose, depending on whether or not travelling is enable.
- Parameters:
camera_motion (Sequence[CameraMotionBreakpointType]) –
Camera breakpoint poses over time, as a list of CameraMotionBreakpointType dict. Here is an example:
[{'t': 0.0, 'pose': ([3.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, 0.0, np.pi / 2])}, {'t': 0.3, 'pose': ([4.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 2])}, {'t': 0.6, 'pose': ([8.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2])}, {'t': 1.0, 'pose': ([9.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2])}]
- Return type:
- attach_camera(relative, position=None, rotation=None, lock_relative_pose=None)[source]¶
Attach the camera to a given robot frame.
Only the position of the frame is taken into account. A custom relative orientation of the camera wrt to the frame can be further specified. If so, then the relative camera pose wrt the frame is locked, otherwise the camera is only constrained to look at the frame.
- Parameters:
relative (str | int) – Name or index of the frame of the robot to follow with the camera.
position (Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None) – Relative position [X, Y, Z] of the camera wrt the tracked frame. It is used to initialize the camera pose if relative pose is not locked. None to disable. Optional: Disable by default.
rotation (Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None) – Relative orientation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] of the camera wrt the tracked frame. It is used to initialize the camera pose if relative pose is not locked. None to disable. Optional: Disable by default.
lock_relative_pose (bool | None) – Whether to lock the relative pose of the camera wrt tracked frame. Optional: False by default iif Panda3d backend is used.
- Return type:
- static detach_camera()[source]¶
Detach the camera.
Must be called to undo attach_camera, so that it will stop automatically tracking a frame.
- Return type:
- set_color(color=None)[source]¶
Override the color of the visual and collision geometries of the robot on-the-fly.
This method is only supported by Panda3d for now.
- Parameters:
color (str | Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray | None) – Color of the robot. It will override the original color of the meshes if not None, and restore them otherwise. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Disabled by default.
- Return type:
- static update_floor(geom=None, show_vertices=False)[source]¶
Display a custom ground profile as a height map or the original tile ground floor.
- Parameters:
geom (CollisionGeometry | None) – Collision geometry associated with the ground profile. A flat tile ground will be rendered if not specified. Note that symbolic function jiminy_py.core.HeightmapFunction can be converted in collision geometry by calling jiminy_py.core.discretize_heightmap. Optional: None by default.
show_vertices (bool) – Whether to highlight the mesh vertices. Optional: disabled by default.
- Return type:
- static add_camera(camera_name, width, height, is_depthmap)[source]¶
Add a RGB or depth camera to the scene.
Manually added cameras are mainly useful for simulating exteroceptive sensors. The user is responsible for managing them, i.e. to set their respective poses in world, to get screenshot from them, and to remove them when no longer relevant.
This method is only supported by Panda3d for now.
- Parameters:
camera_name (str) – Name of the camera to be added.
width (int) – Width ofthe image captured by the camera in pixels.
height (int) – Height of the image captured by the camera in pixels.
is_depthmap (bool) – Whether the camera output gathers 3 8-bits integers RGB channels or 1 32-bits floats depth channel.
- Return type:
- static capture_frame(width=None, height=None, camera_name=None, raw_data=False)[source]¶
Take a snapshot and return associated data.
Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d rendering backend, while raw data mode is only supported by Meshcat.
- Parameters:
width (int | None) – Width for the image in pixels. None to keep unchanged. Optional: Kept unchanged by default.
height (int | None) – Height for the image in pixels. None to keep unchanged. Optional: Kept unchanged by default.
camera_name (str | None) – Name of the camera to consider. None to specify the “default” world facing camera that is used when GUI (onscreen window) in enabled. Optional: None by default.
raw_data (bool) – Whether to return a 2D numpy array, or the raw output from the backend as bytes array.
- Return type:
ndarray | bytes
- static save_frame(image_path, width=None, height=None)[source]¶
Save a snapshot in png format.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- display_visuals(visibility)[source]¶
Set the visibility of the visual model of the robot.
- Parameters:
visibility (bool) – Whether to enable or disable display of the visual model.
- Return type:
- display_collisions(visibility)[source]¶
Set the visibility of the collision model of the robot.
- Parameters:
visibility (bool) – Whether to enable or disable display of the visual model.
- Return type:
- add_marker(name, shape, pose=(None, None), scale=1.0, color=None, always_foreground=True, remove_if_exists=False, auto_refresh=True, **shape_kwargs)[source]¶
Add marker on the scene.
This method is only supported by Panda3d.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Unique name. It must be a valid string identifier.
shape (Literal['cone', 'box', 'sphere', 'capsule', 'cylinder', 'frame', 'arrow']) – Desired shape, as a string, i.e. ‘cone’, ‘box’, ‘sphere’, ‘capsule’, ‘cylinder’, ‘frame’, or ‘arrow’.
pose (SE3 | Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None, Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray | None] | Callable[[], Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray]]) – Pose of the geometry on the scene, as a transform object pin.SE3, or a tuple (position, orientation). In the latter case, the position must be the vector [X, Y, Z], while the orientation can be either a rotation matrix, or a quaternion [X, Y, Z, W]. None can be used to specify neutral frame position and/or orientation. Optional: Neutral position and orientation by default.
scale (float | Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | Callable[[], Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray]) – Size of the marker. Each principal axis of the geometry are scaled separately.
color (str | Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray | None | Callable[[], Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray]) – Color of the marker. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Robot’s color by default if overridden, ‘white’ otherwise, except for ‘frame’.
always_foreground (bool) – Whether to force rendering the marker on foreground. Optional: True by default.
auto_refresh (bool) – Whether to refresh the scene after adding the marker. Useful for adding a bunch of markers and only refresh once. Note that the marker will not display properly until then.
shape_kwargs (Any) – Any additional keyword arguments to forward to jiminy_py.viewer.panda3d.panda3d_visualizer. Panda3dApp.append_{shape} for shape instantiation.
remove_if_exists (bool)
- Returns:
Dict of type MarkerDataType, storing references to the current pose, scale, and color of the marker, and itself a reference to viewer.markers[name]. Any modification of it will take effect at next refresh call.
- Return type:
- display_center_of_mass(visibility)[source]¶
Display the position of the center of mass as a sphere.
It corresponds to the attribute com[0] of the provided robot.pinocchio_model. Calling Viewer.display will update it automatically, while Viewer.refresh will not.
- Parameters:
visibility (bool) – Whether to enable or disable display of the center of mass.
- Return type:
- display_capture_point(visibility)[source]¶
Display the position of the capture point,also called divergent component of motion (DCM) as a sphere.
Calling Viewer.display will update it automatically, while Viewer.refresh will not.
- Parameters:
visibility (bool) – Whether to enable or disable display of the capture point.
- Return type:
- display_contact_frames(visibility)[source]¶
Display the contact frames of the robot as spheres.
The frames to display are specified by the attribute contact_frame_names of the provided robot. Calling Viewer.display will update it automatically, while Viewer.refresh will not.
This method is only supported by Panda3d.
- Parameters:
visibility (bool) – Whether to display the contact frames.
- Return type:
- display_contact_forces(visibility)[source]¶
Display forces associated with the contact sensors attached to the robot, as cylinders of variable length depending of Fz.
Fz can be signed. It will affect the orientation of the capsule.
It corresponds to the attribute data of jiminy.ContactSensor. Calling Viewer.display will NOT update its value automatically. It is up to the user to keep it up-to-date.
This method is only supported by Panda3d.
- Parameters:
visibility (bool) – Whether to display the contact forces.
- Return type:
- display_external_forces(visibility)[source]¶
Display external forces applied on the joints the robot, as arrows of variable length depending of magnitude of the force.
It only display the linear component of the force, while ignoring the angular part for now.
It corresponds to the attribute viewer.f_external. Calling Viewer.display will NOT update its value automatically. It is up to the user to keep it up-to-date.
This method is only supported by Panda3d.
- Parameters:
visibility (Sequence[bool] | bool) – Whether to display the external force applied at each joint selectively. If a boolean is provided, the same visibility will be set for each joint, alternatively, one can provide a boolean list whose ordering is consistent with pinocchio model (i.e. pinocchio_model.names).
- Return type:
- remove_marker(name)[source]¶
Remove a marker, based on its name.
- Parameters:
identifier – Name of the marker to remove.
name (str)
- Return type:
- refresh(force_update_visual=False, force_update_collision=False, wait=False)[source]¶
Refresh the configuration of Robot in the viewer.
This method is also in charge of updating the camera placement for travelling.
This method is copy-pasted from Pinocchio.visualize.*.display method, after removing parts responsible of update pinocchio data and collision data. Visual data must still be updated.
- display(q, v=None, xyz_offset=None, update_hook=None, wait=False)[source]¶
Update the configuration of the robot.
It will alter original robot data if viewer attribute use_theoretical_model is false.
- Parameters:
q (ndarray) – Configuration of the robot.
v (ndarray | None) – Velocity of the robot. Used only to update velocity dependent markers such as DCM. None if undefined. Optional: None by default.
xyz_offset (ndarray | None) – Freeflyer position offset. Note that it does not check for the robot actually have a freeflyer.
update_hook (Callable[[], None] | None) – Callable that will be called right after updating kinematics data. None to disable. Optional: None by default.
wait (bool) – Whether to wait for rendering to finish.
- Return type:
- replay(trajectory, time_interval=(0.0, inf), speed_ratio=1.0, xyz_offset=None, update_hook=None, enable_clock=False, wait=False)[source]¶
Replay a complete robot trajectory at a given real-time ratio.
Specifying ‘udpate_hook’ is necessary to be able to display sensor information such as contact forces. It will be automatically disable otherwise.
It will alter original robot data if viewer attribute use_theoretical_model is false.
- Parameters:
states – Sequence of State objects of increasing time.
time_interval (ndarray | Tuple[float, float]) – Specific time interval to replay. Optional: Complete evolution by default [0, inf].
speed_ratio (float) – Real-time factor. Optional: No time dilation by default (1.0).
xyz_offset (ndarray | None) – Freeflyer position offset. Note that it does not check for the robot actually have a freeflyer. Optional: None by default.
update_hook (Callable[[float, ndarray, ndarray | None], None] | None) –
Callable that will be called periodically between every state update. None to disable, otherwise it must have the following signature:
f(t:float, q: ndarray, v: Optional[ndarray]) -> None
Optional: No update hook by default.
wait (bool) – Whether to wait for rendering to finish.
trajectory (Trajectory)
enable_clock (bool)
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.interactive_mode()[source]¶
Determine what kind of process is running Python kernel.
- Returns:
0: builtin terminal or plain script
1: Spyder or Ipython console that does not support HTML embedding
2: Interactive Jupyter Notebook (can be confused with Qtconsole)
3: Interactive Google Colab
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.is_display_available()[source]¶
Check if graphical server is available locally for onscreen rendering or if the viewer can be opened in an interactive cell.
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.get_default_backend()[source]¶
Determine the default backend viewer, depending eventually on the running environment, hardware, and set of available backends.
Panda3d is preferred over Meshcat in non-interactive mode, and on Google Colaboratory because of known latency issue making it unusable. See
Both Meshcat and Panda3d supports Nvidia EGL rendering without graphical server. Besides, both can fallback to software rendering if necessary, although Panda3d offers only very limited support of it.
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.extract_replay_data_from_log(log_data, robot=None)[source]¶
Extract replay data from log data.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Trajectory data, update hook and extra keyword arguments to forward to play_trajectories method to display the trajectory. By default, it enables display of external forces applied on freeflyer if any.
- Return type:
Tuple[Trajectory, Callable[[float, ndarray, ndarray | None], None] | None, Dict[str, Any]]
- jiminy_py.viewer.play_trajectories(trajectories, update_hooks=None, ground_profile=None, time_interval=(0.0, inf), speed_ratio=1.0, xyz_offsets=None, robots_colors=None, camera_pose=None, enable_travelling=False, camera_motion=None, watermark_fullpath=None, legend=None, enable_clock=False, display_com=None, display_dcm=None, display_contacts=None, display_f_external=None, scene_name='world', record_video_path=None, record_video_size=None, start_paused=False, backend=None, delete_robot_on_close=None, remove_widgets_overlay=True, close_backend=False, viewers=None, verbose=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Replay one or several robot trajectories in a viewer.
The ratio between the replay and the simulation time is kept constant to the desired ratio. One can choose between several backend (‘panda3d’ or ‘meshcat’).
Replay speed is independent of the platform (windows, linux…) and available CPU power.
- Parameters:
trajectories (Trajectory | Sequence[Trajectory]) – List of trajectories.
update_hooks (Callable[[float, ndarray, ndarray | None], None] | Sequence[Callable[[float, ndarray, ndarray | None], None] | None] | None) –
Callables associated with each robot that can be used to update non-kinematic robot data, for instance to emulate sensors data from log using the hook provided by update_sensor_measurements_from_log method. None to disable, otherwise it must have signature:
f(t: float, q: ndarray, v: Optional[ndarray]) -> None
Optional: None by default.
time_interval (ndarray | Tuple[float, float]) – Replay only timesteps in this interval of time. It does not have to be finite. Optional: [0, inf] by default.
speed_ratio (float) – Speed ratio of the simulation. Optional: 1.0 by default.
xyz_offsets (Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | Sequence[Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None] | None) – List of constant position of the root joint for each robot in world frame. None to disable. Optional: None by default.
robots_colors (str | Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray | Sequence[str | Tuple[float, float, float, float] | ndarray | None] | None) – List of RGBA codes or named colors defining the color for each robot. It will be applied to every link. None to disable. Optional: Original color if single robot, default color cycle otherwise.
camera_pose (Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None, Tuple[float, float, float] | ndarray | None, int | str | None] | None) – Tuple position [X, Y, Z], rotation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw], frame name/index specifying the initial pose of the camera or the relative pose wrt the tracked frame depending on whether travelling is enabled. None to disable. Optional: None by default.
enable_travelling (bool) – Whether the camera tracks the robot associated with the first trajectory specified in trajectories. None to disable. Optional: Disabled by default.
camera_motion (Sequence[CameraMotionBreakpointType] | None) – Camera breakpoint poses over time, as a list of CameraMotionBreakpointType dict. None to disable. Optional: None by default.
watermark_fullpath (str | None) – Add watermark to the viewer. It is not persistent but disabled after replay. This option is only supported by Meshcat backend. None to disable. Optional: No watermark by default.
legend (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of labels defining the legend for each robot. It is not persistent but disabled after replay. None to disable. Optional: No legend by default for a single robot without color, the name of each robot otherwise.
enable_clock (bool) – Add clock on bottom right corner of the viewer. Only available with ‘panda3d’ rendering backend. Optional: Disabled by default.
display_com (bool | None) – Whether to display the center of mass. None to keep current viewers’ settings, if any. Optional: Enabled by default iif viewers is None, and backend is ‘panda3d’.
display_dcm (bool | None) – Whether to display the capture point (also called DCM). None to keep current viewers’ settings. Optional: Enabled by default iif `viewers is None, and backend is ‘panda3d’.
display_contacts (bool | None) – Whether to display the contact forces. Note that the user is responsible for updating sensors data via update_hooks. None to keep current viewers’ settings. Optional: Enabled by default iif update_hooks is specified, viewers is None, and backend is ‘panda3d’.
display_f_external (Sequence[bool] | bool | None) – Whether to display the external external forces applied at the joints on the robot. If a boolean is provided, the same visibility will be set for each joint, alternatively one can provide a boolean list whose ordering is consistent with pinocchio_model.names. Note that the user is responsible for updating the force buffer viewer.f_external via update_hooks. None to keep current viewers’ settings. Optional: None by default.
scene_name (str) – Name of viewer’s scene in which to display the robot. Optional: Common default name if omitted.
record_video_path (str | None) – Fullpath location where to save generated video. It must be specified to enable video recording. Meshcat only support ‘webm’ format, while the other renderer only supports ‘mp4’ format encoded with web-compatible ‘h264’ codec. Optional: None by default.
record_video_size (Tuple[int, int] | None) – The width and height of the video recording. Optional: (800, 800) if non-interactive and (800, 400) otherwise by default.
start_paused (bool) – Start the simulation is pause, waiting for keyboard input before starting to play the trajectories. Only available if record_video_path is None. Optional: False by default.
backend (str | None) – Backend, one of ‘meshcat’, ‘panda3d’ and’panda3d-sync. If None, the most appropriate backend will be selected automatically based on hardware and python environment. Optional: None by default.
delete_robot_on_close (bool | None) – Whether to delete the robot from the viewer when closing it. Optional: True by default for Panda3d backend in non-interactive mode, False otherwise.
remove_widgets_overlay (bool) – Remove overlay (legend, watermark, clock, …) automatically before returning. Optional: Enabled by default.
close_backend (bool) – Whether to close backend automatically before returning. Optional: Disabled by default.
viewers (Viewer | Sequence[Viewer | None] | None) – List of already instantiated viewers, associated one by one in order to each trajectory data. None to disable. Optional: None by default.
verbose (bool) – Add information to keep track of the process. Optional: True by default.
kwargs (Any) – Unused keyword arguments to allow chaining rendering methods with ease.
ground_profile (HeightmapFunction | CollisionGeometry | None)
- Returns:
List of viewers used to play the trajectories.
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.play_logs_data(logs_data, robots=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Play log data in a viewer.
This method simply formats the data then calls play_trajectories.
- Parameters:
logs_data (Sequence[Dict[str, ndarray]] | Dict[str, ndarray]) – Either a single dictionary, or a list of dictionaries of simulation data log.
robots (Sequence[Robot | None] | Robot | None) – Either a single robot, or a list of robot for each log data.
kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to forward to play_trajectories method.
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.play_logs_files(logs_files, mesh_dir_path=None, mesh_package_dirs=(), **kwargs)[source]¶
Play the content of a logfile in a viewer.
This method reconstruct the exact extended model used during the simulation associated with the logfile, including random biases or flexibility joints.
- Parameters:
logs_files (str | Sequence[str]) – Either a single simulation log files in any format, or a list.
mesh_dir_path (str | None) – Overwrite the common root of all absolute mesh paths. It which may be necessary to read log generated on a different environment.
mesh_package_dirs (Sequence[str]) – Additional search paths for all relative mesh paths beginning with ‘packages://’ directive. It may be necessary to specify it to read log generated on a different environment.
kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to forward to play_trajectories method.
- Return type:
- jiminy_py.viewer.async_play_and_record_logs_files(logs_files, enable_replay=None, mesh_dir_path=None, mesh_package_dirs=(), **kwargs)[source]¶
Play and/or replay the content of a logfile in a viewer asynchronously.
This call can be made blocking at any point in time by calling join() on the returned Thread instance.
- Parameters:
logs_files (str | Sequence[str]) – Simulation log files in any of the supported formats.
enable_replay (bool | None) – Whether to force replay the simulation. It would first replay then record if this option is enabled and record_video_path is specified. Optional: True by default if record_video_path is not specified and the current backend supports onscreen rendering, False otherwise.
mesh_dir_path (str | None) – Overwrite the common root of all absolute mesh paths. It which may be necessary to read log generated on a different environment.
mesh_package_dirs (Sequence[str]) – Prepend custom mesh package search path directories to the ones provided by log file.
kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to forward to play_logs_files method.
- Return type:
Thread | None