Source code for jiminy_py.viewer.viewer

# mypy: disable-error-code="attr-defined, name-defined"
"""This module provides a backend-agnostic 3D viewer on top of lower-level

This viewer can be used to render the state of a robot, including sensor data
and external forces if any. It is mainly used to render the current simulation
state or replay multiple complete trajectories as-posteriori.
import os
import re
import io
import sys
import uuid
import time
import math
import shutil
import base64
import logging
import pathlib
import tempfile
import subprocess
import webbrowser
import multiprocessing
from traceback import TracebackException
from urllib.request import urlopen
from functools import wraps, partial
from threading import RLock
from multiprocessing import Process as ProcessMP
from typing import (
    Optional, Union, Sequence, Tuple, Dict, Callable, Any, TypedDict, Type,
    Set, overload, cast)

import numpy as np

from panda3d_viewer.viewer_errors import ViewerError, ViewerClosedError
    from psutil import Process
except ImportError:
    Process = type(None)  # type: ignore[assignment,misc]

import hppfcl
import pinocchio as pin
from pinocchio import SE3, SE3ToXYZQUAT
from pinocchio.rpy import (  # pylint: disable=import-error
    rpyToMatrix, matrixToRpy)

from .. import core as jiminy
from ..core import ContactSensor  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from ..robot import _DuplicateFilter
from ..dynamics import Trajectory
from ..log import UpdateHook
from .meshcat.utilities import interactive_mode
from .panda3d.panda3d_visualizer import (
    Tuple3FType, Tuple4FType, ShapeType, Panda3dApp, Panda3dViewer,
    Panda3dVisualizer, convert_bvh_collision_geometry_to_primitive)


CAMERA_INV_TRANSFORM_PANDA3D = rpyToMatrix(-np.pi/2, 0.0, 0.0)
CAMERA_INV_TRANSFORM_MESHCAT = rpyToMatrix(-np.pi/2, 0.0, 0.0)
DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_ABS = ((7.5, 0.0, 1.4), (1.4, 0.0, np.pi/2))
DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_REL = ((4.1, -4.1, 0.85), (1.35, 0.0, 0.8))


# Fz force value corresponding to capsule's length of 1m
CONTACT_FORCE_SCALE = 10000.0  # [N]

COLORS = {'red': (0.85, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0),
          'blue': (0.35, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0),
          'green': (0.4, 0.7, 0.3, 1.0),
          'yellow': (0.9, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0),
          'purple': (0.65, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0),
          'orange': (0.95, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0),
          'pink': (0.9, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0),
          'grey': (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0),
          'cyan': (0.1, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0),
          'white': (0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0),
          'black': (0.45, 0.45, 0.5, 1.0)}

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def interp1d(t_in: np.ndarray,
             y_in: np.ndarray,
             t_out: float) -> float:

def interp1d(t_in: np.ndarray,
             y_in: np.ndarray,
             t_out: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:

def interp1d(t_in: np.ndarray,
             y_in: np.ndarray,
             t_out: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
    """One-dimensional linear interpolation for monotonically increasing sample

    :param t_in: The time of the input data points, must be increasing.
    :param y_in: The value of the data points, same length as `t_in`.
    :param t_out: The time at which to evaluate the interpolated values.

    .. seealso::
        This method generalizes `numpy.interp`. It is similar to
    i = -1
    is_scalar = isinstance(t_out, float)
    if is_scalar:
        t_out = np.array([t_out])
    assert not isinstance(t_out, float)
    y_out = np.empty((t_out.size, y_in.shape[-1]))
    for t, y in zip(t_out, y_out):
        while i < t_in.size - 1 and t_in[i + 1] < t:
            i += 1
        if 0 <= i < t_in.size - 1:
            ratio = (t - t_in[i]) / (t_in[i + 1] - t_in[i])
            y[:] = ratio * y_in[i + 1] + (1.0 - ratio) * y_in[i]
        elif i < 0:
            y[:] = y_in[0]
            y[:] = y_in[t_in.size - 1]
    return y_out if not is_scalar else y_out[0]

[docs] def is_display_available() -> bool: """Check if graphical server is available locally for onscreen rendering or if the viewer can be opened in an interactive cell. """ if interactive_mode() >= 2: return True if multiprocessing.current_process().daemon: return False if not sys.platform.startswith("linux"): return True if os.environ.get("DISPLAY"): # type: ignore[unreachable,unused-ignore] return True return False
[docs] def get_default_backend() -> str: """Determine the default backend viewer, depending eventually on the running environment, hardware, and set of available backends. Panda3d is preferred over Meshcat in non-interactive mode, and on Google Colaboratory because of known latency issue making it unusable. See .. note:: Both Meshcat and Panda3d supports Nvidia EGL rendering without graphical server. Besides, both can fallback to software rendering if necessary, although Panda3d offers only very limited support of it. """ mode = interactive_mode() if mode >= 2: if mode == 2: try: get_backend_type('meshcat') return 'meshcat' except ImportError: pass return 'panda3d-sync' if is_display_available(): return os.getenv('JIMINY_VIEWER_DEFAULT_BACKEND', 'panda3d') return 'panda3d-sync'
def get_backend_type(backend_name: str) -> type: """Return backend entry-point from its name if available. .. note:: It is a function because otherwise it would only be run once at import by the main thread only. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,unused-import if backend_name == "panda3d-sync": return Panda3dVisualizer if multiprocessing.current_process().daemon: raise RuntimeError( "Please use backend 'panda3d-sync' in daemon thread.") if backend_name == "panda3d": if interactive_mode() >= 2: raise ImportError( "Synchronous 'panda3d' backend is disabled in interactive " "mode. Consider using asynchronous 'panda3d-sync' instead.") return Panda3dVisualizer if backend_name == "panda3d-qt": try: from .panda3d.panda3d_widget import Panda3dQWidget # noqa: F401 return Panda3dVisualizer except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "'panda3d-qt' backend is not available. Please install either " "'pyqt5' or 'pyside6'.") from e if backend_name == "meshcat": try: from PIL import Image # noqa: F401 from .meshcat.wrapper import MeshcatWrapper # noqa: F401 from .meshcat.meshcat_visualizer import MeshcatVisualizer return MeshcatVisualizer except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "'meshcat' backend is not available. Please install " "'jiminy[meshcat]'.") from e raise ValueError(f"Unknown backend '{backend_name}'.") if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): def sleep(dt: float) -> None: """Function to provide cross-platform time sleep with maximum accuracy. .. note:: It returns immediately instead of raising an exception if the input time is negative. .. note:: Wrapper around the standard method 'time.sleep' which provides high-precision cross-platform sleep method since Python>=3.11. :param dt: Sleep duration in seconds. """ # Early return if already too late if dt < 0.0: return time.sleep(dt) else: # Timer jitter estimate TIMER_JITTER = 1e-2 if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 1e-3
[docs] def sleep(dt: float) -> None: """Function to provide cross-platform time sleep with maximum accuracy. .. warning:: Use this method with cautious since it relies on busy looping principle instead of system scheduler. As a result, it wastes a lot more resources than time.sleep. However, it is the only way to ensure accurate delay on Python<3.11 :param dt: Sleep duration in seconds. """ # Combine busy loop and timer to release the GIL periodically t_end = time.perf_counter() + dt while time.perf_counter() < t_end: if t_end - time.perf_counter() > TIMER_JITTER: time.sleep(1e-3)
def get_color_code( color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple4FType]]) -> Optional[Tuple4FType]: """Sanitize color codes. All it does is converting color codes that has been specified through pre-defined names into their corresponding 4-tuple (R, G, B, A), where each component is a floating-point scalar normalized in range [0.0, 1.0]. """ if isinstance(color, str): try: return COLORS[color] except KeyError as e: colors_str = ', '.join(f"'{e}'" for e in COLORS.keys()) raise ValueError( f"Color '{color}' not available. Use a custom (R,G,B,A) " f"code, or a predefined named color ({colors_str}).") from e return color def _must_be_open(fun: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: @wraps(fun) def fun_safe(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: self: Union[Viewer, Type[Viewer]] = Viewer if args and isinstance(args[0], Viewer): self = args[0] self = kwargs.get('self', self) if not self.is_open(): raise RuntimeError( "No backend available. Please start one before calling " f"'{fun.__name__}'.") return fun(*args, **kwargs) return fun_safe def _with_lock(fun: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: @wraps(fun) def fun_safe(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: self: Union[Viewer, Type[Viewer]] = Viewer if args and isinstance(args[0], Viewer): self = args[0] self = kwargs.get('self', self) with self._lock: return fun(*args, **kwargs) return fun_safe def _is_async(fun: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: @wraps(fun) def fun_safe(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if Viewer.backend == 'panda3d': assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None with Viewer._backend_obj.gui.async_mode(): return fun(*args, **kwargs) return fun(*args, **kwargs) return fun_safe class _ProcessWrapper: """Wrap `multiprocessing.Process`, `subprocess.Popen`, and `psutil.Process` and `Panda3dApp` in the same object to provide unified API. """ def __init__(self, proc: Union[ ProcessMP, subprocess.Popen, Process, Panda3dApp]): self._proc = proc def __del__(self) -> None: """Automatically kill process at garbage collection. """ self.kill() def is_parent(self) -> bool: """Whether the wrapped process is a child of the main python process. """ return not isinstance(self._proc, Process) def is_alive(self) -> bool: """Whether the wrapped process is running or idle, but not terminated nor a zombie yet. """ if isinstance(self._proc, ProcessMP): return self._proc.is_alive() if isinstance(self._proc, subprocess.Popen): return self._proc.poll() is None if isinstance(self._proc, Process): import psutil # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel try: return self._proc.status() in ( psutil.STATUS_RUNNING, psutil.STATUS_SLEEPING) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return False # if isinstance(self._proc, Panda3dApp): return hasattr(self._proc, 'win') def wait(self, timeout: float) -> None: """Wait until the wrapped process finish what its current task or timeout is reached. """ if isinstance(self._proc, ProcessMP): self._proc.join(timeout) if isinstance(self._proc, (subprocess.Popen, Process)): self._proc.wait(timeout) if isinstance(self._proc, Panda3dApp): self._proc.step() def kill(self) -> None: """If wrapped process if it is a child of the main python process and it is still alive that the time being. """ if self.is_parent() and self.is_alive(): if isinstance(self._proc, Panda3dApp): self._proc.destroy() else: # Try to terminate cleanly self._proc.terminate() try: self.wait(timeout=1.0) except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired, multiprocessing.TimeoutError): pass # Force kill if necessary and reap the zombies import psutil # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel try: # Assert(s) for type checker assert is not None Process( os.waitpid(, 0) os.waitpid(os.getpid(), 0) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, ChildProcessError, PermissionError): pass multiprocessing.active_children() CameraPoseType = Tuple[ Optional[Tuple3FType], Optional[Tuple3FType], Optional[Union[int, str]]] class CameraMotionBreakpointType(TypedDict, total=True): """Basic data structure storing all the information needed to describe a camera motion breakpoint, ie the expected pose of the camera at a given point in time. """ t: float """Time at which the camera is expected to have in a specific pose. """ pose: Tuple[Tuple3FType, Tuple3FType] """Exacted absolute pose of the camera, as a tuple position (X, Y, Z), rotation (Roll, Pitch, Yaw). """ CameraMotionType = Sequence[CameraMotionBreakpointType] Matrix3FType = np.ndarray # No easy way to specified fixed-size 2-dim array RotationType = Union[Tuple4FType, Matrix3FType] FramePoseType = Tuple[Tuple3FType, RotationType] class MarkerDataType(TypedDict, total=True): """Pose of the marker, as a single vector (position [X, Y, Z] + rotation [Quat X, Quat Y, Quat Z, Quat W]). """ pose: Union[np.ndarray, Callable[[], np.ndarray]] """Size of the marker. Each principal axis of the geometry are scaled separately. """ scale: Union[Tuple3FType, Callable[[], Tuple3FType]] """Color of the marker, as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. """ color: Optional[Union[Tuple4FType, Callable[[], Tuple4FType]]]
[docs] class Viewer: """Backend-agnostic 3D viewer. This class can be used to render the state of a robot, including sensor data and external forces if any. It is mainly used to render the current simulation state or replay multiple complete trajectories as-posteriori. .. note:: The environment variable 'JIMINY_INTERACTIVE_DISABLE' can be used to force disabling interactive display. .. note:: The environment variable 'JIMINY_VIEWER_DEFAULT_BACKEND' can be used to overwrite the default backend. """ backend: Optional[str] = None window_name = 'jiminy' _has_gui = False _backend_obj: Optional[Union[Panda3dApp, Panda3dViewer, "Panda3dQWidget", # noqa: F821 "MeshcatWrapper"]] = None # noqa: F821 _backend_proc: Optional[_ProcessWrapper] = None _backend_robot_names: Set[str] = set() _backend_robot_colors: Dict[str, Optional[Tuple4FType]] = {} _camera_motion: Optional[ Callable[[float], Tuple[Tuple3FType, Tuple3FType]]] = None _camera_travelling: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None _camera_xyzrpy: Tuple[Tuple3FType, Tuple3FType] = DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_ABS _lock = RLock() # Unique lock for every viewer in same thread by default def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=unused-argument robot: jiminy.Model, use_theoretical_model: bool = False, robot_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple4FType]] = None, lock: Optional[RLock] = None, backend: Optional[str] = None, open_gui_if_parent: Optional[bool] = None, delete_robot_on_close: bool = False, robot_name: Optional[str] = None, scene_name: str = 'world', display_com: bool = False, display_dcm: bool = False, display_contact_frames: bool = False, display_contact_forces: bool = False, display_f_external: Optional[ Union[Sequence[bool], bool]] = None, **kwargs: Any): """ :param robot: Jiminy.Model to display. :param use_theoretical_model: Whether to use the theoretical rigid or extended simulation model of this robot. Note that using the extended model if possible is more efficient since update of the frames placements can be skipped as it is already synchronized with the simulation state. Optional: Actual model by default. :param robot_color: Color of the robot. It will override the original color of the meshes if not `None`. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Disabled by default. :param lock: Custom threading.RLock for parallel rendering. `None` to use the unique lock associated with the current thread. Optional: `None` by default. :param backend: Name of the rendering backend to use. It can be either 'panda3d', 'panda3d-qt', 'meshcat'. None to keep using to one already running if any, or the default one otherwise. Note that the default is hardware and environment dependent. See `viewer.default_backend` method for details. Optional: `None` by default. :param open_gui_if_parent: Open GUI if new viewer's backend server is started. `None` to fallback to default. Optional: Do not open gui for 'meshcat' backend in interactive mode with already one display cell already opened, open gui by default in any other case if graphical server is available. :param delete_robot_on_close: Enable automatic deletion of the robot when closing. Optional: False by default. :param robot_name: Unique robot name, to identify each robot. Optional: Randomly generated identifier by default. :param scene_name: Scene name. Optional: 'world' by default. :param display_com: Whether to display the center of mass. Optional: Disabled by default. :param display_dcm: Whether to display the capture point / DCM. Optional: Disabled by default. :param display_contact_frames: Whether to display the contact frames. Optional: Disabled by default. :param display_contact_forces: Whether to display the contact forces. Note that the user is responsible for updating sensors data since `Viewer.display` is only computing kinematic quantities. Optional: Disabled by default. :param display_f_external: Whether to display the external external forces applied at the joints on the robot. If a boolean is provided, the same visibility will be set for each joint, alternatively one can provide a boolean list whose ordering is consistent with `pinocchio_model.names`. Note that the user is responsible for updating the force buffer `viewer.f_external` data since `Viewer.display` is only computing kinematic quantities. Optional: Root joint for robot with freeflyer by default. :param kwargs: Unused extra keyword arguments to enable forwarding. """ # Define some attribute to avoid raising exception at exit self.robot_name = "_".join(( "undefined", next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()))) self.__is_open = False # Make sure the robot is properly initialized assert robot.is_initialized, ( "Robot not initialized. Impossible to instantiate a viewer.") # Handling of default arguments if robot_name is None: uniq_id = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) base_name = ( or or "robot" ).replace("-", "_") robot_name = "_".join((base_name, uniq_id)) # Pick the default backend if unspecified and none is already selected if backend is None: if Viewer.backend is not None: backend = Viewer.backend else: backend = get_default_backend() # Make sure that the windows, scene and robot names are valid if scene_name == Viewer.window_name: raise ValueError( "The name of the scene and window must be different.") if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$', scene_name + robot_name): raise RuntimeError( "Scene and robot names restricted to case-insensitive ASCII " "alphanumeric characters plus underscore.") # Robot names must be unique, then backup the desired one if robot_name in Viewer._backend_robot_names: raise ValueError( "Robot name already exists but must be unique. Please choose " "a different one, or close the associated viewer.") # Enforce some arguments based on available features if not backend.startswith('panda3d'): if display_com or display_dcm or display_contact_frames or \ display_contact_forces: LOGGER.warning( "Panda3d backend is required to display markers, e.g. " "CoM, DCM or Contact.") display_com = False display_dcm = False display_contact_frames = False display_contact_forces = False # Backup some user arguments self.robot_color = get_color_code(robot_color) self.robot_name = robot_name self.scene_name = scene_name self.use_theoretical_model = use_theoretical_model self.delete_robot_on_close = delete_robot_on_close self._lock = lock or Viewer._lock self._display_com = display_com self._display_dcm = display_dcm self._display_contact_frames = display_contact_frames self._display_contact_forces = display_contact_forces self._display_f_external = display_f_external self._client = None self.__is_open = False # Initialize marker register self.markers: Dict[str, MarkerDataType] = {} self._markers_group = '/'.join(( self.scene_name, self.robot_name, "markers")) self._markers_visibility: Dict[str, bool] = {} # Initialize external forces if self.use_theoretical_model: njoints = robot.pinocchio_model_th.njoints else: njoints = robot.pinocchio_model.njoints self.f_external = pin.StdVec_Force() self.f_external.extend([pin.Force.Zero() for _ in range(njoints - 1)]) # Create a unique temporary directory, specific to this viewer instance self._tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="_".join((Viewer.window_name, scene_name, robot_name, ""))) # Access the current backend or create one if none is available self.is_backend_parent = not Viewer.is_alive() try: # Start viewer backend Viewer.connect_backend(backend) # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Decide whether to open gui if open_gui_if_parent is None: if not is_display_available(): open_gui_if_parent = False elif backend == 'meshcat': # Opening a new display cell automatically if there is # no other display cell already opened. open_gui_if_parent = interactive_mode() >= 2 and ( Viewer._backend_obj is None or not Viewer._backend_obj.comm_manager.n_comm) elif backend == 'panda3d': open_gui_if_parent = interactive_mode() < 2 else: open_gui_if_parent = False # Keep track of the backend process associated to the viewer. # The destructor of this instance must adapt its behavior to the # case where the backend process has changed in the meantime. self._gui = Viewer._backend_obj.gui self._backend_proc = Viewer._backend_proc self.__is_open = True # Open gui if requested try: if open_gui_if_parent: Viewer.open_gui() except RuntimeError as e: # Convert exception into warning if it fails. It is probably # because no display is available. traceback = TracebackException.from_exception(e) LOGGER.warning(''.join(traceback.format())) except Exception as e: self.close() raise RuntimeError( "Impossible to create backend or connect to it.") from e # Load the robot Viewer._backend_robot_names.add(robot_name) Viewer._backend_robot_colors[robot_name] = None self._setup(robot, self.robot_color) # Set default camera pose if self.is_backend_parent: self.set_camera_transform() # Refresh the viewer since the positions of the meshes and their # visibility mode are not properly set at this point. self.refresh( force_update_visual=True, force_update_collision=True, wait=True) def __del__(self) -> None: """Automatically close the viewer at garbage collection. """ self.close() @_with_lock @_must_be_open def _setup(self, robot: jiminy.Model, robot_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple4FType]] = None) -> None: """Load (or reload) robot in viewer. .. note:: This method must be called after calling `engine.reset` since at this point the viewer has dangling references to the collision model and data of robot. Indeed, a new robot is generated at each reset to add some stochasticity to the mass distribution and some other parameters. This is done automatically if one is using `simulator.Simulator` instead of `jiminy_py.core.Engine` directly. :param robot: jiminy.Model to display. :param robot_color: Color of the robot. It will override the original color of the meshes if not `None`. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Disabled by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Delete existing robot, if any assert self.robot_name in Viewer._backend_robot_names robot_node_path = '/'.join((self.scene_name, self.robot_name)) Viewer._delete_nodes_viewer([ '/'.join((robot_node_path, "visuals")), '/'.join((robot_node_path, "collisions"))]) # Backup desired color assert self.robot_name in Viewer._backend_robot_colors.keys() self.robot_color = get_color_code(robot_color) Viewer._backend_robot_colors[self.robot_name] = self.robot_color # Create backend wrapper to get (almost) backend-independent API. backend_type = get_backend_type(Viewer.backend) if self.use_theoretical_model: self._client = backend_type(robot.pinocchio_model_th, robot.collision_model_th, robot.visual_model_th) else: # The viewer is sharing memory with the engine. It avoids having to # keep track of the current state of the system and to update the # internal state for the viewer accordingly every time it changes. # It spares computational resources by avoiding computing twice the # same quantities and it enables to display quantities that cannot # be recovered from the current state only, eg the contact forces. self._client = backend_type(robot.pinocchio_model, robot.collision_model, robot.visual_model) = robot.pinocchio_data self._client.visual_data = robot.visual_data self._client.collision_data = robot.collision_data # Reset external force buffer iif it is necessary njoints = self._client.model.njoints if len(self.f_external) != njoints - 1: self.f_external = pin.StdVec_Force() self.f_external.extend([ pin.Force.Zero() for _ in range(njoints - 1)]) # Initialize the viewer self._client.initViewer(viewer=self._gui, loadModel=False) # Create the scene and load robot self._client.loadViewerModel( root_node_name=robot_node_path, color=self.robot_color) if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): # Add markers' display groups self._gui.append_group(self._markers_group, remove_if_exists=False) # Extract data for fast access com_position =[0] com_velocity =[0] gravity = self._client.model.gravity.linear dcm = np.zeros(3) # Add center of mass def get_com_scale() -> Tuple3FType: nonlocal com_position return (1.0, 1.0, com_position[2]) self.add_marker(name="COM_0_sphere", shape="sphere", pose=[com_position, None], remove_if_exists=True, auto_refresh=False, radius=0.03) self.add_marker(name="COM_0_cylinder", shape="cylinder", pose=[com_position, None], scale=get_com_scale, remove_if_exists=True, auto_refresh=False, radius=0.004, length=-1.0, anchor_bottom=True) self.display_center_of_mass(self._display_com) # Add DCM marker def get_dcm_pose() -> FramePoseType: nonlocal com_position, com_velocity, gravity, dcm if com_position[2] > 0.0: omega = math.sqrt(abs(gravity[2]) / com_position[2]) dcm[:2] = com_position[:2] + com_velocity[:2] / omega return (dcm, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) def get_dcm_scale() -> Tuple3FType: nonlocal com_position return np.full((3,), com_position[2] > 0.0, dtype=np.float64) self.add_marker(name="DCM", shape="cone", color="green", pose=get_dcm_pose, scale=get_dcm_scale, remove_if_exists=True, auto_refresh=False, radius=0.03, length=0.03, num_sides=4) self.display_capture_point(self._display_dcm) # Add contact frame markers for frame_name, frame_index in zip( robot.contact_frame_names, robot.contact_frame_indices): frame_pose =[frame_index] self.add_marker(name='_'.join(("ContactFrame", frame_name)), shape="sphere", color="yellow", pose=[frame_pose.translation, None], remove_if_exists=True, auto_refresh=False, radius=0.006) self.display_contact_frames(self._display_contact_frames) # Add contact sensor markers def get_contact_scale(sensor_data: np.ndarray) -> Tuple3FType: f_z_rel = sensor_data[2] / CONTACT_FORCE_SCALE return (1.0, 1.0, min(max(f_z_rel, -1.0), 1.0)) for sensor in robot.sensors.get(ContactSensor.type, []): frame_index, data = sensor.frame_index, self.add_marker(name='_'.join((sensor.type,, shape="cylinder",[frame_index], scale=partial(get_contact_scale, data), remove_if_exists=True, auto_refresh=False, radius=0.02, length=0.5, anchor_bottom=True) self.display_contact_forces(self._display_contact_forces) # Add external forces def get_force_pose(joint_index: int, joint_position: np.ndarray, joint_rotation: np.ndarray ) -> FramePoseType: f = self.f_external[joint_index - 1].linear f_rotation_local = pin.Quaternion(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), f) f_rotation_world = ( pin.Quaternion(joint_rotation) * f_rotation_local) return (joint_position, f_rotation_world.coeffs()) def get_force_scale(joint_index: int ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: f_ext: np.ndarray = self.f_external[joint_index - 1].linear f_ext_norm = cast(float, np.linalg.norm(f_ext, 2)) length = min(f_ext_norm / EXTERNAL_FORCE_SCALE, 1.0) return (1.0, 1.0, length) for joint_name in self._client.model.names[1:]: joint_index = self._client.model.getJointId(joint_name) joint_pose =[joint_index] pose_fn = partial(get_force_pose, joint_index, joint_pose.translation, joint_pose.rotation) self.add_marker(name=f"ForceExternal_{joint_name}", shape="arrow", color="red", pose=pose_fn, scale=partial(get_force_scale, joint_index), remove_if_exists=True, auto_refresh=False, anchor_top=True, radius=0.015, length=0.7) # Check if external forces visibility is deprecated if isinstance(self._display_f_external, (list, tuple)): if len(self._display_f_external) != njoints - 1: self._display_f_external = None # Display external forces only on freeflyer by default if self._display_f_external is None: self._display_f_external = \ [robot.has_freeflyer] + [False] * (njoints - 2) self.display_external_forces(self._display_f_external)
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def open_gui() -> None: """Open a new viewer graphical interface. It is only possible if a backend is already running. .. note:: Only one graphical interface can be opened locally for efficiency. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # If a graphical window is already open, do nothing if Viewer.has_gui(): return # Check if a display is available if not is_display_available(): raise RuntimeError( "No display available. Impossible to open a gui.") if Viewer.backend in ('panda3d-qt', 'panda3d-sync'): # No instance is considered manager of the unique window raise RuntimeError( f"Impossible to open gui with '{Viewer.backend}' backend.") if Viewer.backend == 'panda3d': Viewer._backend_obj.gui.open_window() elif Viewer.backend == 'meshcat': viewer_url = Viewer._backend_obj.gui.url() if interactive_mode() >= 2: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,no-name-in-module from IPython.core.display import HTML, display # Scrap the viewer html content, including javascript # dependencies with urlopen(viewer_url) as response: html_content = pattern = '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>' scripts_js = re.findall(pattern % '(.*)', html_content) for file in scripts_js: file_path = os.path.join(viewer_url, file) with urlopen(file_path) as response: js_content = html_content = html_content.replace(pattern % file, f""" <script type="text/javascript"> {js_content} </script>""") # Provide websocket URL as fallback if needed. It would be # the case if the environment is not jupyter-notebook nor # colab but rather jupyterlab or vscode for instance. from IPython import get_ipython kernel = get_ipython() if interactive_mode() == 3: kernel_config_app = kernel.config['ColabKernelApp'] else: kernel_config_app = kernel.config['IPKernelApp'] conn_file = kernel_config_app['connection_file'] try: kernel_id = conn_file.split('-', 1)[1].split('.')[0] except AttributeError: kernel_id = None if kernel_id is not None: parent_proc = Process(os.getpid()).parent() assert parent_proc is not None parent_pid = server_list = [] try: from notebook import notebookapp server_list += list(notebookapp.list_running_servers()) except ImportError: # `notebook>=7.0` has removed this submodule entirely pass try: from jupyter_server import serverapp server_list += list(serverapp.list_running_servers()) except ImportError: pass for server_cfg in server_list: if server_cfg['pid'] != parent_pid: continue ws_url = ( f"ws{server_cfg['url'][4:]}api/kernels/{kernel_id}" f"/channels?token={server_cfg['token']}") html_content = html_content.replace( "var ws_url = undefined;", f'var ws_url = "{ws_url}";') break if interactive_mode() == 2: # Isolate HTML in iframe html_content = html_content.replace( "\"", "&quot;").replace("'", "&apos;") display(HTML(f""" <div class="resizable" style=" height: 400px; width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; resize: both"> <iframe srcdoc="{html_content}" style=" width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;"> </iframe> </div> """)) else: # Impossible to isolate HTML to get access to google colab html_content = html_content.replace( '<div id="meshcat-pane">', """ <div id="meshcat-pane" class="resizable" style=" height: 400px; width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; resize: both"> """) # Make meshcat dom element unique to avoid conflict if # multiple view are displayed. html_content = html_content.replace( "meshcat-pane", str(uuid.uuid1())) # Display the content directly inside the main window display(HTML(html_content)) elif not Viewer.has_gui(): try: webbrowser.get(), new=2, autoraise=True) except webbrowser.Error: # Fail if not browser is available LOGGER.warning( "No browser available for display. Please install one " "manually.") return # Skip waiting since there is nothing to wait for # Wait to finish loading Viewer.wait(require_client=True) # There is at least one graphical window at this point Viewer._has_gui = True
[docs] @staticmethod def has_gui() -> bool: """Whether the viewer has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), ie the viewer is connected to a given backend that is running up to now, and onscreen rendering has been specifically requested. """ if Viewer.is_alive(): # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Make sure the viewer still has gui if necessary if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat': ack = Viewer._backend_obj.wait(require_client=False) Viewer._has_gui = any(msg for msg in ack.split(",")) return Viewer._has_gui return False
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def wait(require_client: bool = False) -> None: """Wait for all the meshes to finish loading in every clients. :param require_client: Wait for at least one client to be available before checking for mesh loading. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat': Viewer._backend_obj.wait(require_client) elif Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): Viewer._backend_obj.gui.step()
[docs] @staticmethod def is_alive() -> bool: """Check if the backend server is running and responding to queries. """ return Viewer._backend_proc is not None and \ Viewer._backend_proc.is_alive()
[docs] def is_open(self: Optional["Viewer"] = None) -> bool: """Check if a given viewer instance is open, or if the backend server is running if no instance is specified. """ is_open_ = Viewer.is_alive() if self is not None: is_open_ = is_open_ and self.__is_open return is_open_
[docs] @_with_lock def close(self: Optional["Viewer"] = None) -> None: """Close a given viewer instance, or all of them if no instance is specified. .. note:: Calling this method with an viewer instance always closes the client. It may also remove the robot from the server if the viewer attribute `delete_robot_on_close` is True. Moreover, it is the one having started the backend server, it also terminates it, resulting in closing every viewer somehow. It results in the same outcome than calling this method without specifying any viewer instance. """ # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object if self is None: # NEVER closing backend automatically if closing instances, # even for the parent. It will be closed at Python exit # automatically. One must call `Viewer.close` to do otherwise. Viewer._backend_robot_names.clear() Viewer._backend_robot_colors.clear() Viewer._camera_xyzrpy = DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_ABS Viewer.detach_camera() Viewer.remove_camera_motion() if Viewer.is_alive(): # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None assert Viewer._backend_proc is not None if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat': Viewer._backend_obj.close() elif Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): try: Viewer._backend_obj.stop() except ViewerClosedError: pass Viewer._backend_proc.wait(0.2) Viewer._backend_proc.kill() Viewer.backend = None Viewer._backend_obj = None Viewer._backend_proc = None Viewer._has_gui = False else: # Consider that the robot is not available anymore, no matter what Viewer._backend_robot_names.discard(self.robot_name) Viewer._backend_robot_colors.pop(self.robot_name, None) # Disable travelling if associated with this viewer instance if (Viewer._camera_travelling is not None and Viewer._camera_travelling['viewer'] is self): Viewer.detach_camera() # Check if the backend process has changed or the viewer instance # has already been closed, which may happened if it has been closed # manually in the meantime. If so, there is nothing left to do. if (not self.__is_open or Viewer._backend_proc is not self._backend_proc): return # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Make sure zmq does not hang if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat' and Viewer.is_alive(): Viewer._backend_obj.gui.window.zmq_socket.RCVTIMEO = 200 # Delete robot from scene if requested if (self.delete_robot_on_close and self._client is not None and self.is_open()): # type: ignore[unreachable] try: # type: ignore[unreachable] Viewer._delete_nodes_viewer([ self._client.visual_group, self._client.collision_group, self._markers_group]) except ViewerError: pass # Restore zmq socket timeout, which is disable by default if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat': Viewer._backend_obj.gui.window.zmq_socket.RCVTIMEO = -1 # Delete temporary directory if self._tempdir.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()): try: shutil.rmtree(self._tempdir) except FileNotFoundError: pass # At this point, consider the viewer has been closed no matter what self.__is_open = False
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock def connect_backend(backend: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Get the running process of backend client. This method can be used to open a new process if necessary. :param backend: Name of the rendering backend to use. It can be either 'panda3d', 'panda3d-qt', 'meshcat'. Optional: The default is hardware and environment dependent. See `viewer.default_backend` for details. :returns: Pointer to the running backend Client and its PID. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # Handle default arguments if backend is None: backend = get_default_backend() # Sanitize user arguments and check requested backend is available backend = backend.lower() get_backend_type(backend) # Update the backend currently running, if any if Viewer.backend != backend and Viewer.is_alive(): logging.warning("Different backend already running. Closing it...") Viewer.close() # Nothing to do if already connected if Viewer.is_alive(): return # Reset some class attribute if backend not available Viewer.close() client: Union[Panda3dApp, Panda3dViewer, "Panda3dQWidget", # noqa: F821 "MeshcatWrapper"] # noqa: F821 if backend.startswith('panda3d'): # Instantiate client with onscreen rendering capability enabled. # Note that it fallbacks to software rendering if necessary. try: if backend == 'panda3d-qt': from .panda3d.panda3d_widget import Panda3dQWidget client = Panda3dQWidget() proc = _ProcessWrapper(client) elif backend == 'panda3d-sync': client = Panda3dApp() proc = _ProcessWrapper(client) else: client = Panda3dViewer(window_type='onscreen', window_title=Viewer.window_name) proc = _ProcessWrapper(client._app) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Something went wrong. Impossible to instantiate viewer " "backend.") from e # The gui is the client itself client.gui = client # type: ignore[union-attr] else: # List of connections likely to correspond to Meshcat servers import psutil meshcat_candidate_conn = [] for pid in psutil.pids(): try: proc_info = Process(pid) for conn in proc_info.net_connections("tcp4"): if conn.status != 'LISTEN' or \ conn.laddr.ip != '': continue cmdline = proc_info.cmdline() if cmdline and ('python' in cmdline[0].lower() or 'meshcat' in cmdline[-1]): meshcat_candidate_conn.append(conn) except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess, psutil.NoSuchProcess): pass # Exclude ipython kernel ports from the look up because sending a # message on ipython ports will throw a low-level exception, that # is not blocking on Jupyter, but is on Google Colab. excluded_ports = [] if interactive_mode() >= 2: from IPython import get_ipython try: excluded_ports += list( get_ipython().kernel._recorded_ports.values()) except (NameError, AttributeError): pass # No Ipython kernel running # Use the first port responding to zmq request, if any. # Sorting connections to scan most likely ports first. import zmq zmq_url = None context = zmq.Context.instance() for conn in sorted( meshcat_candidate_conn, key=lambda conn: conn.laddr.port): try: # Note that the timeout must be long enough to give enough # time to the server to respond, but not to long to avoid # sending to much time spanning the available connections. port = conn.laddr.port if port in excluded_ports: continue zmq_url = f"tcp://{port}" zmq_socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) zmq_socket.RCVTIMEO = 200 # millisecond zmq_socket.connect(zmq_url) zmq_socket.send(b"url") response = zmq_socket.recv().decode("utf-8") if response[:4] != "http": zmq_url = None except (zmq.error.Again, zmq.error.ZMQError): zmq_url = None zmq_socket.close(linger=5) if zmq_url is not None: break # Create a meshcat server if needed and connect to it from .meshcat.wrapper import MeshcatWrapper client = MeshcatWrapper(zmq_url) server_proc: Union[Process, ProcessMP] if client.server_proc is None: server_proc = Process( else: server_proc = client.server_proc proc = _ProcessWrapper(server_proc) # Make sure the backend process is alive assert proc.is_alive(), ( "Something went wrong. Impossible to instantiate viewer backend.") # Update global state Viewer.backend = backend Viewer._backend_obj = client Viewer._backend_proc = proc
@staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def _delete_nodes_viewer(nodes_path: Sequence[str]) -> None: """Delete an object or a group of objects in the scene. .. note:: Be careful, one must specify the full path of a node, including all parent group, but without the window name, ie 'scene_name/robot_name' to delete the robot. :param nodes_path: Full path of the node to delete """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): for node_path in nodes_path: try: Viewer._backend_obj.gui.remove_group(node_path) except KeyError: pass else: for node_path in nodes_path: Viewer._backend_obj.gui[node_path].delete()
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def set_watermark(img_fullpath: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Insert desired watermark on bottom left corner of the window. .. note:: The relative width and height cannot exceed 20% of the visible area, otherwise it will be rescaled. :param img_fullpath: Full path of the image to use as watermark. Meshcat supports format '.png', '.jpeg' or 'svg', while Panda3d only supports '.png' and '.jpeg' for now. None or empty string to disable. Optional: None by default. :param width: Desired width for the image. None to not rescale the image manually. Optional: None by default. :param height: Desired height for the image. None to not rescale the image manually. Optional: None by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_watermark(img_fullpath, width, height) else: width = width or DEFAULT_WATERMARK_MAXSIZE[0] height = height or DEFAULT_WATERMARK_MAXSIZE[1] if img_fullpath is None or img_fullpath == "": Viewer._backend_obj.remove_watermark()
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def set_legend(labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> None: """Insert legend on top left corner of the window. .. note:: Make sure to have specified different colors for each robot on the scene, since it will be used as marker on the legend. :param labels: Sequence of strings whose length must be consistent with the number of robots on the scene. None to disable. Optional: None by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Make sure number of labels is consistent with number of robots if labels is not None and ( len(labels) != len(Viewer._backend_robot_colors)): raise RuntimeError( f"Inconsistency between robots {Viewer._backend_robot_names} " f"({Viewer._backend_robot_colors}) and labels {labels}") # Make sure all robots have a specific color if any(color is None for color in Viewer._backend_robot_colors): raise RuntimeError( "All robot must have a specific color when setting a legend.") if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if labels is None: items = None else: items = list(zip( labels, Viewer._backend_robot_colors.values())) Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_legend(items) else: if labels is None: for robot_name in Viewer._backend_robot_colors.keys(): Viewer._backend_obj.remove_legend_item(robot_name) else: for text, (robot_name, color) in zip( labels, Viewer._backend_robot_colors.items()): if color is not None: rgba = (*[int(e * 255) for e in color[:3]], color[3]) color_text = f"rgba({','.join(map(str, rgba))})" else: color_text = "black" Viewer._backend_obj.set_legend_item( robot_name, color_text, text)
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open @_is_async def set_clock(t: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """Insert clock on bottom right corner of the window. .. note:: Only Panda3d rendering backend is supported by this method. :param t: Current simulation time is seconds. None to disable. Optional: None by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_clock(t) else: LOGGER.warning("Adding clock is only available for Panda3d.")
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def get_camera_transform(camera_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[Tuple3FType, Tuple3FType]: """Get transform of the camera pose. .. warning:: The reference axis is negative z-axis instead of positive x-axis. .. warning:: It returns the previous requested camera transform for meshcat, since it is impossible to get access to this information. Thus this method is valid as long as the user does not move the camera manually using mouse camera control. .. warning:: Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d rendering backend. :param camera_name: Name of the camera to consider. None to specify the "default" world facing camera that is used when GUI (onscreen window) in enabled. Optional: None by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): xyz, quat = Viewer._backend_obj.gui.get_camera_transform() quat /= np.linalg.norm(quat) rot = pin.Quaternion(*quat).matrix() rpy = matrixToRpy(rot @ CAMERA_INV_TRANSFORM_PANDA3D.T) return xyz, rpy # Make sure that no camera name has been specified for meshcat if camera_name is not None: raise ValueError( "Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d.") xpy, rpy = map(tuple, Viewer._camera_xyzrpy) return xpy, rpy
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def set_camera_transform(self: Optional["Viewer"] = None, position: Optional[Tuple3FType] = None, rotation: Optional[Tuple3FType] = None, relative: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, camera_name: Optional[str] = None, wait: bool = False) -> None: """Set transform of the camera pose. .. warning:: The reference axis is negative z-axis instead of positive x-axis, which means that position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], rotation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] moves the camera at the center of scene, looking downward. .. warning:: Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d rendering backend. :param position: Position [X, Y, Z] as a list or 1D array. If `None`, when it will be kept as is. Optional: None by default. :param rotation: Rotation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] as a list or 1D np.array. If `None`, when it will be kept as is. Optional: None by default. :param relative: .. raw:: html How to apply the transform: - **None:** absolute. - **'camera':** relative to current camera pose. - **other:** relative to a robot frame, not accounting for the rotation of the frame during travelling. It supports both frame name and index in model. :param camera_name: Name of the camera to consider. None to specify the "default" world facing camera that is used when GUI (onscreen window) in enabled. Optional: None by default. :param wait: Whether to wait for rendering to finish. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name, possibly-used-before-assignment # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None assert self is None or isinstance(self, Viewer) # Make sure that no camera name has been specified for meshcat if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat' and camera_name is not None: raise ValueError( "Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d.") if self is None and relative is not None and relative != 'camera': raise ValueError( "A viewer instance must be provided to set camera " "relatively to a frame.") # Handling of position and rotation arguments if position is None or rotation is None or relative == 'camera': position_camera, rotation_camera = Viewer.get_camera_transform( camera_name=camera_name) if position is None: if relative is not None: position = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: position = position_camera if rotation is None: if relative == 'camera': rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: rotation = rotation_camera position, rotation = np.asarray(position), np.asarray(rotation) # Compute associated rotation matrix rotation_mat = rpyToMatrix(rotation) # Compute the relative transformation if necessary if relative == 'camera': H_orig = SE3(rpyToMatrix(rotation_camera), position_camera) elif relative is not None: # Assert(s) for type checker assert isinstance(self, Viewer) # Get the body position, not taking into account the rotation if isinstance(relative, str): relative = self._client.model.getFrameId(relative) try: body_transform =[relative] except IndexError as e: raise ValueError( "'relative' set to non-existing frame.") from e H_orig = SE3(np.eye(3), body_transform.translation) # Compute the absolute transformation if relative is not None: H_abs = H_orig * SE3(rotation_mat, position) position = H_abs.translation rotation = matrixToRpy(H_abs.rotation) Viewer.set_camera_transform( None, position, rotation, camera_name=camera_name) return # Perform the desired transformation if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): rotation_panda3d = pin.Quaternion( rotation_mat @ CAMERA_INV_TRANSFORM_PANDA3D).coeffs() Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_camera_transform( position, rotation_panda3d, camera_name) elif Viewer.backend == 'meshcat': # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # Meshcat camera is rotated by -pi/2 along Roll axis wrt the # usual convention in robotics. import meshcat.transformations as mtf position_meshcat = CAMERA_INV_TRANSFORM_MESHCAT @ position rotation_meshcat = matrixToRpy( CAMERA_INV_TRANSFORM_MESHCAT @ rotation_mat) Viewer._backend_obj.gui["/Cameras/default/rotated/<object>"].\ set_transform(mtf.compose_matrix( translate=position_meshcat, angles=rotation_meshcat)) # Backup updated camera pose Viewer._camera_xyzrpy = (position, rotation) # Wait for the backend viewer to finish rendering if requested if wait: Viewer.wait(require_client=False)
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def set_camera_lookat(self, position: Tuple3FType, relative: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, wait: bool = False) -> None: """Set the camera look-at position. .. note:: It preserve the relative camera pose wrt the lookup position. :param position: Position [X, Y, Z] as a list or 1D array :param relative: If specified, set the lookat position relative to provided position, in absolute world otherwise. Both frame name and index in model are supported. :param wait: Whether to wait for rendering to finish. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the backend supports this method if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Compute absolute lookat position using frame and relative position if isinstance(relative, str): relative = self._client.model.getFrameId(relative) if isinstance(relative, int): body_transform =[relative] position = body_transform.translation + position # Update camera lookat position self._gui.set_camera_lookat(position) # Wait for the backend viewer to finish rendering if requested if wait: Viewer.wait(require_client=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def register_camera_motion(camera_motion: CameraMotionType) -> None: """Register camera motion. It will be used later by `replay` to set the absolute or relative camera pose, depending on whether or not travelling is enable. :param camera_motion: Camera breakpoint poses over time, as a list of `CameraMotionBreakpointType` dict. Here is an example:: [{'t': 0.0, 'pose': ([3.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, 0.0, np.pi / 2])}, {'t': 0.3, 'pose': ([4.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 2])}, {'t': 0.6, 'pose': ([8.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2])}, {'t': 1.0, 'pose': ([9.5, 0.0, 1.4], [1.4, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2])}] """ t_camera = np.asarray([ camera_break['t'] for camera_break in camera_motion]) camera_xyzrpy = np.stack([np.concatenate(camera_break['pose']) for camera_break in camera_motion], axis=0) Viewer._camera_motion = ( lambda t: tuple(np.split( # type: ignore[assignment, return-value] interp1d(t_camera, camera_xyzrpy, t), 2)))
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_camera_motion() -> None: """Remove camera motion. """ Viewer._camera_motion = None
[docs] @_must_be_open def attach_camera(self, relative: Union[str, int], position: Optional[Tuple3FType] = None, rotation: Optional[Tuple3FType] = None, lock_relative_pose: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: """Attach the camera to a given robot frame. Only the position of the frame is taken into account. A custom relative orientation of the camera wrt to the frame can be further specified. If so, then the relative camera pose wrt the frame is locked, otherwise the camera is only constrained to look at the frame. :param relative: Name or index of the frame of the robot to follow with the camera. :param position: Relative position [X, Y, Z] of the camera wrt the tracked frame. It is used to initialize the camera pose if relative pose is not locked. `None` to disable. Optional: Disable by default. :param rotation: Relative orientation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] of the camera wrt the tracked frame. It is used to initialize the camera pose if relative pose is not locked. `None` to disable. Optional: Disable by default. :param lock_relative_pose: Whether to lock the relative pose of the camera wrt tracked frame. Optional: False by default iif Panda3d backend is used. """ # Make sure one is not trying to track the camera itself assert relative != 'camera', "Impossible to track the camera itself !" # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the frame exists and it is not the universe itself if isinstance(relative, str): relative = self._client.model.getFrameId(relative) if relative == self._client.model.nframes: raise ValueError("Trying to attach camera to non-existing frame.") assert relative != 0, "Impossible to track the universe !" # Handle of default camera lock mode if lock_relative_pose is None: lock_relative_pose = not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d') # Make sure camera lock mode is compatible with viewer backend if not lock_relative_pose and not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): raise NotImplementedError( "Not locking camera pose is only supported by Panda3d.") # Set default relative camera pose if pose is partially defined if lock_relative_pose or position is not None or rotation is not None: if position is None: position = DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_REL[0] if rotation is None: rotation = DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_REL[1] # Set camera pose if relative pose is not locked but provided if not lock_relative_pose: if position is not None or rotation is not None: self.set_camera_transform(position, rotation, relative) if isinstance(relative, str): relative = self._client.model.getFrameId(relative) position = ( self._gui.get_camera_lookat() -[relative].translation) rotation = None Viewer._camera_travelling = { 'viewer': self, 'frame': relative, 'pose': (position, rotation)}
[docs] @staticmethod def detach_camera() -> None: """Detach the camera. Must be called to undo `attach_camera`, so that it will stop automatically tracking a frame. """ Viewer._camera_travelling = None
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def set_color(self, color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple4FType]] = None ) -> None: """Override the color of the visual and collision geometries of the robot on-the-fly. .. warning:: This method is only supported by Panda3d for now. :param color: Color of the robot. It will override the original color of the meshes if not `None`, and restore them otherwise. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Disabled by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Return early if this method is not supported by the current backend if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): LOGGER.warning("This method is only supported by Panda3d.") return # Sanitize user-specified color code color_ = get_color_code(color) # Update the color of all the geometries of the robot for model, geom_type in zip( (self._client.visual_model, self._client.collision_model), pin.GeometryType.names.values()): for geom in model.geometryObjects: node_name = self._client.getViewerNodeName(geom, geom_type) color = color_ if color is None and geom.overrideMaterial: color = geom.meshColor self._gui.set_material(*node_name, color) # Backup the new color assert self.robot_name in Viewer._backend_robot_colors.keys() self.robot_color = color_ Viewer._backend_robot_colors[self.robot_name] = color_ # Refresh the legend accordingly Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_legend()
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def update_floor(geom: Optional[hppfcl.CollisionGeometry] = None, show_vertices: bool = False) -> None: """Display a custom ground profile as a height map or the original tile ground floor. :param geom: Collision geometry associated with the ground profile. A flat tile ground will be rendered if not specified. Note that symbolic function `jiminy_py.core.HeightmapFunction` can be converted in collision geometry by calling `jiminy_py.core.discretize_heightmap`. Optional: None by default. :param show_vertices: Whether to highlight the mesh vertices. Optional: disabled by default. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Render original flat tile ground if possible. # TODO: Improve this check using LocalAABB box geometry instead. if isinstance(geom, hppfcl.Halfspace): if abs(geom.d) > 1e-6: raise RuntimeError( "Rendering flat ground with non-zero height not supported") geom = None # Render ground geometry if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): obj = None if geom is not None: obj = convert_bvh_collision_geometry_to_primitive(geom) Viewer._backend_obj.gui.update_floor(obj, show_vertices) else: from .meshcat.meshcat_visualizer import ( update_floor as meshcat_update_floor) meshcat_update_floor(Viewer._backend_obj.gui, geom)
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def add_camera(camera_name: str, width: int, height: int, is_depthmap: bool) -> None: """Add a RGB or depth camera to the scene. Manually added cameras are mainly useful for simulating exteroceptive sensors. The user is responsible for managing them, i.e. to set their respective poses in world, to get screenshot from them, and to remove them when no longer relevant. .. warning:: This method is only supported by Panda3d for now. :param camera_name: Name of the camera to be added. :param width: Width ofthe image captured by the camera in pixels. :param height: Height of the image captured by the camera in pixels. :param is_depthmap: Whether the camera output gathers 3 8-bits integers RGB channels or 1 32-bits floats depth channel. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Make sure the backend supports this method if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Add camera Viewer._backend_obj.gui.add_camera( camera_name, is_depthmap, (width, height))
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def capture_frame(width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, camera_name: Optional[str] = None, raw_data: bool = False) -> Union[np.ndarray, bytes]: """Take a snapshot and return associated data. .. warning:: Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d rendering backend, while raw data mode is only supported by Meshcat. :param width: Width for the image in pixels. None to keep unchanged. Optional: Kept unchanged by default. :param height: Height for the image in pixels. None to keep unchanged. Optional: Kept unchanged by default. :param camera_name: Name of the camera to consider. None to specify the "default" world facing camera that is used when GUI (onscreen window) in enabled. Optional: None by default. :param raw_data: Whether to return a 2D numpy array, or the raw output from the backend as bytes array. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None # Check user arguments if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if camera_name is None: # Resize window if size has changed _width, _height = Viewer._backend_obj.gui.getSize() if width is None: width = _width if height is None: height = _height if _width != width or _height != height: Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_window_size(width, height) elif width is not None or height is not None: raise ValueError( "Specifying both camera name and image width and/or " "height is not supported.") # Get screenshot image = Viewer._backend_obj.gui.get_screenshot(camera_name) if image is None: raise RuntimeError( "Impossible to capture frame. There is something wrong " "with the graphics stack on this machine.") return image # Make sure that no camera name has been specified for meshcat if camera_name is not None: raise ValueError( "Specifying a camera name is only supported by Panda3d.") # Send capture frame request to the background recorder process img_html = Viewer._backend_obj.capture_frame(width, height) # Parse the output to remove the html header, and convert it into # the desired output format. img_data = str.encode(img_html.split(",", 1)[-1]) buffer = base64.decodebytes(img_data) # Return raw data if requested if raw_data: return buffer # Extract numpy array RGBA from PIL import Image # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel with as img_obj: rgba_array = np.array(img_obj) # Return numpy array RGB return rgba_array[:, :, :-1]
[docs] @staticmethod @_with_lock @_must_be_open def save_frame(image_path: str, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Save a snapshot in png format. :param image_path: Fullpath of the image (.png extension is mandatory) :param width: Width for the image in pixels. None to keep unchanged. Optional: Kept unchanged by default. :param height: Height for the image in pixels. None to keep unchanged. Optional: Kept unchanged by default. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert Viewer._backend_obj is not None image_path = str(pathlib.Path(image_path).with_suffix('.png')) if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): _width, _height = Viewer._backend_obj.gui.getSize() if width is None: width = _width if height is None: height = _height if _width != width or _height != height: Viewer._backend_obj.gui.set_window_size(width, height) Viewer._backend_obj.gui.save_screenshot(image_path) else: img_data = Viewer.capture_frame(width, height, raw_data=True) with open(image_path, "wb") as f: f.write(img_data)
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_visuals(self, visibility: bool) -> None: """Set the visibility of the visual model of the robot. :param visibility: Whether to enable or disable display of the visual model. """ self._client.displayVisuals(visibility) self.refresh()
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_collisions(self, visibility: bool) -> None: """Set the visibility of the collision model of the robot. :param visibility: Whether to enable or disable display of the visual model. """ self._client.displayCollisions(visibility) self.refresh()
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def add_marker( self, name: str, shape: ShapeType, pose: Union[pin.SE3, Tuple[Optional[Tuple3FType], Optional[RotationType]], Callable[[], FramePoseType]] = (None, None), scale: Union[float, Tuple3FType, Callable[[], Tuple3FType]] = 1.0, color: Union[Optional[Union[str, Tuple4FType]], Callable[[], Tuple4FType]] = None, always_foreground: bool = True, remove_if_exists: bool = False, auto_refresh: bool = True, **shape_kwargs: Any) -> MarkerDataType: """Add marker on the scene. .. warning:: This method is only supported by Panda3d. :param name: Unique name. It must be a valid string identifier. :param shape: Desired shape, as a string, i.e. 'cone', 'box', 'sphere', 'capsule', 'cylinder', 'frame', or 'arrow'. :param pose: Pose of the geometry on the scene, as a transform object `pin.SE3`, or a tuple (position, orientation). In the latter case, the position must be the vector [X, Y, Z], while the orientation can be either a rotation matrix, or a quaternion [X, Y, Z, W]. `None` can be used to specify neutral frame position and/or orientation. Optional: Neutral position and orientation by default. :param scale: Size of the marker. Each principal axis of the geometry are scaled separately. :param color: Color of the marker. It supports both RGBA codes as a list of 4 floating-point values ranging from 0.0 and 1.0, and a few named colors. Optional: Robot's color by default if overridden, 'white' otherwise, except for 'frame'. :param always_foreground: Whether to force rendering the marker on foreground. Optional: True by default. :param auto_refresh: Whether to refresh the scene after adding the marker. Useful for adding a bunch of markers and only refresh once. Note that the marker will not display properly until then. :param shape_kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments to forward to `jiminy_py.viewer.panda3d.panda3d_visualizer.` `Panda3dApp.append_{shape}` for shape instantiation. :returns: Dict of type `MarkerDataType`, storing references to the current pose, scale, and color of the marker, and itself a reference to `viewer.markers[name]`. Any modification of it will take effect at next `refresh` call. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the backend supports this method if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Handling of user arguments if pose is None: pose = [None, None] if isinstance(pose, pin.SE3): pose = [pose.translation, pose.rotation] if not callable(pose) and any(value is None for value in pose): pose = list(pose) if pose[0] is None: pose[0] = np.zeros(3) if pose[1] is None: pose[1] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) if isinstance(scale, (float, int)): scale = np.full((3,), fill_value=scale, dtype=float) if color is None: color = self.robot_color if color is None and shape != 'frame': color = 'white' if color is not None and not callable(color): color = np.asarray(get_color_code(color)) # Remove marker is one already exists and requested if name in self.markers.keys(): if not remove_if_exists: raise ValueError(f"marker's name '{name}' already exists.") self.remove_marker(name) # Assert(s) for type checker assert not isinstance(scale, float) # Add new marker create_shape = getattr(self._gui, f"append_{shape}") create_shape(self._markers_group, name, **shape_kwargs) marker_data: MarkerDataType = { "pose": pose, "scale": scale, "color": color} self.markers[name] = marker_data self._markers_visibility[name] = True # Make sure the marker always display in front of the model self._gui.show_node( self._markers_group, name, True, always_foreground=always_foreground) # Refresh the scene if desired if auto_refresh: self.refresh() return marker_data
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_center_of_mass(self, visibility: bool) -> None: """Display the position of the center of mass as a sphere. .. note:: It corresponds to the attribute `com[0]` of the provided `robot.pinocchio_model`. Calling `Viewer.display` will update it automatically, while `Viewer.refresh` will not. :param visibility: Whether to enable or disable display of the center of mass. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the current backend is supported by this method. if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if visibility: raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Return early if not supported but not requested either. return for name in self.markers: if name.startswith("COM_0"): self._gui.show_node(self._markers_group, name, visibility) self._markers_visibility[name] = visibility self._display_com = visibility
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_capture_point(self, visibility: bool) -> None: """Display the position of the capture point,also called divergent component of motion (DCM) as a sphere. .. note:: Calling `Viewer.display` will update it automatically, while `Viewer.refresh` will not. :param visibility: Whether to enable or disable display of the capture point. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the current backend is supported by this method. if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if visibility: raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Return early if not supported but not requested either. return # Update visibility for name in self.markers: if name == "DCM": self._gui.show_node(self._markers_group, name, visibility) self._markers_visibility[name] = visibility self._display_dcm = visibility # Must refresh the scene if visibility: self.refresh()
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_contact_frames(self, visibility: bool) -> None: """Display the contact frames of the robot as spheres. .. note:: The frames to display are specified by the attribute `contact_frame_names` of the provided `robot`. Calling `Viewer.display` will update it automatically, while `Viewer.refresh` will not. .. warning:: This method is only supported by Panda3d. :param visibility: Whether to display the contact frames. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the current backend is supported by this method. if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if visibility: raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Return early if not supported but not requested either. return # Update visibility for name in self.markers: if name.startswith("ContactFrame"): self._gui.show_node(self._markers_group, name, visibility) self._markers_visibility[name] = visibility self._display_contact_frames = visibility # Must refresh the scene if visibility: self.refresh()
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_contact_forces(self, visibility: bool) -> None: """Display forces associated with the contact sensors attached to the robot, as cylinders of variable length depending of Fz. .. note:: Fz can be signed. It will affect the orientation of the capsule. .. warning:: It corresponds to the attribute `data` of `jiminy.ContactSensor`. Calling `Viewer.display` will NOT update its value automatically. It is up to the user to keep it up-to-date. .. warning:: This method is only supported by Panda3d. :param visibility: Whether to display the contact forces. """ # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Make sure the current backend is supported by this method. if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if visibility: raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Return early if not supported but not requested either. return # Update visibility for name in self.markers: if name.startswith(ContactSensor.type): self._gui.show_node(self._markers_group, name, visibility) self._markers_visibility[name] = visibility self._display_contact_forces = visibility # Must refresh the scene if visibility: self.refresh()
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def display_external_forces(self, visibility: Union[Sequence[bool], bool] ) -> None: """Display external forces applied on the joints the robot, as arrows of variable length depending of magnitude of the force. .. warning:: It only display the linear component of the force, while ignoring the angular part for now. .. warning:: It corresponds to the attribute `viewer.f_external`. Calling `Viewer.display` will NOT update its value automatically. It is up to the user to keep it up-to-date. .. warning:: This method is only supported by Panda3d. :param visibility: Whether to display the external force applied at each joint selectively. If a boolean is provided, the same visibility will be set for each joint, alternatively, one can provide a boolean list whose ordering is consistent with pinocchio model (i.e. `pinocchio_model.names`). """ # Convert boolean visiblity to mask if necessary if isinstance(visibility, bool): visibility = (self._client.model.njoints - 1) * (visibility,) # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None assert not isinstance(visibility, bool) # Make sure the current backend is supported by this method. if not Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): if any(visibility): raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported by Panda3d.") # Return early if not supported but not requested either. return # Check that the length of the mask is consistent with the model assert len(visibility) == self._client.model.njoints - 1, ( "The length of the visibility mask must be equal to the number of " "joints of the model, 'universe' excluded.") # Update visibility for i in range(self._client.model.njoints - 1): name = f"ForceExternal_{self._client.model.names[i + 1]}" self._gui.show_node(self._markers_group, name, visibility[i]) self._markers_visibility[name] = visibility[i] self._display_f_external = list(visibility) # Must refresh the scene if any(visibility): self.refresh()
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open def remove_marker(self, name: str) -> None: """Remove a marker, based on its name. :param identifier: Name of the marker to remove. """ if name not in self.markers.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Marker's name '{name}' does not exists.") self.markers.pop(name) self._gui.remove_node(self._markers_group, name)
[docs] @_with_lock @_must_be_open @_is_async def refresh(self, force_update_visual: bool = False, force_update_collision: bool = False, wait: bool = False) -> None: """Refresh the configuration of Robot in the viewer. This method is also in charge of updating the camera placement for travelling. .. note:: This method is copy-pasted from `Pinocchio.visualize.*.display` method, after removing parts responsible of update pinocchio data and collision data. Visual data must still be updated. :param force_update_visual: Force update of visual geometries. :param force_update_collision: Force update of collision geometries. :param wait: Whether to wait for rendering to finish. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Assert(s) for type checker assert Viewer.backend is not None # Extract pinocchio model and data pairs to update model_list, data_list, model_type_list = [], [], [] if self._client.display_collisions or force_update_collision: model_list.append(self._client.collision_model) data_list.append(self._client.collision_data) model_type_list.append(pin.GeometryType.COLLISION) if self._client.display_visuals or force_update_visual: model_list.append(self._client.visual_model) data_list.append(self._client.visual_data) model_type_list.append(pin.GeometryType.VISUAL) # Update geometries placements for model, data, in zip(model_list, data_list): pin.updateGeometryPlacements( self._client.model,, model, data) # Render new geometries placements if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): for geom_model, geom_data, model_type in zip( model_list, data_list, model_type_list): pose_dict: Dict[str, FramePoseType] = {} for i, geom in enumerate(geom_model.geometryObjects): oMg = geom_data.oMg[i] x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw = SE3ToXYZQUAT(oMg) group, node_name = self._client.getViewerNodeName( geom, model_type) pose_dict[node_name] = ((x, y, z), (qw, qx, qy, qz)) if pose_dict: self._gui.move_nodes(group, pose_dict) else: import umsgpack # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel cmd_data = [b"list"] for geom_model, geom_data, model_type in zip( model_list, data_list, model_type_list): for i, geom in enumerate(geom_model.geometryObjects): oMg = geom_data.oMg[i] S = np.diag((*geom.meshScale, 1.0)) H = node_name = self._client.getViewerNodeName( geom, model_type) path = self._gui[node_name].path.lower() cmd_data += [ b"set_transform", path.encode("utf-8"), umsgpack.packb({ "type": "set_transform", "path": path, "matrix": list(H.T.flat) }) ] # Moving all geometries at once using custom command to improve # throughput due to piping sockets with multiple redirections. if cmd_data: self._gui.window.zmq_socket.send_multipart(cmd_data) self._gui.window.zmq_socket.recv() # Update the camera placement if necessary if Viewer._camera_travelling is not None: if Viewer._camera_travelling['viewer'] is self: position, rotation = Viewer._camera_travelling['pose'] frame = Viewer._camera_travelling['frame'] if rotation is not None: self.set_camera_transform( position, rotation, relative=frame) else: self.set_camera_lookat(position, relative=frame) if Viewer._camera_motion is not None: self.set_camera_transform(*Viewer._camera_xyzrpy) # Update pose, color and scale of the markers, if any if Viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): pose_dict = {} material_dict: Dict[str, Tuple4FType] = {} scale_dict: Dict[str, Tuple3FType] = {} for marker_name, marker_data in self.markers.items(): # Skip marker that are not visible for speedup if not self._markers_visibility[marker_name]: continue # Pose processing pose = marker_data["pose"] if callable(pose): pose = pose() (x, y, z), orientation = pose if orientation.ndim > 1: qx, qy, qz, qw = pin.Quaternion(orientation).coeffs() else: qx, qy, qz, qw = orientation pose_dict[marker_name] = ((x, y, z), (qw, qx, qy, qz)) # Color processing color = marker_data["color"] if callable(color): color = color() if color is not None: r, g, b, a = color material_dict[marker_name] = (2.0 * r, 2.0 * g, 2.0 * b, a) # Scale processing scale = marker_data["scale"] if callable(scale): scale = scale() scale_dict[marker_name] = scale self._gui.move_nodes(self._markers_group, pose_dict) self._gui.set_materials(self._markers_group, material_dict) self._gui.set_scales(self._markers_group, scale_dict) # Wait for the backend viewer to finish rendering if requested if wait: Viewer.wait(require_client=False)
[docs] @_must_be_open def display(self, q: np.ndarray, v: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, xyz_offset: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, update_hook: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None, wait: bool = False) -> None: """Update the configuration of the robot. .. warning:: It will alter original robot data if viewer attribute `use_theoretical_model` is false. :param q: Configuration of the robot. :param v: Velocity of the robot. Used only to update velocity dependent markers such as DCM. `None` if undefined. Optional: `None` by default. :param xyz_offset: Freeflyer position offset. Note that it does not check for the robot actually have a freeflyer. :param update_hook: Callable that will be called right after updating kinematics data. `None` to disable. Optional: None by default. :param wait: Whether to wait for rendering to finish. """ assert (self._client.model.nq,) == q.shape[:1], ( "The configuration vector does not have the right size.") # Make sure the state is valid if np.isnan(q).any() or (v is not None and np.isnan(v).any()): raise ValueError("The input state ('q','v') contains 'nan'.") # Apply offset on the freeflyer, if requested. # Note that it is NOT checking that the robot has a freeflyer. if xyz_offset is not None: q = q.copy() # Make a copy to avoid altering the original data q[:3] += xyz_offset # Update pinocchio data pin.framesForwardKinematics(self._client.model,, q) if v is None: pin.centerOfMass(self._client.model,, q, False) else: pin.centerOfMass( self._client.model,, q, v, False) # Call custom update hook if update_hook is not None: update_hook() # Refresh the viewer self.refresh(wait=wait)
[docs] @_must_be_open def replay(self, trajectory: Trajectory, time_interval: Union[ np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float]] = (0.0, np.inf), speed_ratio: float = 1.0, xyz_offset: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, update_hook: Optional[UpdateHook] = None, enable_clock: bool = False, wait: bool = False) -> None: """Replay a complete robot trajectory at a given real-time ratio. .. note:: Specifying 'udpate_hook' is necessary to be able to display sensor information such as contact forces. It will be automatically disable otherwise. .. warning:: It will alter original robot data if viewer attribute `use_theoretical_model` is false. :param states: Sequence of `State` objects of increasing time. :param time_interval: Specific time interval to replay. Optional: Complete evolution by default [0, inf]. :param speed_ratio: Real-time factor. Optional: No time dilation by default (1.0). :param xyz_offset: Freeflyer position offset. Note that it does not check for the robot actually have a freeflyer. Optional: None by default. :param update_hook: Callable that will be called periodically between every state update. `None` to disable, otherwise it must have the following signature: .. code-block:: python f(t:float, q: ndarray, v: Optional[ndarray]) -> None Optional: No update hook by default. :param wait: Whether to wait for rendering to finish. """ # Early return if nothing to replay if not trajectory.has_data: return # Sanitize replay time interval t_start, t_end = trajectory.time_interval t_start, t_end = (min(max(t, t_start), t_end) for t in time_interval) # Disable display of sensor data if no update hook is provided disable_display_contact_forces = False if update_hook is None and self._display_contact_forces: disable_display_contact_forces = True self.display_contact_forces(False) # Disable display of DCM if no velocity data provided disable_display_dcm = False if not trajectory.has_velocity and self._display_dcm: disable_display_dcm = True self.display_capture_point(False) # Replay the whole trajectory at constant speed ratio t = t_start time_init = time.time() time_prev = time_init update_hook_t = None while True: try: # Update clock if enabled if enable_clock: Viewer.set_clock(t) # Compute state at current time state = trajectory.get(t, mode="raise") # Update viewer force buffer if state.f_external is not None: for f_ref, f_i in zip( self.f_external, state.f_external[1:]): f_ref.vector[:] = f_i # Update camera motion if Viewer._camera_motion is not None: Viewer._camera_xyzrpy = Viewer._camera_motion(t) # Update display if update_hook is not None: update_hook_t = partial(update_hook, t, state.q, state.v) self.display(state.q, state.v, xyz_offset, update_hook_t, wait) # Sleep for a while if computing faster than display framerate sleep(1.0 / REPLAY_FRAMERATE - (time.time() - time_prev)) time_prev = time.time() # Break replay loop if the final time has been reached if t_end - t < 1e-10: break # Update simulation time, taking into account speed ratio time_elapsed = time_prev - time_init t = min(t_start + speed_ratio * time_elapsed, t_end) # Waiting for the first timestep is enough wait = False except Exception as e: # Get backend info to analyze the root cause of the exception backend = Viewer.backend is_open = self.is_open() # type: ignore[misc] # If no backend, probably it has been closed in the meantime # during multi-threaded replay. So just return without error. if backend is None: return # Make sure the viewer is always properly closed Viewer.close() # Once again, the backend was most likely killed on purpose # during multi-threaded replay. Returning without error. if not is_open: return # Re-raise the original exception if unexpected if backend.startswith('panda3d'): if isinstance(e, ViewerClosedError): return elif backend == 'meshcat': import zmq # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if isinstance(e, (zmq.error.Again, zmq.error.ZMQError)): return raise # Restore Viewer's state if it has been altered if Viewer.is_alive(): # Disable clock after replay if enabled if enable_clock: Viewer.set_clock() # Restore display if necessary if disable_display_contact_forces: self.display_contact_forces(True) if disable_display_dcm: self.display_capture_point(True)