
class jiminy_py.core.AbstractMotor

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property armature

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> float:

Rotor inertia of the motor on joint side.

property backlash

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> float:

Backlash of the transmission on joint side.

property effort_limit

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> float:

Maximum effort of the motor.

get_options((AbstractMotor)arg1) dict :

Configuration options of the sensor.

property index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> int:

Index of the sensor of the global shared buffer.

property is_attached

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> bool:

Whether the sensor has been attached to a robot.

property is_initialized

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> bool:

Whether the sensor has been initialized.


Note that a sensor can be considered initialized even if its telemetry is not properly configured. If not, it must be done before being ready to use.

property joint_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> int:

Index of the joint associated with the motor in the kinematic tree.

property joint_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> str:

Name of the joint associated with the motor.

property name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> str:

Name of the sensor.

property position_limit_lower

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> float:

Maximum position of the actuated joint translated on motor side.

property position_limit_upper

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> float:

Minimum position of the actuated joint translated on motor side.

set_options((AbstractMotor)arg1, (dict)arg2) None :

Set the configuration options of the motor.


motorOptions – Dictionary with the parameters of the motor.

property velocity_limit

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.AbstractMotor)self) -> float:

Maximum velocity of the motor.

class jiminy_py.core.SimpleMotor((object)self, (str)motor_name)

Bases: AbstractMotor

initialize((SimpleMotor)arg1, (str)arg2) None