
class jiminy_py.core.ProfileForce

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property force

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ProfileForce)self) -> pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap.Force

property frame_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ProfileForce)self) -> int

property frame_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ProfileForce)self) -> str

property func

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ProfileForce)self) -> object

property update_period

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ProfileForce)self) -> float

class jiminy_py.core.ImpulseForce

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property dt

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImpulseForce)self) -> float

property force

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImpulseForce)self) -> pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap.Force

property frame_index

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImpulseForce)self) -> int

property frame_name

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImpulseForce)self) -> str

property t

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.ImpulseForce)self) -> float

class jiminy_py.core.CouplingForce

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property func

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.CouplingForce)self) -> object

property robot_index_1

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.CouplingForce)self) -> int

property robot_index_2

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.CouplingForce)self) -> int

property robot_name_1

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.CouplingForce)self) -> str

property robot_name_2

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.CouplingForce)self) -> str

class jiminy_py.core.Engine((object)arg1)

Bases: instance

add_robot((Engine)self, (Robot)robot) None
static compute_forward_kinematics((Robot)robot, (numpy.ndarray)q, (numpy.ndarray)v, (numpy.ndarray)a) None
compute_robots_dynamics((Engine)self, (float)t_end, (object)q_list, (object)v_list) list
property coupling_forces

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> jiminy_py.core.core.CouplingForceVector

get_options((Engine)arg1) dict
get_robot((Engine)self, (str)robot_name) Robot
get_robot_index((Engine)self, (str)robot_name) int
get_robot_state((Engine)self, (str)robot_name) RobotState
get_simulation_options((Engine)arg1) dict :

Get the options of the engine and all the robots.

The key ‘engine’ maps to the engine options, whereas robot.name maps to the individual options of each robot for multi-robot simulations, ‘robot’ for single-robot simulations.

property impulse_forces

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> dict

property is_simulation_running

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> bool

property log_data

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> dict

property profile_forces

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> dict

static read_log((str)fullpath[, (object)format=None]) dict :

Read a logfile from jiminy.


This function supports both binary and hdf5 log.

  • fullpath – Name of the file to load.

  • format – Name of the file to load.


Dictionary containing the logged constants and variables.

register_coupling_force((Engine)self, (str)robot_name_1, (str)robot_name_2, (str)frame_name_1, (str)frame_name_2, (object)force_func) None :

Add a force linking both robots together.

This function registers a callback function that links both robots by a given force. This function must return the force that the second robots applies to the first robot, in the global frame of the first frame, i.e. expressed at the origin of the first frame, in word coordinates.

  • robotName1 – Name of the robot receiving the force.

  • robotName2 – Name of the robot applying the force.

  • frameName1 – Frame on the first robot where the force is applied.

  • frameName2 – Frame on the second robot where the opposite force is applied.

  • forceFunc – Callback function returning the force that robotName2 applies on robotName1, in the global frame of frameName1.

register_impulse_force((Engine)self, (str)robot_name, (str)frame_name, (float)t, (float)dt, (numpy.ndarray)force) None :

Apply an impulse force on a frame for a given duration at the desired time.


The force must be given in the world frame.

register_profile_force((Engine)self, (str)robot_name, (str)frame_name, (object)force_func[, (float)update_period=0.0]) None
register_viscoelastic_coupling_force((Engine)self, (str)robot_name_1, (str)robot_name_2, (str)frame_name_1, (str)frame_name_2, (numpy.ndarray)stiffness, (numpy.ndarray)damping[, (float)alpha=0.5]) None

register_viscoelastic_coupling_force( (Engine)self, (str)robot_name, (str)frame_name_1, (str)frame_name_2, (numpy.ndarray)stiffness, (numpy.ndarray)damping [, (float)alpha=0.5]) -> None

register_viscoelastic_directional_coupling_force((Engine)self, (str)robot_name_1, (str)robot_name_2, (str)frame_name_1, (str)frame_name_2, (float)stiffness, (float)damping[, (float)rest_length=0.0]) None

register_viscoelastic_directional_coupling_force( (Engine)self, (str)robot_name, (str)frame_name_1, (str)frame_name_2, (float)stiffness, (float)damping [, (float)rest_length=0.0]) -> None

remove_all_forces((Engine)arg1) None
remove_coupling_forces((Engine)self, (str)robot_name_1, (str)robot_name_2) None

remove_coupling_forces( (Engine)self [, (str)robot_name]) -> None

remove_impulse_forces((Engine)self[, (str)robot_name]) None
remove_profile_forces((Engine)self[, (str)robot_name]) None
remove_robot((Engine)self, (str)robot_name) None
reset((Engine)self[, (bool)reset_random_generator=False[, (bool)remove_all_forces=False]]) None
property robot_states

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> list

property robots

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> object

set_options((Engine)arg1, (dict)arg2) None
set_simulation_options((Engine)arg1, (dict)arg2) None :

Set the options of the engine and all the robots.


simulationOptions – Dictionary gathering all the options. See getSimulationOptions for details about the hierarchy.

simulate((Engine)self, (float)t_end, (dict)q_init_dict, (dict)v_init_dict[, (object)a_init_dict=None[, (object)callback=None]]) None
simulate( (Engine)self, (float)t_end, (numpy.ndarray)q_init, (numpy.ndarray)v_init [, (object)a_init=None [, (bool)is_state_theoretical=False [, (object)callback=None]]]) -> None :

Run a simulation of duration tEnd, starting at xInit.

param tEnd:

Duration of the simulation.

param qInit:

Initial configuration of every robots, i.e. at t=0.0.

param vInit:

Initial velocity of every robots, i.e. at t=0.0.

param aInit:

Initial acceleration of every robots, i.e. at t=0.0. Optional: Zero by default.

param callback:

Callable that can be specified to abort simulation. It will be evaluated after every simulation step. Abort if false is returned.

simulation_duration_max = 922337203.6854776
start((Engine)self, (dict)q_init_dict, (dict)v_init_dict[, (object)a_init_dict=None]) None
start( (Engine)self, (numpy.ndarray)q_init, (numpy.ndarray)v_init [, (object)a_init=None [, (bool)is_state_theoretical=False]]) -> None :

Start the simulation


This function calls reset internally only if necessary, namely if it was not done manually at some point after stopping the previous simulation if any.

param qInit:

Initial configuration of every robots.

param vInit:

Initial velocity of every robots.

param aInit:

Initial acceleration of every robots. Optional: Zero by default.

step((Engine)self[, (float)step_dt=-1]) None :

Advance the ongoing simulation forward by a given amount of time.

Internally, the integrator must perform multiple steps, which may involve calling the controller to compute command or internal dynamics.


stepSize – Duration of integration. For convenience, a sensible default will be selected automatically a negative value is specified. This default either corresponds the discrete-time controller update period, the discrete-time sensor update period, or stepper option ‘dtMax’, depending on which one of this criteria is applicable, in this priority order. Optional: -1 by default.

property stepper_state

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.Engine)self) -> jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState

stop((Engine)self) None :

Stop the simulation completely.

It releases the lock on the robot and the telemetry, so that it is possible again to update the robot (for example to update the options, add or remove sensors…) and to register new variables or forces. Resuming a simulation is not supported.

telemetry_time_unit = 1e-10
write_log((Engine)self, (str)fullpath, (str)format) None
class jiminy_py.core.StepperState

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property a

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> object

property dt

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> float

property iter

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> int

property iter_failed

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> int

property q

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> object

property t

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> float

property v

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.StepperState)self) -> object

class jiminy_py.core.RobotState

Bases: instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

property a

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property command

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property f_external

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap.StdVec_Force

property q

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property u

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property u_custom

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property u_internal

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property u_motor

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property u_transmission

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray

property v

fget( (jiminy_py.core.core.RobotState)self) -> numpy.ndarray