Source code for jiminy_py.simulator

# mypy: disable-error-code="attr-defined, name-defined"
"""This module implements a basic wrapper on top of the lower-level Jiminy
Engine that simplifies the user API for the very common single-robot scenario
while extending its capability by integrating native support of 3D scene
rendering and figure plotting of telemetry log data.
import os
import re
import atexit
import logging
import pathlib
import tempfile
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional, Union, Sequence, Callable

import tomlkit
import numpy as np

from . import core as jiminy, tree
from .robot import BaseJiminyRobot, generate_default_hardware_description_file
from .dynamics import Trajectory
from .log import UpdateHook, read_log, build_robot_from_log
from .viewer import (CameraPoseType,

if interactive_mode() >= 2:
    from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
    from tqdm import tqdm  # type: ignore[assignment]

    from .plot import TabbedFigure
except ImportError:
    TabbedFigure = type(None)  # type: ignore[misc,assignment]

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_UPDATE_PERIOD = 1.0e-3  # 0.0 for time continuous update

ProfileForceFunc = Callable[[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]

def _build_robot_from_urdf(name: str,
                           urdf_path: str,
                           hardware_path: Optional[str] = None,
                           mesh_dir_path: Optional[str] = None,
                           has_freeflyer: bool = True,
                           avoid_instable_collisions: bool = True,
                           debug: bool = False) -> jiminy.Robot:
    r"""Create and initialize a new robot from scratch, based on configuration
    files only. It creates a default hardware file if none is provided. See
    `generate_default_hardware_description_file` for details.

    :param name: Name of the robot to build from URDF.
    :param urdf_path: Path of the URDF of the robot.
    :param hardware_path: Path of Jiminy hardware description toml file.
                          Optional: Looking for '\*_hardware.toml' file in
                          the same folder and with the same name.
    :param mesh_dir_path: Path to the folder containing all the meshes.
                          Optional: Env variable 'JIMINY_DATA_PATH' will be
                          used if available.
    :param has_freeflyer: Whether the robot is fixed-based wrt its root
                          link, or can move freely in the world.
                          Optional: True by default.
    :param avoid_instable_collisions: Prevent numerical instabilities by
                                      replacing collision mesh by vertices
                                      of associated minimal volume bounding
                                      box, and replacing primitive box by
                                      its vertices.
    :param debug: Whether the debug mode must be activated. Doing it
                  enables temporary files automatic deletion.
    # Check if robot name is valid
    if re.match('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', name):
        raise ValueError("The name of the robot should be case-insensitive "
                         "ASCII alphanumeric characters plus underscore.")

    # Generate a temporary Hardware Description File if necessary
    if hardware_path is None:
        hardware_path = str(pathlib.Path(
            urdf_path).with_suffix('')) + '_hardware.toml'
        if not os.path.exists(hardware_path):
            # Create a file that will be closed (thus deleted) at exit
            urdf_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(urdf_path))[0]
            fd, hardware_path = tempfile.mkstemp(
                prefix=f"{urdf_name}_", suffix="_hardware.toml")

            if not debug:
                def remove_file_at_exit(file_path: str) -> None:
                    except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError):

                    remove_file_at_exit, hardware_path))

            # Generate default Hardware Description File
                urdf_path, hardware_path, verbose=debug)

    # Build the robot
    robot = BaseJiminyRobot(name)
        urdf_path, hardware_path, mesh_dir_path, (), has_freeflyer,
        avoid_instable_collisions, load_visual_meshes=debug, verbose=debug)

    return robot

[docs] class Simulator: """Simulation wrapper providing a unified user-API on top of the low-level jiminy C++ core library and Python-native modules for 3D rendering and log data visualization. The simulation can now be multi-robot but it has been design to remain as easy of use as possible for single-robot simulation which are just multi-robot simulations with only one robot. * Single-robot simulations: The name of the robot is an empty string by default but can be specified. It will then appear in the log if specified. * Multi-robots simulations: The name of the first robot is an empty string by default but it is advised to specify one. You can add robots to the simulation with the method `add_robot`, robot names have to be specified. Some proxy and methods are not compatible with multi-robot simulations: Single-robot simulations | Multi-robot simulations --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simulator.viewer ---> Simulator.viewers Simulator.robot ---> Simulator.engine.robots Simulator.robot_state ---> Simulator.engine.robot_states Simulator.register_profile_force -> Simulator.engine.register_profile_force Simulator.register_impulse_force -> Simulator.engine.register_impulse_force The methods `replay` and `plot` are not supported for multi-robot simulations at the time being. In case of multi-robot simulations, single-robot proxies either return information associated with the first robot or raise an exception. """ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=unused-argument robot: jiminy.Robot, viewer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ :param robot: Jiminy robot already initialized. :param viewer_kwargs: Keyword arguments to override default arguments whenever a viewer must be instantiated, eg when `render` method is first called. Specifically, `backend` is ignored if one is already available. Optional: None by default. :param kwargs: Used arguments to allow automatic pipeline wrapper generation. """ # Backup the user arguments self.viewer_kwargs = deepcopy(viewer_kwargs or {}) # Check if robot name is valid if re.match('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', raise ValueError("The name of the robot should be case-insensitive" " ASCII alphanumeric characters plus underscore.") # Instantiate the low-level Jiminy engine, then initialize it self.engine = jiminy.Engine() self.engine.add_robot(robot) # Create shared memories and python-native attribute for fast access self.stepper_state = self.engine.stepper_state self.is_simulation_running = self.engine.is_simulation_running # Viewer management self._viewers: List[Viewer] = [] # Internal buffer for progress bar management self._pbar: Optional[tqdm] = None # Figure holder self._figures: List[TabbedFigure] = [] # Reset the low-level jiminy engine self.reset()
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, urdf_path: str, hardware_path: Optional[str] = None, mesh_dir_path: Optional[str] = None, has_freeflyer: bool = True, config_path: Optional[str] = None, avoid_instable_collisions: bool = True, debug: bool = False, *, name: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> 'Simulator': r"""Create a new single-robot simulator instance from scratch based on configuration files only. :param urdf_path: Path of the urdf model to be used for the simulation. :param hardware_path: Path of Jiminy hardware description toml file. Optional: Looking for '\*_hardware.toml' file in the same folder and with the same name. :param mesh_dir_path: Path to the folder containing all the meshes. Optional: Env variable 'JIMINY_DATA_PATH' will be used if available. :param has_freeflyer: Whether the robot is fixed-based wrt its root link, or can move freely in the world. Optional: True by default. :param config_path: Configuration toml file to import. It will be imported AFTER loading the hardware description file. It can be automatically generated from an instance by calling `export_config_file` method. One can specify `None` for loading for the file having the same full path as the URDF file but suffix '_options.toml' if any. Passing an empty string "" will force skipping import completely. Optional: Empty by default :param avoid_instable_collisions: Prevent numerical instabilities by replacing collision mesh by vertices of associated minimal volume bounding box, and replacing primitive box by its vertices. :param debug: Whether the debug mode must be activated. Doing it enables temporary files automatic deletion. :param name: Desired name of the robot. Optional: Empty string by default. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to forward to class constructor. """ # Handling of default argument(s) if config_path is None: config_path = str( pathlib.Path(urdf_path).with_suffix('')) + '_options.toml' if not os.path.exists(config_path): config_path = "" # Instantiate and initialize the robot robot = _build_robot_from_urdf( name, urdf_path, hardware_path, mesh_dir_path, has_freeflyer, avoid_instable_collisions, debug) # Instantiate and initialize the engine simulator = Simulator.__new__(cls) Simulator.__init__( simulator, robot, engine_class=jiminy.Engine, **kwargs) # Get engine options engine_options = simulator.engine.get_options() # Update controller/sensors update period, based on extra toml info control_period = robot.extra_info.pop('controllerUpdatePeriod', None) sensors_period = robot.extra_info.pop('sensorsUpdatePeriod', None) if control_period is None and sensors_period is None: control_period = DEFAULT_UPDATE_PERIOD sensors_period = DEFAULT_UPDATE_PERIOD elif control_period is None: control_period = sensors_period else: sensors_period = control_period engine_options['stepper']['controllerUpdatePeriod'] = control_period engine_options['stepper']['sensorsUpdatePeriod'] = sensors_period # Handling of ground model parameters, based on extra toml info engine_options['contacts']['stiffness'] = \ robot.extra_info.pop('groundStiffness', DEFAULT_GROUND_STIFFNESS) engine_options['contacts']['damping'] = \ robot.extra_info.pop('groundDamping', DEFAULT_GROUND_DAMPING) # Set engine options simulator.engine.set_options(engine_options) # Override the default options by the one in the configuration file if config_path != "": simulator.import_options(config_path) return simulator
[docs] def add_robot(self, name: str, urdf_path: str, hardware_path: Optional[str] = None, mesh_dir_path: Optional[str] = None, has_freeflyer: bool = True, avoid_instable_collisions: bool = True, debug: bool = False) -> None: r"""Create a new robot from scratch based on configuration files only and add it to the simulator. :param urdf_path: Path of the urdf model to be used for the simulation. :param hardware_path: Path of Jiminy hardware description toml file. Optional: Looking for '\*_hardware.toml' file in the same folder and with the same name. :param mesh_dir_path: Path to the folder containing all the meshes. Optional: Env variable 'JIMINY_DATA_PATH' will be used if available. :param has_freeflyer: Whether the robot is fixed-based wrt its root link, or can move freely in the world. Optional: True by default. :param avoid_instable_collisions: Prevent numerical instabilities by replacing collision mesh by vertices of associated minimal volume bounding box, and replacing primitive box by its vertices. :param debug: Whether the debug mode must be activated. Doing it enables temporary files automatic deletion. """ # Instantiate the robot robot = _build_robot_from_urdf( name, urdf_path, hardware_path, mesh_dir_path, has_freeflyer, avoid_instable_collisions, debug) # Check if some unsupported objects have been specified unsupported_nested_paths = ( ('groundStiffness', ('contacts', 'stiffness')), ('groundDamping', ('contacts', 'damping')), ('controllerUpdatePeriod', ('stepper', 'controllerUpdatePeriod')), ('sensorsUpdatePeriod', ('stepper', 'sensorsUpdatePeriod'))) engine_options = self.engine.get_options() for extra_info_key, option_nested_path in unsupported_nested_paths: if extra_info_key in robot.extra_info.keys(): option = engine_options for option_path in option_nested_path: option = option[option_path] if robot.extra_info[extra_info_key] != option: warnings.warn( f"You have specified a different {extra_info_key} " "than the one of the engine, the simulation will run " f"with {option}.") # Add the new robot to the engine self.engine.add_robot(robot)
def __del__(self) -> None: """Custom deleter to make sure the close is properly closed at exit. """ self.close() def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Convenient fallback attribute getter. It enables to get access to the attribute and methods of the low-level Jiminy engine directly, without having to do it through `engine`. .. note:: This method is not meant to be called manually. """ return getattr(self.__getattribute__('engine'), name) def __dir__(self) -> List[str]: """Attribute lookup. It is mainly used by autocomplete feature of Ipython. It is overloaded to get consistent autocompletion wrt `getattr`. """ return [*super().__dir__(), *dir(self.engine)] @property def viewer(self) -> Optional[Viewer]: """Convenience proxy to get the viewer associated with the robot that was first added if any. """ if self.is_viewer_available: return self._viewers[0] return None @property def viewers(self) -> Sequence[Viewer]: """Convenience proxy to get all the viewers associated with the ongoing simulation. """ return self._viewers[:len(self.engine.robots)] @property def robot(self) -> jiminy.Robot: """Convenience proxy to get the robot in single-robot simulations. Internally, all it does is returning `self.engine.robots[0]` without any additional processing. .. warning:: Method only supported for single-robot simulations. Call `self.engine.robots` in multi-robot simulations. """ # A property is used in place of an instance attribute to keep pointing # to the right robot if the latter has been replaced by the user. Doing # so is dodgy and rarely necessary. For this reason, this capability is # not advertised but supported nonetheless. robot, = self.engine.robots return robot @property def robot_state(self) -> jiminy.RobotState: """Convenience proxy to get the state of the robot in single-robot simulations. Internally, all it does is returning `self.engine.robot_states[0]` without any additional processing. .. warning:: Method only supported for single-robot simulations. Call `self.engine.robot_states` in multi-robot simulations. """ # property is used in place of attribute for extra safety robot_state, = self.engine.robot_states return robot_state @property def log_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get log data (constants and time-continuous variables) associated with the ongoing simulation if any, the previous one otherwise. .. note:: Quantities at acceleration-level and beyond are inherently time-discountinuous. More specifically, their value at time t- and t+ would be different, under the effect of discontinuous command update or impulse forces. Becaue of this, one has to decide whether to log either t-, t+ or both. If the telemetry option `logInternalStepperSteps` is enabled, then both would be logged. Otherwise, it was decided to only log t+ for efficiency, since it is actually these values that are ultimately involved in the integration scheme over time, while t- is nonetheless interesting for monitoring and debug. In practice, values at t+ are only known at the beginning of each simulation step. Because of this, the latest timestamp can only be logged at the beginning of every simulation step rather than at the end, as one would intuitively expect. As a side effect, a simulation must be `stop` explictly for the last timestamp to be logged, otherwise it will be missing. .. note:: Internally, log data are cached for efficiency. However, this cache must be cleared after each simulation step and after starting a new one. This means that accessing log data multiple times throughput a simulation is not recommended beyond prototyping and debug. """ return self.engine.log_data @property def is_viewer_available(self) -> bool: """Returns whether some viewer instances associated with the ongoing simulation is currently opened. .. warning:: Method only supported for single-robot simulations. """ return (len(self._viewers) > 0 and self._viewers[0].is_open()) # type: ignore[misc]
[docs] def register_profile_force(self, frame_name: str, force_func: ProfileForceFunc, update_period: float = 0.0) -> None: r"""Apply an external force profile on a given frame. The force can be time- and state-dependent, and may be time-continuous or updated periodically (Zero-Order Hold). :param frame_name: Name of the frame at which to apply the force. :param force_func: .. raw:: html Force profile as a callable with signature: | force_func\( | **t**: float, | **q**: np.ndarray, | **v**: np.ndarray, | **force**: np.ndarray | \) -> None where `force` corresponds the spatial force in local world aligned frame, ie its origin is located at application frame but its basis is aligned with world frame. It is represented as a `np.ndarray` (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz) that must be updated in-place. :param update_period: Update period of the force. It must be set to 0.0 for time-continuous. Discrete update is strongly recommended for native Python callables because evaluating them is so slow that it would slowdown the whole simulation. There is no issue for C++ bindings such as `jiminy.RandomPerlinProcess`. """ if len(self.engine.robots) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "To register a force in multirobot simulation, you should use " "`simulation.engine.register_profile_force` and specify the " "name of the robot you want the force applied to.") return self.engine.register_profile_force( "", frame_name, force_func, update_period)
[docs] def register_impulse_force(self, frame_name: str, t: float, dt: float, force: np.ndarray) -> None: r"""Apply an external impulse force on a given frame. The force starts at the fixed point in time and lasts a given duration. In the meantime, its profile is square-shaped, ie the force remains constant. :param frame_name: Name of the frame at which to apply the force. :param t: Time at which to start applying the external force. :param dt: Duration of the force. :param force_func: Spatial force in local world aligned frame, ie its origin is located at application frame but its basis is aligned with world frame. It is represented as a `np.ndarray` (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz). """ if len(self.engine.robots) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "To register a force in multirobot simulation, you should use " "`simulation.engine.register_profile_force` and specify the " "name of the robot you want the force applied to.") return self.engine.register_impulse_force("", frame_name, t, dt, force)
[docs] def seed(self, seed: Union[np.uint32, np.ndarray]) -> None: """Set the seed of the simulation and reset the simulation. .. warning:: It also resets the low-level jiminy Engine. Therefore one must call the `reset` method manually afterward. :param seed: Desired seed as a sequence of unsigned integers 32 bits. """ assert seed.dtype == np.uint32, "'seed' must have dtype np.uint32." # Make sure no simulation is running before setting the seed self.engine.stop() # Set the seed in engine options engine_options = self.engine.get_options() engine_options["stepper"]["randomSeedSeq"] = np.asarray(seed) self.engine.set_options(engine_options) # It is expected by OpenAI Gym API to reset env after setting the seed self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, remove_all_forces: bool = False) -> None: """Reset the simulator. It resets the simulation time to zero, and generate a new random model of the robot. If one wants to get exactly the same result as before, either set the randomness of the model and sensors to zero, or set the seed once again to reinitialize the random number generator. :param remove_all_forces: Whether to remove already registered external forces. Note that it can also be done separately by calling `remove_all_forces` method. Optional: Do not remove by default. """ # Reset the backend engine self.engine.reset(False, remove_all_forces)
[docs] def start( self, q_init: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], v_init: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], a_init: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]] = None, is_state_theoretical: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: """Initialize a simulation, starting from (q_init, v_init) at t=0. :param q_init: Initial configuration (by robot if it is a dictionary). :param v_init: Initial velocity (by robot if it is a dictionary). :param a_init: Initial acceleration (by robot if it is a dictionary). It is only used by acceleration dependent sensors and controllers, such as IMU and force sensors. :param is_state_theoretical: Whether the initial state is associated with the actual or theoretical model of the robot. This option is only supported when passing `np.ndarray` for starting a single-robot simulation. """ # Call base implementation if isinstance(q_init, np.ndarray): assert isinstance(v_init, np.ndarray) assert a_init is None or isinstance(a_init, np.ndarray) if is_state_theoretical is None: is_state_theoretical = False self.engine.start(q_init, v_init, a_init, is_state_theoretical) else: assert isinstance(v_init, dict) assert a_init is None or isinstance(a_init, dict) if is_state_theoretical is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Optional argument 'is_state_theoretical' is only " "supported for single-robot simulations.") self.engine.start(q_init, v_init, a_init) # Share the external force buffer of the viewer with the engine. # Note that the force vector must be converted to pain list to avoid # copy with external sub-vector. for robot_state, viewer in zip(self.engine.robot_states, self.viewers): viewer.f_external = [*robot_state.f_external][1:]
[docs] def simulate(self, t_end: float, q_init: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], v_init: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], a_init: Optional[ Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]] = None, is_state_theoretical: Optional[bool] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None, log_path: Optional[str] = None, show_progress_bar: bool = True) -> None: """Run a simulation, starting from x0=(q0,v0) at t=0 up to tf. .. note:: Optionally, log the result of the simulation. :param t_end: Simulation duration. :param q_init: Initial configuration (by robot if it is a dictionnary). :param v_init: Initial velocity (by robot if it is a dictionnary). :param a_init: Initial acceleration (by robot if it is a dictionnary). It is only used by acceleration dependent sensors and controllers, such as IMU and force sensors. :param is_state_theoretical: In single robot simulations, whether the initial state is associated with the actual or theoretical model of the robot. :param callback: Callable that can be specified to abort simulation. It will be evaluated after every simulation step. Abort if false is returned. Optional: None by default. :param log_path: Save log data to this location. Disable if None. Note that the format extension '.data' is enforced. Optional, disable by default. :param show_progress_bar: Whether to display a progress bar during the simulation. None to enable only if available. Optional: None by default. """ # Handling of progress bar if requested if show_progress_bar: # Initialize the progress bar self._pbar = tqdm(total=t_end, bar_format=( "{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| {n:.2f}/{total_fmt} " "[{elapsed}<{remaining}]")) # Define callable responsible for updating the progress bar def update_progress_bar() -> bool: """Update progress bar based on current simulation time. """ nonlocal self if self._pbar is not None: t = self.engine.stepper_state.t self._pbar.update(t - self._pbar.n) return True # Hijack simulation callback to also update the progress bar if callback is None: callback = update_progress_bar else: def callback_wrapper(callback: Callable[[], bool]) -> bool: """Update progress bar based on current simulation time, then call a given callback function. """ nonlocal update_progress_bar return update_progress_bar() and callback() callback = partial(callback_wrapper, callback) # Run the simulation err = None try: # Call base implementation # Single-robot simulations with `np.ndarray`, # `is_state_theoretical` is supported. if isinstance(q_init, np.ndarray): assert isinstance(v_init, np.ndarray) assert a_init is None or isinstance(a_init, np.ndarray) if is_state_theoretical is None: is_state_theoretical = False self.engine.simulate( t_end, q_init, v_init, a_init, is_state_theoretical, callback) # Multi-robot simulations or single-robot simulations with # dictionaries, `is_state_theoretical` is not supported. else: assert isinstance(v_init, dict) assert a_init is None or isinstance(a_init, dict) if is_state_theoretical is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Optional argument 'is_state_theoretical' is only " "supported for single-robot simulations.") self.engine.simulate(t_end, q_init, v_init, a_init, callback) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught err = e # Make sure that the progress bar is properly closed if show_progress_bar: assert self._pbar is not None self._pbar.close() self._pbar = None # Re-throw exception if not successful if err is not None: raise err # Write log if log_path is not None and self.engine.stepper_state.q: # Log data would be available as long as the stepper state is # initialized. It may be the case no matter if a simulation is # actually running, since data are cleared at reset not at stop. log_suffix = pathlib.Path(log_path).suffix[1:] if log_suffix not in ("data", "hdf5"): raise ValueError( "Log format must be either '.data' or '.hdf5'.") log_format = log_suffix if log_suffix != 'data' else 'binary' self.engine.write_log(log_path, format=log_format)
[docs] def render(self, return_rgb_array: bool = False, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, camera_pose: Optional[CameraPoseType] = None, update_ground_profile: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Render the current state of the simulation. One can display it or return an RGB array instead. :param return_rgb_array: Whether to return the current frame as an rgb array or render it directly. :param width: Width of the returned RGB frame, if enabled. :param height: Height of the returned RGB frame, if enabled. :param camera_pose: Tuple position [X, Y, Z], rotation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw], frame name/index specifying the absolute or relative pose of the camera. `None` to disable. Optional: `None` by default. :param update_ground_profile: Whether to update the ground profile. It must be called manually only if necessary because it is costly. Optional: True by default if no viewer available, False otherwise. :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to forward at `Viewer` initialization. :returns: Rendering as an RGB array (3D numpy array), if enabled, None otherwise. """ # Handle default arguments if update_ground_profile is None: update_ground_profile = not self.is_viewer_available # Close the current viewer backend if not suitable if kwargs.get("backend", Viewer.backend) != Viewer.backend: Viewer.close() # Update viewer_kwargs with provided kwargs viewer_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {**dict( backend=(self.viewer or Viewer).backend, delete_robot_on_close=True), **self.viewer_kwargs, **kwargs} # Instantiate the robot and viewer client if necessary. # A new dedicated scene and window will be created. if not self.is_viewer_available: # Make sure that the current viewers are properly closed if any for viewer in self._viewers: viewer.close() self._viewers.clear() # Create new viewer instances for robot, robot_state in zip( self.engine.robots, self.engine.robot_states): # Create a single viewer instance robot_name = ( or or "robot" ).replace("-", "_") viewer = Viewer( robot, use_theoretical_model=False, open_gui_if_parent=False, **{"robot_name": robot_name, **viewer_kwargs}) assert viewer.backend is not None self._viewers.append(viewer) # Share the external force buffer of the viewer with the engine if self.engine.is_simulation_running: viewer.f_external = [*robot_state.f_external][1:] if viewer.backend.startswith('panda3d'): # Enable display of COM, DCM and contact markers by default # if the robot has freeflyer. if robot.has_freeflyer: if "display_com" not in viewer_kwargs: viewer.display_center_of_mass(True) if "display_dcm" not in viewer_kwargs: viewer.display_capture_point(True) if "display_contacts" not in viewer_kwargs: viewer.display_contact_forces(True) # Enable display of external forces by default only for # the joints having an external force registered to it. if "display_f_external" not in viewer_kwargs: profile_forces = self.engine.profile_forces[] force_frames = set( robot.pinocchio_model.frames[f.frame_index].parent for f in profile_forces) impulse_forces = self.engine.impulse_forces[] force_frames |= set( robot.pinocchio_model.frames[f.frame_index].parent for f in impulse_forces) visibility = viewer._display_f_external assert isinstance(visibility, list) for i in force_frames: visibility[i - 1] = True viewer.display_external_forces(visibility) # Initialize camera pose assert self.viewer is not None if viewer.is_backend_parent and camera_pose is None: camera_pose = viewer_kwargs.get("camera_pose", ( (9.0, 0.0, 2e-5), (np.pi/2, 0.0, np.pi/2), None)) # Enable the ground profile is requested and available assert self.viewer is not None and self.viewer.backend is not None if update_ground_profile: # Discretize ground profile engine_options = self.engine.get_options() ground_profile = engine_options["world"]["groundProfile"] geom = jiminy.discretize_heightmap( ground_profile, *((-10.0, 10.0, 0.04) * 2), must_simplify=True) # Update viewer Viewer.update_floor(geom, show_vertices=False) # Set the camera pose if requested if camera_pose is not None: self.viewer.set_camera_transform(*camera_pose) # Make sure the graphical window is open if required if not return_rgb_array and self.viewer.backend != "panda3d-sync": Viewer.open_gui() # Try refreshing the viewer for viewer in self._viewers: viewer.refresh() # Compute and return rgb array if needed if return_rgb_array: return Viewer.capture_frame( width or viewer_kwargs.get("width"), height or viewer_kwargs.get("height")) return None
[docs] def replay(self, extra_logs_files: Sequence[str] = (), extra_trajectories: Sequence[Trajectory] = (), **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Replay the current episode until now. .. warning:: Method only supported for single-robot simulations. :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for delegation to `replay.play_trajectories` method. """ # Make sure that the simulation is single-robot if len(self.engine.robots) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only supported for single-robot simulations.") # Close extra viewer instances if any for viewer in self._viewers[1:]: viewer.delete_robot_on_close = True viewer.close() del self._viewers[1:] # Extract log data and robot from extra log files robots = [self.robot] logs_data = [self.engine.log_data] for log_file in extra_logs_files: log_data = read_log(log_file) robot = build_robot_from_log( log_data, mesh_package_dirs=self.robot.mesh_package_dirs) robots.append(robot) logs_data.append(log_data) # Extract trajectory data from pairs (robot, log) trajectories: List[Trajectory] = [] update_hooks: List[Optional[UpdateHook]] = [] extra_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} for robot, log_data in zip(robots, logs_data): if log_data: traj, update_hook, _kwargs = \ extract_replay_data_from_log(log_data, robot) trajectories.append(traj) update_hooks.append(update_hook) extra_kwargs.update(_kwargs) trajectories += list(extra_trajectories) update_hooks += [None for _ in extra_trajectories] # Make sure there is something to replay if not trajectories: raise RuntimeError( "Nothing to replay. Please run a simulation before calling " "`replay` method, or provided data manually.") # Make sure the viewer is instantiated before replaying backend = (kwargs.get('backend', (self.viewer or Viewer).backend) or get_default_backend()) must_not_open_gui = ( backend == "panda3d-sync" or kwargs.get('record_video_path') is not None) self.render(**{ 'return_rgb_array': must_not_open_gui, 'update_floor': True, **kwargs}) # Define sequence of viewer instances viewers = [self.viewer, *[None for _ in trajectories[:-1]]] # Replay the trajectories self._viewers = play_trajectories( trajectories, update_hooks, viewers=viewers, **{'verbose': True, **self.viewer_kwargs, **extra_kwargs, 'display_f_external': None, **kwargs})
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the connection with the renderer. """ if hasattr(self, "_viewers"): for viewer in self._viewers: viewer.close() self._viewers.clear() if hasattr(self, "figures"): for figure in self._figures: figure.close() self._figures.clear()
[docs] def plot(self, enable_flexiblity_data: bool = False, block: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[TabbedFigure, Sequence[TabbedFigure]]: """Display common simulation data over time. The figure features several tabs: - Subplots with robot configuration - Subplots with robot velocity - Subplots with robot acceleration - Subplots with motors torques - Subplots with raw sensor data (one tab for each type of sensor) :param enable_flexiblity_data: Enable display of flexibility joints in robot's configuration, velocity and acceleration subplots. Optional: False by default. :param block: Whether to wait for the figure to be closed before returning. Optional: False in interactive mode, True otherwise. :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to forward to `TabbedFigure`. """ # Make sure plot submodule is available try: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .plot import plot_log except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Method not available. Please install 'jiminy_py[plot]'." ) from e # Create figure for each robot, without closing the existing one figures = [] for robot in self.robots: window_title = ".".join(filter( None, (kwargs.get("window_title", "jiminy"), figure = plot_log( self.log_data, robot, enable_flexiblity_data, block, **{ **kwargs, "window_title": window_title}) figures.append(figure) # Keep track of all figures that has been created so far self._figures += figures # Return only figures that has just been created if len(self.robots) > 1: return figures return figures[0]
[docs] def export_options(self, config_path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> None: """Export in a single configuration file all the options of the simulator, ie the engine and all the robots. .. note:: The generated configuration file can be imported thereafter using `import_options` method. :param config_path: Full path of the location where to store the generated file. The extension '.toml' will be enforced. """ # Get all simulation options simu_options = self.get_simulation_options() # Convert all numpy array options to list simu_options = tree.unflatten_as(simu_options, [ value.tolist() if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) else value for path, value in tree.flatten_with_path(simu_options)]) # Dump all simulation options in the same configuration file config_path = pathlib.Path(config_path).with_suffix('.toml') with open(config_path, 'w') as f: tomlkit.dump(simu_options, f) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def import_options(self, config_path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> None: """Import all the options of the simulator at once, ie the engine and all the robots. .. note:: A full configuration file can be exported beforehand using `export_options` method. :param config_path: Full path of the configuration file to load. """ def deep_update(original: Dict[str, Any], new_dict: Union[Dict[str, Any], tomlkit.TOMLDocument], *, _key_root: str = "") -> Dict[str, Any]: """Updates `original` dict with values from `new_dict` recursively. If a new key should be introduced, then an error is thrown instead. .. warning:: Modify `original` in place. :param original: Dictionary with default values. :param new_dict: Dictionary with values to be updated. :param _key_root: Internal variable keeping track of current depth within nested dict hierarchy. :returns: Update dictionary. """ for key, value in new_dict.items(): key_root = "/".join((_key_root, key)) if key not in original: raise ValueError(f"Key '{key_root}' not found") if isinstance(value, dict): deep_update(original[key], value, _key_root=key_root) else: original[key] = new_dict[key] return original # Load (partial) simulation options with open(config_path, 'r') as f: simu_options = tomlkit.load(f).unwrap() # Fill any missing key with their current value simu_options_full = deep_update( self.get_simulation_options(), simu_options) # Set all options at once self.set_simulation_options(simu_options_full)