Source code for jiminy_py.log

# mypy: disable-error-code="attr-defined, name-defined"
"""Utilities for extracting structured information from log data, from
reconstructing the robot to reading telemetry variables.
import os
import re
import tempfile
from bisect import bisect_right
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, List, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union, Literal, Type,

import numpy as np

from . import core as jiminy
from . import tree
from .core import (  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    EncoderSensor as encoder,
    EffortSensor as effort,
    ContactSensor as contact,
    ForceSensor as force,
    ImuSensor as imu)
from .robot import _fix_urdf_mesh_path
from .dynamics import State, TrajectoryDataType

        Type[jiminy.AbstractSensor], Union[List[str], Dict[str, List[str]]]
        ] = {
    encoder: encoder.fieldnames,
    effort: effort.fieldnames,
    contact: contact.fieldnames,
    force: {
        k: [e[len(k):] for e in force.fieldnames if e.startswith(k)]
        for k in ['F', 'M']
    imu: {
        k: [e[len(k):] for e in imu.fieldnames if e.startswith(k)]
        for k in ['Quat', 'Gyro', 'Accel']

FieldNested = Union[Dict[str, 'FieldNested'], Sequence['FieldNested'], str]

read_log = jiminy.core.Engine.read_log

def extract_variables_from_log(log_vars: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
                               fieldnames: FieldNested,
                               namespace: str = "",
                               *, as_dict: Literal[False] = False
                               ) -> List[np.ndarray]:

def extract_variables_from_log(log_vars: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
                               fieldnames: FieldNested,
                               namespace: str = "",
                               *, as_dict: Literal[True]
                               ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:

[docs] def extract_variables_from_log(log_vars: Dict[str, np.ndarray], fieldnames: FieldNested, namespace: str = "", *, as_dict: bool = False ) -> Union[ List[np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Extract values associated with a set of variables in a specific namespace. :param log_vars: Logged variables as a dictionary. :param fieldnames: Structured fieldnames. :param namespace: Namespace of the fieldnames. Empty string to disable. Optional: Empty by default. :param keep_structure: Whether to return a dictionary mapping flattened fieldnames to values. Optional: True by default. :returns: `np.ndarray` or None for each fieldname individually depending if it is found or not. """ # Extract values from log if it exists if as_dict: keys: List[str] = [] values: List[np.ndarray] = [] for fieldname_path, fieldname in tree.flatten_with_path(fieldnames): # A key is the concatenation of namespace and full path of fieldname key = ".".join(filter( lambda key: isinstance(key, str) and key, # type: ignore[arg-type] (namespace, *fieldname_path, fieldname))) # Raise an exception if the key does not exists and not fail safe if key not in log_vars: raise ValueError(f"Variable '{key}' not found in log file.") # Extract the value corresponding to the key if as_dict: keys.append(key) values.append(log_vars[key]) # Return flat mapping from fieldnames (without prefix) to scalar values if as_dict: return OrderedDict(zip(keys, values)) return values
[docs] def build_robot_from_log( log_data: Dict[str, Any], mesh_path_dir: Optional[str] = None, mesh_package_dirs: Sequence[str] = (), *, robot_name: str = "" ) -> jiminy.Robot: """Create and initialize a robot from a single- or multi- robot simulation. .. warning:: If the robot to be built is from a multi-robot simulation, then its name needs to be specified explicitly. Alternatively, one can load all robots simultaneously in log file using `build_robots_from_log`. .. note:: Model options and `robot.pinocchio_model` will be the same as during the simulation until the next call to `reset` method unless the options of the robot that has been restored are overwritten manually. .. note:: It returns a valid and fully initialized robot, that can be used to perform new simulation if added to a Jiminy Engine, but the original controller is lost. .. warning:: It does ot require the original URDF file to exist, but the original mesh paths (if any) must be valid since they are not bundle in the log archive for now. :param log_data: Logged data (constants and variables) as a dictionary. :param mesh_path_dir: Overwrite the common root of all absolute mesh paths. It which may be necessary to read log generated on a different environment. :param mesh_package_dirs: Prepend custom mesh package search path directories to the ones provided by log file. It may be necessary to specify it to read log generated on a different environment. :param robot_name: Name of the robot to build from log. :returns: Reconstructed robot, and parsed log data as returned by `jiminy_py.log.read_log` method. """ # Instantiate empty robot robot = jiminy.Robot(robot_name) # Extract log constants log_constants = log_data["constants"] try: pinocchio_model = log_constants[ ".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, "pinocchio_model")))] except KeyError as e: if robot_name == "": raise ValueError( "No robot with empty name has been found. Specify a name or " "call `build_robots_from_log`.") from e try: # Extract geometry models collision_model = log_constants[ ".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, "collision_model")))] visual_model = log_constants[ ".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, "visual_model")))] # Initialize the model robot.initialize(pinocchio_model, collision_model, visual_model) except KeyError as e: # Extract initialization arguments urdf_data = log_constants[ ".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, "urdf_file")))] has_freeflyer = int(log_constants[ ".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, "has_freeflyer")))]) mesh_package_dirs = [*mesh_package_dirs, *log_constants.get( ".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, "mesh_package_dirs"))), ())] # Make sure urdf data is available if len(urdf_data) <= 1: raise RuntimeError( "Impossible to build robot. The log is not persistent and the " "robot was not associated with a valid URDF file.") from e # Write urdf data in temporary file urdf_path = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), f"{next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())}.urdf") with open(urdf_path, "xb") as f: f.write(urdf_data) # Fix the mesh paths in the URDF model if requested if mesh_path_dir is not None: fixed_urdf_path = _fix_urdf_mesh_path(urdf_path, mesh_path_dir) os.remove(urdf_path) urdf_path = fixed_urdf_path # Initialize model robot.initialize(urdf_path, has_freeflyer, mesh_package_dirs) # Delete temporary file os.remove(urdf_path) # Load the options all_options = log_constants["options"] robot.set_options(all_options[robot_name or "robot"]) # Update model in-place. # Note that `__setstate__` re-allocates memory instead of just calling # the copy assignment operator. Although this is undesirable, there is # no better way on Python side. Anyway, this is not an issue in this # particular case since the robot has just been created, so nobody got # references to pre-allocated data at this point. robot.pinocchio_model.__setstate__(pinocchio_model.__getstate__()) # Allocate corresponding pinocchio data manually pinocchio_data = pinocchio_model.createData() robot.pinocchio_data.__setstate__(pinocchio_data.__getstate__()) return robot
[docs] def build_robots_from_log( log_data: Dict[str, Any], mesh_path_dir: Optional[str] = None, mesh_package_dirs: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> Sequence[jiminy.Robot]: """Build all the robots in the log of the simulation. .. note:: This function calls `build_robot_from_log` to build each robot. Refer to `build_robot_from_log` for more information. :param log_data: Logged data (constants and variables) as a dictionary. :param mesh_path_dir: Overwrite the common root of all absolute mesh paths. It which may be necessary to read log generated on a different environment. :param mesh_package_dirs: Prepend custom mesh package search path directories to the ones provided by log file. It may be necessary to specify it to read log generated on a different environment. :returns: Sequence of reconstructed robots. """ # Try to infer robot names from log constants robot_names = [] for key in log_data["constants"].keys(): robot_name_match = re.match(r"^(\w*?)\.?has_freeflyer$", key) if robot_name_match is not None: robot_names.append( # Build all the robots sequentially robots = [] for robot_name in robot_names: robot = build_robot_from_log( log_data, mesh_path_dir, mesh_package_dirs, robot_name=robot_name) robots.append(robot) return robots
[docs] def extract_trajectory_from_log(log_data: Dict[str, Any], robot: Optional[jiminy.Model] = None, *, robot_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> TrajectoryDataType: """Extract the minimal required information from raw log data in order to replay the simulation in a viewer. .. note:: It extracts the required data for replay, namely temporal evolution of: - robot configuration: to display of the robot on the scene, - robot velocity: to update velocity-dependent markers such as DCM, - external forces: to update force-dependent markers. :param log_data: Logged data (constants and variables) as a dictionary. :param robot: Jiminy robot associated with the logged trajectory. Optional: None by default. If None, then it will be reconstructed from 'log_data' using `build_robot_from_log`. :param robot_name: Name of the robot to be constructed in the log. If it is not known, call `build_robot_from_log`. :returns: Trajectory dictionary. The actual trajectory corresponds to the field "evolution_robot" and it is a list of State object. The other fields are additional information. """ # Prepare robot namespace if robot is not None: if robot_name is None: robot_name = elif robot_name != raise ValueError( "The name specified in `robot_name` and the name of the robot " "are differents.") elif robot_name is None: robot_name = "" # Handling of default argument(s) if robot is None: robot = build_robot_from_log(log_data, robot_name=robot_name) # Define some proxies for convenience log_vars = log_data["variables"] # Extract the joint positions, velocities and external forces over time positions = np.stack([ log_vars.get(".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, field))), []) for field in robot.log_position_fieldnames], axis=-1) velocities = np.stack([ log_vars.get(".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, field))), []) for field in robot.log_velocity_fieldnames], axis=-1) forces = np.stack([ log_vars.get(".".join(filter(None, (robot_name, field))), []) for field in robot.log_f_external_fieldnames], axis=-1) # Determine which optional data are available has_positions = len(positions) > 0 has_velocities = len(velocities) > 0 has_forces = len(forces) > 0 # Create state sequence evolution_robot = [] q, v, f_ext = None, None, None for i, t in enumerate(log_vars["Global.Time"]): if has_positions: q = positions[i] if has_velocities: v = velocities[i] if has_forces: f_ext = [forces[i, (6 * (j - 1)):(6 * j)] for j in range(1, robot.pinocchio_model.njoints)] evolution_robot.append(State( t=t, q=q, v=v, f_ext=f_ext)) # type: ignore[arg-type] return {"evolution_robot": evolution_robot, "robot": robot, "use_theoretical_model": False}
[docs] def extract_trajectories_from_log( log_data: Dict[str, Any], robots: Optional[Sequence[jiminy.Model]] = None ) -> Dict[str, TrajectoryDataType]: """Extract the minimal required information from raw log data in order to replay the simulation in a viewer. .. note:: This function calls `extract_trajectory_from_log` to extract each robot's trajectory. Refer to `extract_trajectory_from_log` for more information. :param log_data: Logged data (constants and variables) as a dictionary. :param robots: Sequend of Jiminy robots associated with the logged trajectory. Optional: None by default. If None, then it will be reconstructed from 'log_data' using `build_robots_from_log`. :returns: Dictonary mapping each robot name to its corresponding trajectory. """ trajectories = {} # Handling of default argument(s) if robots is None: robots = build_robots_from_log(log_data) for robot in robots: trajectory = extract_trajectory_from_log( log_data, robot, trajectories[] = trajectory return trajectories
[docs] def update_sensor_measurements_from_log( log_data: Dict[str, Any], robot: jiminy.Model ) -> Callable[[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]: """Helper to make it easy to emulate sensor data update based on log data. .. note:: It returns an update_hook that can forwarding the `Viewer.replay` to display sensor information such as contact forces for instance. :param log_data: Logged data (constants and variables) as a dictionary. :param robot: Jiminy robot associated with the logged trajectory. :returns: Callable taking update time in argument and returning nothing. Note that it does not through an exception if out-of-range, but rather clip to desired time to the available data range. """ # Extract time from log log_vars = log_data["variables"] times = log_vars["Global.Time"] # Filter sensors whose data is available sensors_set, sensors_log = [], [] for sensor_type, sensor_names in robot.sensor_names.items(): sensor_fieldnames = getattr(jiminy, sensor_type).fieldnames for name in sensor_names: sensor = robot.get_sensor(sensor_type, name) log_fieldnames = [ '.'.join((, field)) for field in sensor_fieldnames] if log_fieldnames[0] in log_vars.keys(): sensor_log = np.stack([ log_vars[field] for field in log_fieldnames], axis=-1) sensors_set.append(sensor) sensors_log.append(sensor_log) def update_hook(t: float, q: np.ndarray, # pylint: disable=unused-argument v: np.ndarray # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: nonlocal times, sensors_set, sensors_log # Get surrounding indices in log data i = bisect_right(times, t) i_prev, i_next = max(i - 1, 0), min(i, len(times) - 1) # Early return if no more data is available if i_next == i_prev: return # Compute current time ratio ratio = (t - times[i_prev]) / (times[i_next] - times[i_prev]) # Update sensors data for sensor, sensor_log, in zip(sensors_set, sensors_log): value_prev, value_next = sensor_log[i_prev], sensor_log[i_next] value = value_prev + (value_next - value_prev) * ratio = value return update_hook