# mypy: disable-error-code="attr-defined, name-defined"
"""Helpers to ease computation of kinematic and dynamic quantities.
.. warning::
These helpers must be used with caution. They are inefficient and some may
not even work properly due to ground profile being partially supported.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member
import logging
from bisect import bisect_left
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from typing import (
List, Union, Optional, Tuple, Sequence, Callable, Dict, Literal)
import numpy as np
import eigenpy
import hppfcl
import pinocchio as pin
from pinocchio.rpy import (rpyToMatrix, # pylint: disable=import-error
from . import core as jiminy
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# #####################################################################
# ######################### Generic math ##############################
# #####################################################################
def SE3ToXYZRPY(M: pin.SE3) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert Pinocchio SE3 object to [X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw] vector.
return np.concatenate((M.translation, matrixToRpy(M.rotation)))
def XYZRPYToSE3(xyzrpy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert [X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw] vector to Pinocchio SE3 object.
return pin.SE3(rpyToMatrix(xyzrpy[3:]), xyzrpy[:3])
def XYZRPYToXYZQuat(xyzrpy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert [X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw] to [X,Y,Z,Qx,Qy,Qz,Qw].
xyz, rpy = xyzrpy[:3], xyzrpy[3:]
return np.concatenate((xyz, pin.Quaternion(rpyToMatrix(rpy)).coeffs()))
def XYZQuatToXYZRPY(xyzquat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert [X,Y,Z,Qx,Qy,Qz,Qw] to [X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw].
xyz, quat = xyzquat[:3], xyzquat[3:]
return np.concatenate((xyz, matrixToRpy(pin.Quaternion(quat).matrix())))
def velocityXYZRPYToXYZQuat(xyzrpy: np.ndarray,
dxyzrpy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert the derivative of [X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw] to [X,Y,Z,Qx,Qy,Qz,Qw].
.. warning::
Linear velocity in XYZRPY must be local-world-aligned frame, while
returned linear velocity in XYZQuat is in local frame.
rpy = xyzrpy[3:]
R, J_rpy = rpyToMatrix(rpy), computeRpyJacobian(rpy)
return np.concatenate((R.T @ dxyzrpy[:3], J_rpy @ dxyzrpy[3:]))
def velocityXYZQuatToXYZRPY(xyzquat: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert the derivative of [X,Y,Z,Qx,Qy,Qz,Qw] to [X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw].
.. note:
No need to estimate yaw angle to get RPY velocity, since
`computeRpyJacobianInverse` only depends on Roll and Pitch angles.
However, it is not the case for the linear velocity.
.. warning::
Linear velocity in XYZQuat must be local frame, while returned linear
velocity in XYZRPY is in local-world-aligned frame.
quat = pin.Quaternion(xyzquat[3:])
rpy = matrixToRpy(quat.matrix())
J_rpy_inv = computeRpyJacobianInverse(rpy)
return np.concatenate((quat * v[:3], J_rpy_inv @ v[3:]))
# #####################################################################
# #################### State and Trajectory ###########################
# #####################################################################
class State:
"""Basic data structure storing kinematics and dynamics information at a
given time.
.. note::
The user is the responsible for keeping track to which robot the state
is associated to as this information is not stored in the state itself.
t: float
q: np.ndarray
"""Configuration vector.
v: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
"""Velocity vector as a 1D array.
a: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
"""Acceleration vector as a 1D array.
u: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
"""Total joint efforts as a 1D array.
command: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
"""Motor command as a 1D array.
f_external: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
"""Joint external forces as a 2D array.
The first dimension corresponds to the N individual joints of the robot
including 'universe', while the second gathers the 6 spatial force
coordinates (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz).
lambda_c: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
"""Lambda multipliers associated with all the constraints as a 1D array.
TrajectoryTimeMode = Literal['raise', 'wrap', 'clip']
class Trajectory:
"""Trajectory of a robot.
This class is mostly a basic data structure storing a sequence of states
along with the robot to which it is associated. On top of that, it provides
helper methods to make it easier to manipulate these data, eg query the
state at a given timestamp.
states: Tuple[State, ...]
"""Sequence of states of increasing time.
.. warning::
The time may not be strictly increasing. There may be up to two
consecutive data point associated with the same timestep because
quantities may vary instantaneously at acceleration-level and higher.
robot: jiminy.Robot
"""Robot associated with the trajectory.
use_theoretical_model: bool
"""Whether to use the theoretical model or the extended simulation model.
def __init__(self,
states: Sequence[State],
robot: jiminy.Robot,
use_theoretical_model: bool) -> None:
:param states: Trajectory data as a sequence of `State` instances of
increasing time.
:param robot: Robot associated with the trajectory.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state sequence is associated
with the theoretical dynamical model or
extended simulation model of the robot.
# Backup user arguments
self.states = tuple(states)
self.robot = robot
self.use_theoretical_model = use_theoretical_model
# Extract time associated with all states
self._times = tuple(state.t for state in states)
if any(t_right - t_left < 0.0 for t_right, t_left in zip(
self._times[1:], self._times[:-1])):
raise ValueError(
"Time must not be decreasing between consecutive timesteps.")
# Define pinocchio model proxy for fast access
if use_theoretical_model:
self._pinocchio_model = robot.pinocchio_model_th
self._pinocchio_model = robot.pinocchio_model
# Compute the trajectory stride.
# Ensure continuity of the freeflyer when time is wrapping.
self._stride_offset_log6: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
if self.robot.has_freeflyer and self.has_data:
M_start = pin.XYZQUATToSE3(self.states[0].q[:7])
M_end = pin.XYZQUATToSE3(self.states[-1].q[:7])
self._stride_offset_log6 = pin.log6(M_end * M_start.inverse())
# Keep track of last request to speed up nearest neighbors search
self._t_prev = 0.0
self._index_prev = 1
# List of optional state fields that have been specified.
# Note that looking for keys in such a small set is not worth the
# hassle of using Python `set`, which breaks ordering and index access.
fields_: List[str] = []
fields_candidates = [field.name for field in fields(State)[2:]]
for state in states:
for field in fields_candidates:
if getattr(state, field) is None:
if field in fields_:
raise ValueError(
"The state information being set must be the same "
"for all the timesteps of a given trajectory.")
elif field not in fields_:
self._fields = tuple(fields_)
def has_data(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory has data, ie the state sequence is not empty.
return bool(self.states)
def has_velocity(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory contains the velocity vector.
return "v" in self._fields
def has_acceleration(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory contains the acceleration vector.
return "a" in self._fields
def has_effort(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory contains the effort vector.
return "u" in self._fields
def has_command(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory contains motor commands.
return "command" in self._fields
def has_external_forces(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory contains external forces.
return "f_external" in self._fields
def has_constraints(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the trajectory contains lambda multipliers of constraints.
return "lambda_c" in self._fields
def optional_fields(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Optional state information being specified for all the timesteps of
the trajectory.
return self._fields
def time_interval(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Time interval of the trajectory.
It raises an exception if no data is available.
return (self._times[0], self._times[-1])
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError( # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
"State sequence is empty. Time interval undefined.")
def get(self, t: float, mode: TrajectoryTimeMode = 'raise') -> State:
"""Query the state at a given timestamp.
Internally, the nearest neighbor states are linearly interpolated,
taking into account the corresponding Lie Group of all state attributes
that are available.
:param t: Time of the state to extract from the trajectory.
:param mode: Fallback strategy when the query time is not in the time
interval 'time_interval' of the trajectory. 'raise' raises
an exception if the query time is out-of-bound wrt the
underlying state sequence of the selected trajectory.
'clip' forces clipping of the query time before
interpolation of the state sequence. 'wrap' wraps around
the query time wrt the time span of the trajectory. This
is useful to store periodic trajectories as finite state
# pylint: disable=possibly-used-before-assignment
# Backup the original query time
t_orig = t
# Handling of the desired mode
n_steps = 0.0
t_start, t_end = self._times[0], self._times[-1]
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError( # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
"State sequence is empty. Impossible to interpolate data.")
if mode == "raise":
if t - t_end > TRAJ_INTERP_TOL or t_start - t > TRAJ_INTERP_TOL:
raise RuntimeError("Query time out-of-range.")
elif mode == "wrap":
if t_end > t_start:
n_steps, t_rel = divmod(t - t_start, t_end - t_start)
t = t_rel + t_start
t = t_start
t = min(max(t, t_start), t_end)
# Get nearest neighbors timesteps for linear interpolation.
# Note that the left and right data points may be associated with the
# same timestamp, corresponding respectively t- and t+. These values
# are different for quantities that may change discontinuously such as
# the acceleration. If the state at such a timestamp is requested, then
# returning the left value is preferred, because it corresponds to the
# only state that was accessible to the user, ie after call `step`.
if t < self._t_prev:
self._index_prev = 1
self._index_prev = bisect_left(
self._times, t, self._index_prev, len(self._times) - 1)
self._t_prev = t
# Extract left and right states, then compute interpolation ratio
index_left, index_right = self._index_prev - 1, self._index_prev
t_left, s_left = self._times[index_left], self.states[index_left]
return_left = t - t_left < TRAJ_INTERP_TOL
if not return_left:
t_right = self._times[index_right]
s_right = self.states[index_right]
return_right = t_right - t < TRAJ_INTERP_TOL
alpha = (t - t_left) / (t_right - t_left)
# Interpolate state data
if return_left:
position = s_left.q.copy()
elif return_right:
position = s_right.q.copy()
position = pin.interpolate(
self._pinocchio_model, s_left.q, s_right.q, alpha)
state: Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]] = dict(t=t_orig, q=position)
for field in self._fields:
value_left = getattr(s_left, field)
if return_left:
state[field] = value_left.copy()
value_right = getattr(s_right, field)
if return_right:
state[field] = value_right.copy()
state[field] = value_left + alpha * (value_right - value_left)
# Perform odometry if time is wrapping
if self._stride_offset_log6 is not None and n_steps:
stride_offset = pin.exp6(n_steps * self._stride_offset_log6)
ff_xyzquat = stride_offset * pin.XYZQUATToSE3(position[:7])
position[:7] = pin.SE3ToXYZQUAT(ff_xyzquat)
# Return a State object
return State(**state) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# #####################################################################
# ################### Kinematic and dynamics ##########################
# #####################################################################
def update_quantities(robot: jiminy.Model,
position: np.ndarray,
velocity: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
acceleration: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
f_external: Optional[
Union[List[np.ndarray], pin.StdVec_Force]] = None,
update_dynamics: bool = True,
update_centroidal: bool = True,
update_energy: bool = True,
update_jacobian: bool = False,
update_collisions: bool = False,
use_theoretical_model: bool = True) -> None:
"""Compute all quantities using position, velocity and acceleration
Run multiple algorithms to compute all quantities which can be known with
the model position, velocity and acceleration.
This includes:
- body and frame spatial transforms,
- body spatial velocities,
- body spatial drifts,
- body spatial acceleration,
- joint transform jacobian matrices,
- center-of-mass position,
- center-of-mass velocity,
- center-of-mass drift,
- center-of-mass acceleration,
- center-of-mass jacobian,
- articular inertia matrix,
- non-linear effects (Coriolis + gravity)
- collisions and distances
.. note::
Computation results are stored internally in the robot, and can be
retrieved with associated getters.
.. warning::
This function modifies the internal robot data.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param position: Configuration vector.
:param velocity: Joint velocity vector.
:param acceleration: Joint acceleration vector.
:param f_external: External forces applied on each joints.
:param update_dynamics: Whether to compute the non-linear effects and the
joint internal forces.
Optional: True by default.
:param update_centroidal: Whether to compute the centroidal dynamics (incl.
CoM) of the robot.
Optional: False by default.
:param update_energy: Whether to compute the energy of the robot.
Optional: False by default
:param update_jacobian: Whether to compute the Jacobian matrices of the
joint transforms.
Optional: False by default.
:param update_collisions: Whether to detect collisions and compute
distances between all the geometry objects.
Optional: False by default.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state corresponds to the
theoretical model when updating and fetching
the state of the robot.
Optional: True by default.
if use_theoretical_model:
model = robot.pinocchio_model_th
data = robot.pinocchio_data_th
model = robot.pinocchio_model
data = robot.pinocchio_data
if (update_dynamics and update_centroidal and
update_energy and update_jacobian and
velocity is not None and acceleration is None):
pin.computeAllTerms(model, data, position, velocity)
if velocity is None:
pin.forwardKinematics(model, data, position)
elif acceleration is None:
pin.forwardKinematics(model, data, position, velocity)
model, data, position, velocity, acceleration)
if update_jacobian:
if update_centroidal:
pin.jacobianCenterOfMass(model, data)
if not update_dynamics:
pin.computeJointJacobians(model, data)
if update_dynamics:
if velocity is not None:
pin.nonLinearEffects(model, data, position, velocity)
jiminy.crba(model, data, position)
if update_energy:
if velocity is not None:
model, data, position, velocity, update_kinematics=False)
pin.computePotentialEnergy(model, data)
if update_centroidal:
pin.computeCentroidalMomentumTimeVariation(model, data)
if acceleration is not None:
pin.centerOfMass(model, data, pin.ACCELERATION, False)
if (update_dynamics and velocity is not None and
acceleration is not None and f_external is not None):
jiminy.rnea(model, data, position, velocity, acceleration, f_external)
pin.updateFramePlacements(model, data)
model, data, robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data)
if update_collisions:
robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data,
pin.computeDistances(robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data)
for dist_req in robot.collision_data.distanceResults:
if np.linalg.norm(dist_req.normal) < 1e-6:
robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data)
def get_body_world_transform(robot: jiminy.Model,
body_name: str,
use_theoretical_model: bool = True,
copy: bool = True) -> pin.SE3:
"""Get the transform from world frame to body frame for a given body.
.. warning::
It is assumed that `update_quantities` has been called beforehand.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param body_name: Name of the body.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state corresponds to the
theoretical model when updating and fetching
the state of the robot.
:param copy: Whether to return the internal buffers (which could be
altered) or copy them.
Optional: True by default. It is less efficient but safer.
:returns: Body transform.
# Pick the right pinocchio model and data
if use_theoretical_model:
model = robot.pinocchio_model_th
data = robot.pinocchio_data_th
model = robot.pinocchio_model
data = robot.pinocchio_data
# Get frame index and make sure it exists
body_id = model.getFrameId(body_name)
assert body_id < model.nframes, f"Frame '{body_name}' does not exits."
# Get body transform in world frame
transform = data.oMf[body_id]
if copy:
transform = transform.copy()
return transform
def get_body_world_velocity(robot: jiminy.Model,
body_name: str,
use_theoretical_model: bool = True) -> pin.SE3:
"""Get the spatial velocity in world frame.
.. warning::
It is assumed that `update_quantities` has been called beforehand.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param body_name: Name of the body.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state corresponds to the
theoretical model when updating and fetching
the state of the robot.
Optional: True by default.
:returns: Spatial velocity.
# Pick the right pinocchio model and data
if use_theoretical_model:
model = robot.pinocchio_model_th
data = robot.pinocchio_data_th
model = robot.pinocchio_model
data = robot.pinocchio_data
# Get frame index and make sure it exists
body_id = model.getFrameId(body_name)
assert body_id < model.nframes, f"Frame '{body_name}' does not exits."
return pin.getFrameVelocity(model, data, body_id, pin.WORLD)
def get_body_world_acceleration(robot: jiminy.Model,
body_name: str,
use_theoretical_model: bool = True) -> pin.SE3:
"""Get the body spatial acceleration in world frame.
The moment of this tensor (i.e linear part) is NOT the linear acceleration
of the center of the body frame, expressed in the world frame.
.. warning::
It is assumed that `update_quantities` has been called.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param body_name: Name of the body.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state corresponds to the
theoretical model when updating and fetching
the state of the robot.
Optional: True by default.
:returns: Spatial acceleration.
# Pick the right pinocchio model and data
if use_theoretical_model:
model = robot.pinocchio_model_th
data = robot.pinocchio_data_th
model = robot.pinocchio_model
data = robot.pinocchio_data
# Get frame index and make sure it exists
body_id = model.getFrameId(body_name)
assert body_id < model.nframes, f"Frame '{body_name}' does not exits."
return pin.getFrameAcceleration(model, data, body_id, pin.WORLD)
def compute_freeflyer_state_from_fixed_body(
robot: jiminy.Model,
position: np.ndarray,
velocity: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
acceleration: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
fixed_body_name: Optional[str] = None,
ground_profile: Optional[Callable[
[np.ndarray], Tuple[float, np.ndarray]]] = None,
use_theoretical_model: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
"""Fill rootjoint data from articular data when a body is fixed and
aligned with world frame.
This method computes the position of freeflyer in the fixed body frame.
If **fixed_body_name** is omitted, it will default to either:
- the set of three contact points
- a single collision body
In such a way that no contact points nor collision bodies are going through
the ground and at least contact points or a collision body are touching it.
`None` is returned if their is no contact frame or if the robot does not
have a freeflyer.
.. warning::
This function modifies the internal robot data.
.. warning::
The method fills in freeflyer data instead of returning an updated copy
for efficiency.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param position: Must contain current articular data. The freeflyer data
can contain any value, it will be ignored and replaced.
:param velocity: See position.
:param acceleration: See position.
:param fixed_body_name: Name of the body frame that is considered fixed
parallel to world frame.
Optional: It will be inferred from the set of
contact points and collision bodies.
:param ground_profile: Ground profile callback.
:param use_theoretical_model:
Whether the state corresponds to the theoretical model when updating
and fetching the state of the robot. Must be False if `fixed_body_name`
is not specified.
Optional: True by default if `fixed_body_name` is specified, False
:returns: Name of the contact frame, if any.
# Early return if no freeflyer
if not robot.has_freeflyer:
# Handling of default arguments
if use_theoretical_model is None:
use_theoretical_model = fixed_body_name is not None
# Clear freeflyer position, velocity and acceleration
position[6] = 1.0
if velocity is not None:
if acceleration is not None:
# Update kinematics, frame placements and collision information
if fixed_body_name is None:
if use_theoretical_model:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot infer contact transform for the theoretical model.")
w_M_ff = compute_transform_contact(robot, ground_profile)
ff_M_fixed_body = get_body_world_transform(
robot, fixed_body_name, use_theoretical_model, copy=False)
if ground_profile is not None:
ground_translation = np.zeros(3)
ground_translation[2], normal = ground_profile(
ground_rotation = pin.Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(
np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), normal).matrix()
w_M_ground = pin.SE3(ground_rotation, ground_translation)
w_M_ground = pin.SE3.Identity()
w_M_ff = w_M_ground.act(ff_M_fixed_body.inverse())
position[:7] = pin.SE3ToXYZQUAT(w_M_ff)
if fixed_body_name is not None:
if velocity is not None:
ff_v_fixed_body = get_body_world_velocity(
robot, fixed_body_name, use_theoretical_model)
base_link_velocity = - ff_v_fixed_body
velocity[:6] = base_link_velocity.vector
if acceleration is not None:
ff_a_fixedBody = get_body_world_acceleration(
robot, fixed_body_name, use_theoretical_model)
base_link_acceleration = - ff_a_fixedBody
acceleration[:6] = base_link_acceleration.vector
def compute_efforts_from_fixed_body(
robot: jiminy.Model,
position: np.ndarray,
velocity: np.ndarray,
acceleration: np.ndarray,
fixed_body_name: str,
use_theoretical_model: bool = True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, pin.Force]:
"""Compute the efforts using RNEA method.
.. warning::
This function modifies the internal robot data.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param position: Robot configuration vector.
:param velocity: Robot velocity vector.
:param acceleration: Robot acceleration vector.
:param fixed_body_name: Name of the body frame.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state corresponds to the
theoretical model when updating and fetching
the state of the robot.
Optional: True by default.
:returns: articular efforts and external forces.
# Pick the right pinocchio model and data
if use_theoretical_model:
model = robot.pinocchio_model_th
data = robot.pinocchio_data_th
model = robot.pinocchio_model
data = robot.pinocchio_data
# Apply a first run of rnea without explicit external forces
jiminy.rnea(model, data, position, velocity, acceleration)
# Initialize vector of exterior forces to zero
f_ext = pin.StdVec_Force()
f_ext.extend(len(model.names) * (pin.Force.Zero(),))
# Compute the force at the contact frame
pin.forwardKinematics(model, data, position)
support_joint_index = model.frames[
f_ext[support_joint_index] = data.oMi[support_joint_index].actInv(
# Recompute the efforts with RNEA and the correct external forces
u = jiminy.rnea(model, data, position, velocity, acceleration, f_ext)
f_ext = f_ext[support_joint_index]
return u, f_ext
def compute_inverse_dynamics(robot: jiminy.Model,
position: np.ndarray,
velocity: np.ndarray,
acceleration: np.ndarray,
use_theoretical_model: bool = False
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Compute the motor torques through inverse dynamics, assuming to external
forces except the one resulting from the analytical constraints applied on
the model.
.. warning::
This function modifies the internal robot data.
:param robot: Jiminy robot.
:param position: Robot configuration vector.
:param velocity: Robot velocity vector.
:param acceleration: Robot acceleration vector.
:param use_theoretical_model:
Whether the position, velocity and acceleration are associated with the
theoretical model instead of the extended one.
Optional: False by default.
:returns: motor torques.
if not robot.has_constraints:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Robot without active constraints is not supported for now.")
# Convert theoretical position, velocity and acceleration if necessary
if use_theoretical_model and robot.is_flexibility_enabled:
position = robot.get_extended_position_from_theoretical(position)
velocity = robot.get_extended_velocity_from_theoretical(velocity)
acceleration = (
# Define some proxies for convenience
model = robot.pinocchio_model
data = robot.pinocchio_data
motor_velocity_indices = [
model.joints[motor.joint_index].idx_v for motor in robot.motors]
# Updating kinematics quantities
pin.forwardKinematics(model, data, position, velocity, acceleration)
pin.updateFramePlacements(model, data)
# Compute constraint jacobian and drift
robot.compute_constraints(position, velocity)
J, drift = robot.get_constraints_jacobian_and_drift()
# No need to compute the internal matrix using `crba` nor to perform the
# cholesky decomposition since it is already done by `compute_constraints`
# internally.
M_inv = pin.cholesky.computeMinv(model, data)
M_inv_mcol = M_inv[:, motor_velocity_indices]
# Compute non-linear effects
pin.nonLinearEffects(model, data, position, velocity)
nle = data.nle
# Compute constraint forces
jiminy.computeJMinvJt(model, data, J)
a_f = jiminy.solveJMinvJtv(data, + J @ M_inv @ nle - drift)
B_f = jiminy.solveJMinvJtv(data, - J @ M_inv_mcol, False)
# compute feedforward term
a_ydd = (M_inv @ (J.T @ a_f - nle) - acceleration)[motor_velocity_indices]
B_ydd = (M_inv_mcol + M_inv @ J.T @ B_f)[motor_velocity_indices]
# Compute motor torques
u = eigenpy.LDLT(B_ydd).solve(- a_ydd)
return u