# mypy: disable-error-code="arg-type, index, assignment, union-attr"
"""This module implements a block transformation for adapt the layout of the
observation space of an environment that may be arbitrarily nested.
from operator import getitem
from functools import reduce
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (
Sequence, Tuple, List, Union, Generic, TypeVar, Type, Optional, Dict, cast,
from typing_extensions import Unpack
import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
from jiminy_py.tree import (
flatten_with_path, issubclass_mapping, issubclass_sequence)
from ..bases import (Act,
from ..utils import DataNested, copy
MaybeNestedObs = TypeVar('MaybeNestedObs', bound=DataNested)
OtherMaybeNestedObs = TypeVar('OtherMaybeNestedObs', bound=DataNested)
Key = Union[str, int]
NestedKey = Tuple[Key, ...]
Slice = Union[Tuple[()], int, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]]
ArrayBlockSpec = Sequence[Slice]
NestedData = Union[NestedKey, Tuple[Unpack[NestedKey], ArrayBlockSpec]]
def _adapt_layout(data: DataNested,
layout: Sequence[Tuple[NestedKey, NestedData]]
) -> DataNested:
def _adapt_layout(data: gym.Space[DataNested],
layout: Sequence[Tuple[NestedKey, NestedData]]
) -> gym.Space[DataNested]:
def _adapt_layout(
data: Union[DataNested, gym.Space[DataNested]],
layout: Sequence[Tuple[NestedKey, NestedData]]
) -> Union[DataNested, gym.Space[DataNested]]:
"""Extract subtrees and leaves from a given input nested data structure and
rearrange them an arbitrary output nested data structure according to some
prescribed layout.
All the leaves are still sharing memomy with their original counterpart as
they are references to the same objects. However, all the containers are
completely independent, even when extracting a complete subtree.
.. note::
This method can be used to filter out subtrees of a given nested data
structure by partially shallow copying it.
.. warning::
All the output containers are freshly created rather than copies. This
means that they must be constructible from plain-old python containers
(dict, list, tuple, ...) without any extra arguments. Any custom
attributes dynamically added would be lost if any. This is typically
the case for all standard `gym.Space`.
:param data: Hierarchical data structure from which to extract data without
memory allocation for leaves.
:param layout: Sequence of tuples `(nested_key_out, nested_key_in)` mapping
the desired path in the output data structure to the
original path in input data structure. These tuples are
guaranteed to be processed in order. The same path may
appear multiple time in the output data structure. If so,
the corresponding subtrees while be aggregated in sequence.
If the parent node of the first subtree being considered is
already a sequence, then subsequent extracted subtrees will
be appended to it directly. If not, then a dedicated
top-level sequence container while be created first.
# We need to guarantee that all containers of the output data structure are
# mutable while building it, and only at the end to convert them back to
# their respective desired type.
# Since the output data structure is not known in advance, the only option
# is to keep track of the desired container type while building the output
# data structure.
# Determine if data is a gym.Space or a "classical" nested data structure
is_space = isinstance(data, gym.Space)
# Shallow copy the input data structure
data = copy(data)
# Convert all parent containers to their mutable counterpart
container_types_in: Dict[NestedKey, Type] = {}
for nested_key, _ in flatten_with_path(data):
for i in range(1, len(nested_key) + 1):
# Extract parent container
nested_key_parent = nested_key[:(i - 1)]
if nested_key_parent:
*nested_key_container, key_parent = nested_key_parent
container = reduce(getitem, nested_key_container, data)
parent = container[key_parent]
parent = data
# Convert parent container to mutable dictionary
parent_type = type(parent)
if nested_key_parent not in container_types_in:
container_types_in[nested_key_parent] = parent_type
if parent_type in (list, dict, OrderedDict):
if issubclass_mapping(parent_type):
parent = OrderedDict(parent.items())
elif issubclass_sequence(parent_type):
parent = list(parent)
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Unsupported container type: '{parent_type}'")
# Re-assign parent data structure
if nested_key_parent:
container[key_parent] = parent
data = parent
# Build the output data structure sequentially
container_types_out: Dict[NestedKey, Type] = {}
out: Optional[DataNested] = None
for nested_key_out, nested_spec_in in layout:
# Make sure that requested nested data is a subtree
if not nested_spec_in:
raise ValueError("Input nested keys must not be empty.")
# Split nested keys from block specification if any
block_spec_in: Optional[ArrayBlockSpec] = None
if isinstance(nested_spec_in[-1], (tuple, list)):
nested_key_in = nested_spec_in[:-1]
block_spec_in = nested_spec_in[-1]
nested_key_in = cast(NestedKey, nested_spec_in)
# Extract the input chunk recursively
value_in = reduce(getitem, nested_key_in, data)
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(f"Nested key '{nested_key_in}' is missing.") from e
if block_spec_in is not None:
# Convert array block specification to slices
slices = []
for start_end in block_spec_in:
if isinstance(start_end, int):
elif not start_end:
slices = tuple(slices)
# Extract sub-space or array view depending on the input
if is_space:
assert isinstance(value_in, gym.spaces.Box)
assert isinstance(value_in.dtype, np.dtype) and issubclass(
value_in.dtype.type, (np.floating, np.integer))
low, high = value_in.low[slices], value_in.high[slices]
value_in = gym.spaces.Box(low=low,
assert isinstance(value_in, np.ndarray)
value_in = value_in[slices]
# Deal with the special case where the output nested key is empty
if not nested_key_out:
if out is None:
# Promote the extracted value as output
out = value_in
# Encapsulate the output in sequence container if it was not
# the case originally. The whole hierarchy of container types
# must be shifted one level deeper, while the new top-level
# container type is the default tuple.
if not isinstance(out, list):
out = [out,]
for path, type_ in tuple(container_types_out.items()):
container_types_out[(0, *path)] = type_
del container_types_out[path]
if isinstance(data, gym.Space):
container_types_out[()] = gym.spaces.Tuple
container_types_out[()] = tuple
# Update out nested key to account for index in sequence
nested_key_out = (len(out),)
# Add extracted input chunks to output
value_out = out
depth = len(nested_key_out)
for i in range(depth):
# Extract key and subkey
key = nested_key_out[i]
subkey = nested_key_out[i + 1] if i + 1 < depth else None
if isinstance(key, str):
# Initialize the out container is not done before
if out is None:
value_out = out = {}
if is_space:
container_types_out[()] = gym.spaces.Dict
container_types_out[()] = dict
assert isinstance(value_out, dict)
# Create new branch if not the final key in path, otherwise
# add extracted value as leaf. Then, extract child node.
if key not in value_out or subkey is not None:
if key not in value_out:
if subkey is None:
value_out[key] = value_in
value_out[key] = {}
path = nested_key_out[:(i + 1)]
if is_space:
container_types_out[path] = gym.spaces.Dict
container_types_out[path] = dict
value_out = value_out[key]
elif isinstance(key, int):
# Initialize the out container is not done before
if out is None:
value_out = out = []
if is_space:
container_types_out[()] = gym.spaces.Tuple
container_types_out[()] = tuple
assert isinstance(value_out, list)
# Just extract child node if not the final key in path
if subkey is not None:
value_out = value_out[key]
# The final node expected to be sequence container. Encapsulate the
# output in sequence container if not already the case, while
# adapting the hierarchy of output container types accordingly.
# Then append the extract value.
assert value_out is not None
if not isinstance(value_out[key], list):
value_out[key] = [value_out[key],]
for path, type_ in tuple(container_types_out.items()):
root_path, child_path = path[:depth], path[depth:]
if root_path == nested_key_out:
path_ = (*nested_key_out, 0, *child_path)
container_types_out[path_] = type_
del container_types_out[path]
if is_space:
container_types_out[nested_key_out] = gym.spaces.Tuple
container_types_out[nested_key_out] = tuple
nested_key_out = (*nested_key_out, len(value_out[key]))
# Extract copied out container types
for path, type_ in container_types_in.items():
root_path = path[:len(nested_key_in)]
child_path = path[len(nested_key_in):]
if root_path == nested_key_in:
container_types_out[(*nested_key_out, *child_path)] = type_
# Restore original parent container types
path_all, _ = zip(*flatten_with_path(out))
depth = max(map(len, path_all))
for i in range(depth)[::-1]:
for nested_key in path_all:
# Skip if the node is not a container
if len(nested_key) <= i:
# Extract parent container
nested_key_parent = nested_key[:i]
if nested_key_parent:
*nested_key_container, key_parent = nested_key_parent
container = reduce(getitem, nested_key_container, out)
parent = container[key_parent]
parent = out
# Restore original container type if not already done
parent_type = container_types_out[nested_key_parent]
if isinstance(parent, parent_type):
if issubclass_mapping(parent_type):
parent = parent_type(tuple(parent.items()))
elif issubclass_sequence(parent_type):
parent = parent_type(tuple(parent))
# Re-assign output data structure
if nested_key_parent:
container[key_parent] = parent
out = parent
assert out is not None
return out
class AdaptLayoutObservation(
BaseTransformObservation[OtherMaybeNestedObs, MaybeNestedObs, Act],
Generic[OtherMaybeNestedObs, MaybeNestedObs, Act]):
"""Adapt the data structure of the original nested observation space,
by filtering out some leaves and/or re-ordering others.
This wrapper does nothing but exposing a subset of all the leaves of the
original observation space with a completely independent data structure.
For flattening the observation space after filtering, you should wrap the
environment with `FlattenObservation` as yet another layer.
It is possible to operate on subtrees directly without going all the way
down each leaf. Similarly, one can extract slices (possibly not contiguous)
of `gym.spaces.Box` spaces. Extra leaves can be added to subtrees of
original data that has already been re-mapped, knowing that the items of
the layout are always processed in order. Moreover, the same output key can
appear multiple times. In such case, all the associated values will be
stacked as a tuple while preserving their order.
Let us consider the following nested observation space:
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (7, 6, 5, 4)),
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (2, 3)),
Here is an example that aggregates one leaf to a leaf of a subtree that has
already been remapped:
[((), ("x2", "y2")), ((0,), ("x1",))]
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (7, 6, 5, 4)),
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (2, 3)),
Here is an example that aggregate one leaf and one multi-dimensional slice
of a Box space (array[:, 1:3]) under two separate keys of a nested dict:
[(("A", "B1"), ("x2", "y2", 1)),
(("A", "B2"), ("x1", 0, [(), (1, 4), (1, 3)]))]
B1=gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (2, 3)),
B2=gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (7, 3, 2, 4))
Here is an example that aggregate two subtree in the same nested structure:
[((), ("x2",)), (("y1", "z2"), ("x1",))]
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (7, 6, 5, 4)),
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (2, 3)),
def __init__(self,
env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[MaybeNestedObs, Act],
layout: Sequence[Tuple[
Union[NestedKey, Key], NestedData]]) -> None:
:param env: Base or already wrapped jiminy environment.
:param layout: Sequence of tuples `(nested_key_out, nested_key_in)`
mapping the desired path in the output data structure to
the original path in input data structure. These tuples
are guaranteed to be processed in order. The same path
may appear multiple time in the output data structure.
If so, the corresponding subtrees while be aggregated in
sequence. If the parent node of the first subtree being
considered is already a sequence, then all subsequent
extracted subtrees will be appended to it directly. If
not, then a dedicated top-level sequence container while
be created first.
# Make sure that some keys are preserved
if not layout:
raise ValueError(
"The resulting observation space must not be empty.")
# Backup user-specified layout while making sure all nested keys are
# stored in sequence.
self.layout: Sequence[Tuple[NestedKey, NestedData]] = []
for nested_key_out, nested_spec_in in layout:
if isinstance(nested_key_out, (str, int)):
nested_key_out = (nested_key_out,)
self.layout.append((nested_key_out, nested_spec_in))
# Initialize base class
# Bind observation of the environment for all extracted keys
self.observation = _adapt_layout(self.env.observation, self.layout)
def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None:
"""Configure the observation space.
It gathers a subset of all the leaves of the original observation space
without any further processing.
self.observation_space = _adapt_layout(
self.env.observation_space, self.layout)
class FilterObservation(
BaseTransformObservation[NestedObs, NestedObs, Act],
Generic[NestedObs, Act]):
"""Filter nested observation space.
This wrapper does nothing but providing an observation only exposing a
subset of all the leaves of the original observation space. This wrapper is
a specialization of `AdaptLayoutObservation`, which is more generic. For
flattening the observation space after filtering, you should wrap the
environment with `FlattenObservation` as yet another layer.
Note that it is possible to operate on subtrees directly without going all
the way down each leaf.
Beware that the original ordered of leaves within their parent container is
maintain, whatever the order in which they appear in the specified list of
filtered nested keys.
Let us consider the following nested observation space:
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (7, 6, 5, 4)),
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (2, 3)),
Here is an example that filter out part of a sequence container and a
mapping container:
[("x2", "y2", 2), ("x2", "y2", 0), ("x1",)]
gym.spaces.Box(float('-inf'), float('inf'), (7, 6, 5, 4)),
def __init__(self,
env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[NestedObs, Act],
nested_filter_keys: Sequence[Union[NestedKey, Key]]) -> None:
# Make sure that the top-most observation space is a container
space_cls = type(env.observation_space)
assert issubclass_mapping(space_cls) or issubclass_sequence(space_cls)
# Make sure all nested keys are stored in sequence
assert not isinstance(nested_filter_keys, str)
self.nested_filter_keys: Sequence[NestedKey] = []
for nested_key in nested_filter_keys:
if isinstance(nested_key, (str, int)):
nested_key = (nested_key,)
# Get all paths associated with leaf values that must be kept.
# Re-order filtered leaves to match the original nested data structure.
path_filtered_leaves: List[NestedKey] = []
for path, _ in flatten_with_path(env.observation_space):
if any(path[:len(e)] == e for e in self.nested_filter_keys):
if path not in path_filtered_leaves:
# Backup the layout mapping
self._layout: Sequence[Tuple[NestedKey, NestedData]] = []
for nested_key_in in path_filtered_leaves:
if isinstance(nested_key_in[-1], int):
nested_key_out = nested_key_in[:-1]
nested_key_out = nested_key_in
self._layout.append((nested_key_out, nested_key_in))
# Make sure that some keys are preserved
if not path_filtered_leaves:
raise ValueError(
"At least one observation leaf must be preserved.")
# Initialize base class
# Bind observation of the environment for all filtered keys
self.observation = _adapt_layout(self.env.observation, self._layout)
def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None:
"""Configure the observation space.
It gathers a subset of all the leaves of the original observation space
without any further processing.
self.observation_space = _adapt_layout(
self.env.observation_space, self._layout)