Source code for gym_jiminy.common.wrappers.observation_filter

"""This module implements a block transformation for filtering out some of the
keys of the observation space of an environment that may be arbitrarily nested.
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Sequence, Union, Generic
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

import gymnasium as gym

from ..bases import (ObsT,

FilteredObsType: TypeAlias = ObsT

[docs] class FilterObservation(BaseTransformObservation[FilteredObsType, ObsT, ActT], Generic[ObsT, ActT]): """Filter nested observation space. This wrapper does not nothing but providing an observation only exposing a subset of all the branches and leaves of the original observation space. For flattening the observation space after filtering, you should wrap the environment with `FlattenObservation` as yet another layer. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[ObsT, ActT], nested_filter_keys: Sequence[Union[Sequence[str], str]] ) -> None: # Make sure that the observation space derives from 'gym.spaces.Dict' assert isinstance(env.observation_space, gym.spaces.Dict) # Make sure all nested keys are stored in sequence self.nested_filter_keys = [] for key_nested in nested_filter_keys: if isinstance(key_nested, str): key_nested = (key_nested,) self.nested_filter_keys.append(key_nested) # Remove redundant nested keys if any for i, key_nested in list(enumerate(self.nested_filter_keys))[::-1]: for j, path in list(enumerate(self.nested_filter_keys[:i]))[::-1]: if path[:len(key_nested)] == key_nested: self.nested_filter_keys.pop(j) elif path == key_nested[:len(path)]: self.nested_filter_keys.pop(i) break # Initialize base class super().__init__(env) # Bind observation of the environment for all filtered keys self.observation = OrderedDict() for key_nested in self.nested_filter_keys: observation_filtered = self.observation observation = self.env.observation for key in key_nested[:-1]: assert isinstance(observation, dict) observation = observation[key] observation_filtered = observation_filtered.setdefault( key, OrderedDict()) assert isinstance(observation, dict) observation_filtered[key_nested[-1]] = observation[key_nested[-1]] def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None: """Configure the observation space. It gathers a subset of all the branches and leaves of the original observation space without any further processing. """ self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict() for key_nested in self.nested_filter_keys: space_filtered = self.observation_space space = self.env.observation_space for key in key_nested[:-1]: assert isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict) space = space[key] space_filtered = space_filtered.spaces.setdefault( key, gym.spaces.Dict()) # type: ignore[assignment] assert isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict) space_filtered[key_nested[-1]] = space[key_nested[-1]]
[docs] def transform_observation(self) -> None: """No-op transform since the transform observation is sharing memory with the wrapped one since it is just a partial view. """