Source code for gym_jiminy.common.wrappers.normalize

"""This module implements two block transformations for normalizing the
observation and action spaces of the environment.
from typing import Generic, TypeAlias

import numpy as np

import gymnasium as gym

from ..bases import (Obs,
from ..utils import build_map, build_normalize

NormalizedObs: TypeAlias = Obs
NormalizedAct: TypeAlias = Act

def _normalize_space(space: gym.spaces.Box) -> gym.spaces.Box:
    """Normalize a space instance deriving from `gym.spaces.Box`.

    This method returns a new space instance identical to the original one
    except for the lower and upper bounds that are -1.0, 1.0 respectively.

    .. note::
        The returned space is a new instance created by calling the
        constructor of the original space with the arguments of
        `gym.spaces.Box` regardless of its actual type. Then, any instance
        attributes of  the original space that are not defined at this point
        for the new instance are copied.
    # Instantiate normalized space
    dtype = space.dtype
    assert dtype is not None and issubclass(dtype.type, np.floating)
    space_ = type(space)(-1.0, 1.0, shape=space.shape, dtype=dtype.type)

    # Preserve instance-specific attributes as is, if any
    space_attrs = vars(space_).keys()
    for key, value in vars(space).items():
        if key not in space_attrs:
            setattr(space_, key, value)

    return space_

[docs] class NormalizeObservation( BaseTransformObservation[NormalizedObs, Obs, Act], Generic[Obs, Act]): """Normalize (without clipping) the observation space of a pipeline environment according to its pre-defined bounds rather than statistics over collected data. .. warning:: All leaves of the observation space must have type `gym.spaces.Box`. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[Obs, Act], ignore_unbounded: bool = False) -> None: """ :param env: Base or already wrapped jiminy environment. :param ignore_unbounded: If True, then spaces that are not bounded will be ignored, leaving them unchanged even if some elements are bounded. If False, it will raise an exception if in such a case. """ # Initialize base class super().__init__(env) # Define specialized operator(s) for efficiency self._normalize_observation = build_normalize( self.env.observation_space, self.observation, self.env.observation, ignore_unbounded=ignore_unbounded) def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None: self.observation_space = build_map( _normalize_space, self.env.observation_space, None, 0)()
[docs] def transform_observation(self) -> None: self._normalize_observation()
[docs] class NormalizeAction(BaseTransformAction[NormalizedAct, Obs, Act], Generic[Obs, Act]): """Normalize (without clipping) the action space of a pipeline environment according to its pre-defined bounds rather than statistics over collected data. Unbounded elements if any are left unchanged. .. warning:: All leaves of the action space must have type `gym.spaces.Box`. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[Obs, Act], ignore_unbounded: bool = False) -> None: # Initialize base class super().__init__(env) # Define specialized operator(s) for efficiency self._denormalize_to_env_action = build_normalize( self.env.action_space, self.env.action, ignore_unbounded=ignore_unbounded, is_reversed=True) def _initialize_action_space(self) -> None: self.action_space = build_map( _normalize_space, self.env.action_space, None, 0)()
[docs] def transform_action(self, action: NormalizedAct) -> None: self._denormalize_to_env_action(action)