Source code for gym_jiminy.common.wrappers.normalize

"""This module implements two block transformations for normalizing the
observation and action spaces of the environment respectively.
from typing import Generic
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

import numpy as np

import gymnasium as gym

from ..bases import (ObsT,
from ..utils import build_map, build_normalize

NormalizedObsT: TypeAlias = ObsT
NormalizedActT: TypeAlias = ActT

def _normalize_space(space: gym.spaces.Box) -> gym.spaces.Box:
    """Normalize a space instance deriving from `gym.spaces.Box`.

    This method returns a new space instance identical to the original one
    except for the lower and upper bounds that are -1.0, 1.0 respectively.

    .. note::
        The returned space is a new instance created by calling the
        constructor of the original space with the arguments of
        `gym.spaces.Box` regardless of its actual type. Then, any instance
        attributes of  the original space that are not defined at this point
        for the new instance are copied.
    # Instantiate normalized space
    dtype = space.dtype
    assert dtype is not None and issubclass(dtype.type, np.floating)
    space_ = type(space)(-1.0, 1.0, shape=space.shape, dtype=dtype.type)

    # Preserve instance-specific attributes as is, if any
    space_attrs = vars(space_).keys()
    for key, value in vars(space).items():
        if key not in space_attrs:
            setattr(space_, key, value)

    return space_

[docs] class NormalizeObservation( BaseTransformObservation[NormalizedObsT, ObsT, ActT], Generic[ObsT, ActT]): """Normalize (without clipping) the observation space of a pipeline environment according to its pre-defined bounds rather than statistics over collected data. Unbounded elements if any are left unchanged. .. warning:: All leaves of the observation space must have type `gym.spaces.Box`. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[ObsT, ActT]) -> None: # Initialize base class super().__init__(env) # Define specialized operator(s) for efficiency self._normalize_observation = build_normalize( self.env.observation_space, self.observation, self.env.observation) def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None: """Configure the observation space. """ self.observation_space = build_map( _normalize_space, self.env.observation_space, None, 0)()
[docs] def transform_observation(self) -> None: """Update in-place pre-allocated transformed observation buffer with the normalized observation of the wrapped environment. """ self._normalize_observation()
[docs] class NormalizeAction(BaseTransformAction[NormalizedActT, ObsT, ActT], Generic[ObsT, ActT]): """Normalize (without clipping) the action space of a pipeline environment according to its pre-defined bounds rather than statistics over collected data. Unbounded elements if any are left unchanged. .. warning:: All leaves of the action space must have type `gym.spaces.Box`. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[ObsT, ActT]) -> None: # Initialize base class super().__init__(env) # Define specialized operator(s) for efficiency self._denormalize_to_env_action = build_normalize( self.env.action_space, self.env.action, is_reversed=True) def _initialize_action_space(self) -> None: """Configure the action space. """ self.action_space = build_map( _normalize_space, self.env.action_space, None, 0)()
[docs] def transform_action(self, action: NormalizedActT) -> None: """Update in-place the pre-allocated action buffer of the wrapped environment with the de-normalized action. """ self._denormalize_to_env_action(action)