Source code for gym_jiminy.common.quantities.locomotion

"""Quantities mainly relevant for locomotion tasks on floating-base robots.
import math
from operator import sub, attrgetter
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Sequence, Literal, Union

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

import jiminy_py.core as jiminy
from jiminy_py.core import (  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    array_copyto, multi_array_copyto)
import pinocchio as pin

from ..bases import (
    InterfaceJiminyEnv, InterfaceQuantity, AbstractQuantity, StateQuantity,
    QuantityEvalMode, QuantityCreator)
from ..bases.compositions import ArrayOrScalar
from ..quantities import (
    OrientationType, UnaryOpQuantity, MultiAryOpQuantity, MaskedQuantity,
    ConcatenatedQuantity, DeltaQuantity, FramePosition, FrameOrientation,
    MultiFramePosition, MultiFrameXYZQuat, MultiFrameMeanXYZQuat,
    FrameSpatialAverageVelocity, AverageFrameRollPitch,
from ..utils import (
    matrix_to_yaw, quat_to_yaw, quat_to_matrix, quat_multiply, quat_apply,

[docs] def sanitize_foot_frame_names( env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, frame_names: Union[Sequence[str], Literal['auto']] = 'auto' ) -> Sequence[str]: """Try to detect automatically one frame name per foot of a given legged robot if 'auto' mode is enabled. Otherwise, make sure that the specified sequence of frame names is non-empty, and all of them corresponds to end-effectors, ie having one of the leaf joints of the kinematic tree of the robot as parent. :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param frame_names: Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. 'auto' to automatically detect them from the set of contact and force sensors of the robot. """ # Make sure that the robot has a freeflyer if not env.robot.has_freeflyer: raise ValueError("Only legged robot with floating base are supported.") # Determine the leaf joints of the kinematic tree pinocchio_model = env.robot.pinocchio_model_th parents = pinocchio_model.parents leaf_joint_indices = set(range(len(parents))) - set(parents) leaf_frame_names = tuple( for frame in pinocchio_model.frames if frame.parent in leaf_joint_indices) if frame_names == 'auto': # Determine the most likely set of frames corresponding to the feet foot_frame_names = set() for sensor_class in (jiminy.ContactSensor, jiminy.ForceSensor): for sensor in env.robot.sensors.get(sensor_class.type, ()): assert isinstance(sensor, (( jiminy.ContactSensor, jiminy.ForceSensor))) # Skip sensors not attached to a leaf joint if sensor.frame_name in leaf_frame_names: # The joint name is used as frame name. This avoids # considering multiple fixed frames wrt to the same # joint. They would be completely redundant, slowing # down computations for no reason. frame = pinocchio_model.frames[sensor.frame_index] joint_name = pinocchio_model.names[frame.parent] foot_frame_names.add(joint_name) frame_names = tuple(foot_frame_names) # Make sure that at least one frame has been found if not frame_names: raise ValueError("At least one frame must be specified.") # Make sure that the frame names are end-effectors if any(name not in leaf_frame_names for name in frame_names): raise ValueError("All frames must correspond to end-effectors.") return sorted(frame_names)
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, fastmath=True) def compute_height(base_pos: np.ndarray, contacts_pos: np.ndarray) -> float: """Compute the height of the robot, which is defined as the maximum vertical difference between the base of the robot and the contact points. :param base_pos: Position of the base of the robot as a 1D array. :param contacts_pos: Position of all the contact points of the robot as a 2D array whose first dimension are the (X, Y, Z) components while the second gathers individual points. """ return base_pos[2] - np.min(contacts_pos[2])
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class BaseRelativeHeight(InterfaceQuantity[float]): """Relative height of the floating base of the robot wrt lowest contact point or collision body in world frame. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.mode = mode # Get all frame constraints associated with contacts and collisions frame_names: List[str] = [] for constraint in env.robot.constraints.contact_frames.values(): assert isinstance(constraint, jiminy.FrameConstraint) frame_names.append(constraint.frame_name) for constraints_body in env.robot.constraints.collision_bodies: for constraint in constraints_body: assert isinstance(constraint, jiminy.FrameConstraint) frame_names.append(constraint.frame_name) # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( base_pos=(FramePosition, dict( frame_name="root_joint", mode=mode)), contacts_pos=(MultiFramePosition, dict( frame_names=frame_names, mode=mode))), auto_refresh=False)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> float: return compute_height(self.base_pos.get(), self.contacts_pos.get())
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class BaseOdometryPose(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Odometry pose of the floating base of the robot at the end of the agent step. The odometry pose fully specifies the position and heading of the robot in 2D world plane. As such, it comprises the linear translation (X, Y) and the rotation around Z axis (namely rate of change of Yaw Euler angle). Mathematically, one is supposed to rely on se2 Lie Algebra for performing operations on odometry poses such as differentiation. In practice, the double geodesic metric space is used instead to prevent coupling between the linear and angular parts by considering them independently. Strictly speaking, it corresponds to the cartesian space (R^2 x SO(2)). """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements={}, mode=mode, auto_refresh=False) # Translation (X, Y) and rotation matrix of the floating base self.xy, self.rot_mat = np.array([]), np.array([]) # Buffer to store the odometry pose = np.zeros((3,)) # Split odometry pose in translation (X, Y) and yaw angle self.xy_view =[:2] self.yaw_view =[-1:].reshape(())
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Make sure that the robot has a floating base if not self.env.robot.has_freeflyer: raise RuntimeError( "Robot has no floating base. Cannot compute this quantity.") # Refresh proxies base_pose = self.pinocchio_data.oMf[1] self.xy, self.rot_mat = base_pose.translation[:2], base_pose.rotation
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Copy translation part array_copyto(self.xy_view, self.xy) # Compute Yaw angle matrix_to_yaw(self.rot_mat, self.yaw_view) # Return buffer return
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class BaseSpatialAverageVelocity(InterfaceQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Average base spatial velocity of the floating base of the robot in local odometry frame at the end of the agent step. The average spatial velocity is obtained by finite difference. See `FrameSpatialAverageVelocity` documentation for details. Roughly speaking, the local odometry reference frame is half-way between `pinocchio.LOCAL` and `pinocchio.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED`. The z-axis is world-aligned while x and y axes are local, which corresponds to applying the Roll and Pitch from the Roll-Pitch-Yaw decomposition to the local velocity. See `remove_yaw_from_quat` for details. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( v_spatial=(FrameSpatialAverageVelocity, dict( frame_name="root_joint", reference_frame=pin.LOCAL, mode=mode)), quat_no_yaw_mean=(AverageFrameRollPitch, dict( frame_name="root_joint", mode=mode))), auto_refresh=False) # Pre-allocate memory for the spatial velocity self._v_spatial: np.ndarray = np.zeros(6) # Reshape linear plus angular velocity vector to vectorize rotation self._v_lin_ang = self._v_spatial.reshape((2, 3)).T
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Translate spatial base velocity from local to odometry frame v_spatial = self.v_spatial.get() quat_apply(self.quat_no_yaw_mean.get(), v_spatial.reshape((2, 3)).T, self._v_lin_ang) return self._v_spatial
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class BaseOdometryAverageVelocity(InterfaceQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Average odometry velocity of the floating base of the robot in local odometry frame at the end of the agent step. The odometry velocity fully specifies the linear and angular velocity of the robot in 2D world plane. See `BaseSpatialAverageVelocity` and `BaseOdometryPose`, documentations for details. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( data=(MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=(BaseSpatialAverageVelocity, dict( mode=mode)), keys=(0, 1, 5)))), auto_refresh=False) # Enable direct forwarding (inlining) for efficiency self.__dict__["refresh"] =
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: return
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class AverageBaseMomentum(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Angular momentum of the floating base of the robot in local odometry frame at the end of the agent step. The most sensible choice for the reference frame is the local odometry frame. The local-world-aligned frame makes no sense at all. The local frame is not ideal as a rotation around x- and y-axes would have an effect on z-axis in odometry frame, introducing an undesirable coupling between odometry tracking and angular momentum minimization. Indeed, it is likely undesirable to penalize the momentum around z-axis because it is firstly involved in navigation rather than stabilization. At this point, it is worth keeping track of the individual components of the angular momentum rather than aggregating them as a scalar directly by computing the resulting kinematic energy. This gives the opportunity to the practitioner to weight differently the angular momentum for going back and forth (y-axis) wrt the angular momentum for oscillating sideways (x-axis). """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( v_angular=(MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=(FrameSpatialAverageVelocity, dict( frame_name="root_joint", reference_frame=pin.LOCAL, mode=mode)), keys=(3, 4, 5))), quat_no_yaw_mean=(AverageFrameRollPitch, dict( frame_name="root_joint", mode=mode))), auto_refresh=False) # Define proxy storing the base body (angular) inertia in local frame self._inertia_local = np.array([]) # Angular momentum of inertia self._h_angular = np.zeros((3,))
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Refresh proxy self._inertia_local = self.pinocchio_model.inertias[1].inertia
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Compute the local angular momentum of inertia np.matmul(self._inertia_local, self.v_angular.get(), self._h_angular) # Apply quaternion rotation of the local angular momentum of inertia quat_apply( self.quat_no_yaw_mean.get(), self._h_angular, self._h_angular) return self._h_angular
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class MultiFootMeanXYZQuat(InterfaceQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Average position and orientation of the feet of a legged robot at the end of the agent step. The average foot pose may be more appropriate than the floating base pose to characterize the position and orientation the robot in the world, especially when it comes to assessing the tracking error of the foot trajectories. It has the advantage to make foot tracking independent from floating base tracking, giving the opportunity to the robot to locally recover stability by moving its upper body without impeding foot tracking. """ frame_names: Tuple[str, ...] """Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. These frames must be part of the end-effectors, ie being associated with a leaf joint in the kinematic tree of the robot. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], frame_names: Union[Sequence[str], Literal['auto']] = 'auto', *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param frame_names: Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. 'auto' to automatically detect them from the set of contact and force sensors of the robot. Optional: 'auto' by default. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.frame_names = tuple(sanitize_foot_frame_names(env, frame_names)) self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( data=(MultiFrameMeanXYZQuat, dict( frame_names=self.frame_names, mode=mode))), auto_refresh=False) # Enable direct forwarding (inlining) for efficiency self.__dict__["refresh"] =
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: return
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class MultiFootMeanOdometryPose(InterfaceQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Odometry pose of the average position and orientation of the feet of a legged robot at the end of the agent step. Using the average foot odometry pose may be more appropriate than the floating base odometry pose to characterize the position and heading the robot in the world plane. See `MultiFootMeanXYZQuat` documentation for details. The odometry pose fully specifies the position and orientation of the robot in 2D world plane. See `BaseOdometryPose` documentation for details. """ frame_names: Tuple[str, ...] """Name of the frames corresponding to the feet of the robot. These frames must be part of the end-effectors, ie being associated with a leaf joint in the kinematic tree of the robot. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], frame_names: Union[Sequence[str], Literal['auto']] = 'auto', *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param frame_names: Name of the frames corresponding to the feet of the robot. 'auto' to automatically detect them from the set of contact and force sensors of the robot. Optional: 'auto' by default. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.frame_names = tuple(sanitize_foot_frame_names(env, frame_names)) self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( xyzquat_mean=(MultiFootMeanXYZQuat, dict( frame_names=self.frame_names, mode=mode))), auto_refresh=False) # Pre-allocate memory for the odometry pose (X, Y, Yaw) self._odom_pose = np.zeros((3,)) # Split odometry pose in translation (X, Y) and yaw angle self._xy_view = self._odom_pose[:2] self._yaw_view = self._odom_pose[-1:].reshape(())
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Copy translation part xyzquat_mean = self.xyzquat_mean.get() array_copyto(self._xy_view, xyzquat_mean[:2]) # Compute Yaw angle quat_to_yaw(xyzquat_mean[-4:], self._yaw_view) return self._odom_pose
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class ReferencePositionVector(InterfaceQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Reference position vector (aka. configuration) of the robot, for which the odometry pose (X, Y, Yaw) has been overwritten with the true one. This quantity is useful to decouple tracking the odometry pose from the pose of the various body parts or actuated joint configurations. The odometry pose may be estimated directly from the pose of floating base of the robot directly, or from the average pose of the feet. The latter is recommanded. See `MultiFootMeanXYZQuat` documentation for details. """ odometry_mode: Optional[Literal['base', 'foot']] """The modes 'foot' and 'base' estimate the odometry pose from the mean foot pose or the floating base pose respectively. `None` to keep the original odometry pose from the reference trajectory. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, odometry_mode: Optional[Literal['base', 'foot']] = 'foot' ) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :para odometry_mode: The modes 'foot' and 'base' estimate the odometry pose from the mean foot pose or the floating base pose respectively. `None` to keep the original odometry pose from the reference trajectory. Optional: 'foot' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.odometry_mode = odometry_mode # Define the quantity corresponding to the reference position vector position_vector: QuantityCreator = (UnaryOpQuantity, dict( quantity=(StateQuantity, dict( update_kinematics=False, mode=QuantityEvalMode.REFERENCE)), op=attrgetter('q'))) # Overwrite the odometry pose based on true robot state if requested if odometry_mode is not None: # Define the quantity corresponding to the odometry pose. # Note that even though it appears twice in the computation graph # of this quantity, it will only be computed once thanks to the # quantity caching mechanism. It works because the exact same # quantity creator is used at both places, because equality check # falls back to identity check for lambdas. if odometry_mode == 'foot': odometry_pose: QuantityCreator = (MultiAryOpQuantity, dict( quantities=( (BaseOdometryPose, dict( mode=QuantityEvalMode.REFERENCE)), (MultiFootMeanOdometryPose, dict( frame_names="auto", mode=QuantityEvalMode.TRUE)), (MultiFootMeanOdometryPose, dict( frame_names="auto", mode=QuantityEvalMode.REFERENCE))), op=lambda args: args[0] + args[1] - args[2])) elif odometry_mode == 'base': odometry_pose = (BaseOdometryPose, dict( mode=QuantityEvalMode.TRUE)) else: raise ValueError( "'odometry_mode' must be either 'foot' or 'base'.") # Mixing the reference position vector with estimated odometry pose position_vector = (ConcatenatedQuantity, dict( quantities=( (MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=odometry_pose, axis=0, keys=(0, 1))), (MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=(FramePosition, dict( frame_name="root_joint", mode=QuantityEvalMode.REFERENCE)), axis=0, keys=(2,))), (UnaryOpQuantity, dict( quantity=(ConcatenatedQuantity, dict( quantities=( (MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=(FrameOrientation, dict( frame_name="root_joint", type=OrientationType.EULER, mode=QuantityEvalMode.REFERENCE)), axis=0, keys=(0, 1))), (MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=odometry_pose, axis=0, keys=(2,)))), axis=0)), op=rpy_to_quat)), (MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=position_vector, axis=0, keys=(7, ...)))), axis=0)) # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( data=position_vector), auto_refresh=False) # Enable direct forwarding (inlining) for efficiency self.__dict__["refresh"] =
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: return
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, fastmath=True) def translate_positions(position: np.ndarray, position_ref: np.ndarray, rotation_ref: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None: """Translate a batch of 3D position vectors (X, Y, Z) from world to local frame. :param position: Batch of positions vectors as a 2D array whose first dimension gathers the 3 spatial coordinates (X, Y, Z) while the second corresponds to the independent points. :param position_ref: Position of the reference frame in world. :param rotation_ref: Orientation of the reference frame in world as a rotation matrix. :param out: Pre-allocated array in which to store the result. """ out[:] = rotation_ref.T @ (position - position_ref[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class MultiFootRelativeXYZQuat(InterfaceQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Relative position and orientation of the feet of a legged robot wrt themselves at the end of the agent step. The reference frame used to compute the relative pose of the frames is the mean foot pose. See `MultiFootMeanXYZQuat` documentation for details. Note that there is always one of the relative frame pose that is redundant wrt the others. Notably, in particular case where there is only two frames, it is one is the opposite of the other. As a result, the last relative pose is always dropped from the returned value, based on the same ordering as 'self.frame_names'. As for `MultiFrameXYZQuat`, the data associated with each frame are returned as a 2D contiguous array. The first dimension gathers the 7 components (X, Y, Z, QuatX, QuatY, QuatZ, QuaW), while the last one corresponds to individual relative frames poses. """ frame_names: Tuple[str, ...] """Name of the frames corresponding to the feet of the robot. These frames must be part of the end-effectors, ie being associated with a leaf joint in the kinematic tree of the robot. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], frame_names: Union[Sequence[str], Literal['auto']] = 'auto', *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param frame_names: Name of the frames corresponding to the feet of the robot. 'auto' to automatically detect them from the set of contact and force sensors of the robot. Optional: 'auto' by default. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.frame_names = tuple(sanitize_foot_frame_names(env, frame_names)) self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( xyzquat_mean=(MultiFootMeanXYZQuat, dict( frame_names=self.frame_names, mode=mode)), xyzquats=(MultiFrameXYZQuat, dict( frame_names=self.frame_names, mode=mode))), auto_refresh=False) # Mean orientation as a rotation matrix self._rot_mean = np.zeros((3, 3)) # Pre-allocate memory for the relative poses of all feet self._foot_poses_rel = np.zeros((7, len(self.frame_names) - 1)) # Split foot poses in position and orientation vectors self._foot_position_view = self._foot_poses_rel[:3] self._foot_quat_view = self._foot_poses_rel[-4:]
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Extract mean and individual frame position and quaternion vectors xyzquats, xyzquat_mean = self.xyzquats.get(), self.xyzquat_mean.get() positions, position_mean = xyzquats[:3, :-1], xyzquat_mean[:3] quats, quat_mean = xyzquats[-4:, :-1], xyzquat_mean[-4:] # Compute the mean rotation matrix. # Note that using quaternion to compose rotations is much faster than # using rotation matrices, but it is much slower when it comes to # rotating 3D euclidean position vectors. Because of this, it is more # efficient operate on quaternion all along, but still converting the # average quaternion in rotation matrix before applying it to the # relative positions. quat_to_matrix(quat_mean, self._rot_mean) # Compute the relative frame position of each foot. # Note that the translation and orientation are treated independently # (double geodesic), to be consistent with the method that was used to # compute the mean foot pose. This way, the norm of the relative # position is not affected by the orientation of the feet. translate_positions(positions, position_mean, self._rot_mean, self._foot_position_view) # Compute relative frame orientations quat_multiply(quat_mean[:, np.newaxis], quats, self._foot_quat_view, is_left_conjugate=True) return self._foot_poses_rel
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class CenterOfMass(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Position, Velocity or Acceleration of the center of mass (CoM) of the robot as a whole in world frame. Considering that the CoM has no angular motion, the velocity and the acceleration is equally given in world or local-world-aligned frames. """ kinematic_level: pin.KinematicLevel """Kinematic level to compute, ie position, velocity or acceleration. """ def __init__( self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, kinematic_level: pin.KinematicLevel = pin.POSITION, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param kinematic_level: Desired kinematic level, ie position, velocity or acceleration. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.kinematic_level = kinematic_level # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( state=(StateQuantity, dict( update_centroidal=True))), mode=mode, auto_refresh=False) # Pre-allocate memory for the CoM quantity self._com_data: np.ndarray = np.array([])
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Make sure that the state data meet requirements state = self.state.get() if ((self.kinematic_level == pin.ACCELERATION and state.a is None) or (self.kinematic_level >= pin.VELOCITY and state.v is None)): raise RuntimeError( "Available state data do not meet requirements for kinematic " f"level '{self.kinematic_level}'.") # Refresh CoM quantity proxy based on kinematic level if self.kinematic_level == pin.POSITION: self._com_data =[0] elif self.kinematic_level == pin.VELOCITY: self._com_data = self.pinocchio_data.vcom[0] else: self._com_data = self.pinocchio_data.acom[0]
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Jiminy does not compute the CoM acceleration automatically if (self.mode == QuantityEvalMode.TRUE and self.kinematic_level == pin.ACCELERATION): pin.centerOfMass(self.pinocchio_model, self.pinocchio_data, pin.ACCELERATION) # Return proxy directly without copy return self._com_data
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, fastmath=True) def translate_position_odom(position: np.ndarray, odom_pose: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None: """Translate a single or batch of 2D position vector (X, Y) from world to local frame. :param position: Batch of positions vectors as a 2D array whose first dimension gathers the 2 spatial coordinates (X, Y) while the second corresponds to the independent points. :param odom_pose: Reference odometry pose as a 1D array gathering the 2 position and 1 orientation coordinates in world plane (X, Y), (Yaw,) respectively. :param out: Pre-allocated array in which to store the result. """ # out = R(yaw).T @ (position - position_ref) position_ref, yaw_ref = odom_pose[:2], odom_pose[2] pos_rel_x, pos_rel_y = position - position_ref cos_yaw, sin_yaw = math.cos(yaw_ref), math.sin(yaw_ref) out[0] = + cos_yaw * pos_rel_x + sin_yaw * pos_rel_y out[1] = - sin_yaw * pos_rel_x + cos_yaw * pos_rel_y
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class ZeroMomentPoint(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Zero-Tilting Moment Point (ZMP), also called Center of Pressure (CoP). This quantity only makes sense for legged robots. Such a robot will keep balance if the ZMP [1] is maintained inside the support polygon [2]. .. seealso:: For academic reference about its relation with the notion of stability, see: [1] [2] """ reference_frame: pin.ReferenceFrame """Whether to compute the ZMP in local frame specified by the odometry pose of floating base of the robot or the frame located on the position of the floating base with axes kept aligned with world frame. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, reference_frame: pin.ReferenceFrame = pin.LOCAL, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param reference_frame: Whether to compute the ZMP in local odometry frame (aka 'pin.LOCAL') or aligned with world axes (aka 'pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED'). :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Make sure at requested reference frame is supported if reference_frame not in (pin.LOCAL, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED): raise ValueError("Reference frame must be either 'pin.LOCAL' or " "'pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED'.") # Backup some user argument(s) self.reference_frame = reference_frame # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( com_position=(CenterOfMass, dict( kinematic_level=pin.POSITION, mode=mode)), odom_pose=(BaseOdometryPose, dict(mode=mode))), mode=mode, auto_refresh=False) # Weight of the robot self._robot_weight: float = -1 # Proxy for the derivative of the spatial centroidal momentum self.dhg: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = (np.array([]),) * 2 # Pre-allocate memory for the ZMP self._zmp = np.zeros(2)
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Make sure that the state data meet requirements state = self.state.get() if state.v is None or state.a is None: raise RuntimeError( "State data do not meet requirements. Velocity and " "acceleration are missing.") # Compute the weight of the robot gravity = abs(self.pinocchio_model.gravity.linear[2]) robot_mass = self.pinocchio_data.mass[0] self._robot_weight = robot_mass * gravity # Refresh derivative of the spatial centroidal momentum self.dhg = ((dhg := self.pinocchio_data.dhg).linear, dhg.angular)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Extract intermediary quantities for convenience (dhg_linear, dhg_angular), com = self.dhg, self.com_position.get() # Compute the vertical force applied by the robot f_z = dhg_linear[2] + self._robot_weight # Early return if impossible to compute ZMP (robot is free falling) if abs(f_z) < np.finfo(np.float32).eps: self._zmp[:] = float("nan") return self._zmp # Compute the ZMP in world frame self._zmp[:] = com[:2] * (self._robot_weight / f_z) self._zmp[0] -= (dhg_angular[1] + dhg_linear[0] * com[2]) / f_z self._zmp[1] += (dhg_angular[0] - dhg_linear[1] * com[2]) / f_z # Translate the ZMP from world to local odometry frame if requested if self.reference_frame == pin.LOCAL: translate_position_odom(self._zmp, self.odom_pose.get(), self._zmp) return self._zmp
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class CapturePoint(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Divergent Component of Motion (DCM), also called Capture Point (CP). This quantity only makes sense for legged robots, and in particular bipedal robots for which the inverted pendulum is a relevant approximate dynamic model. It is involved in various dynamic stability metrics (usually only on flat ground), such as N-steps capturability. The capture point is defined as "where should a bipedal robot should step right now to eliminate linear momentum and come asymptotically to a stop" [1]. .. seealso:: For academic reference about its relation with the notion of stability, see: [1] """ reference_frame: pin.ReferenceFrame """Whether to compute the DCM in local frame specified by the odometry pose of floating base of the robot or the frame located on the position of the floating base with axes kept aligned with world frame. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, reference_frame: pin.ReferenceFrame = pin.LOCAL, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param reference_frame: Whether to compute the DCM in local odometry frame (aka 'pin.LOCAL') or aligned with world axes (aka 'pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED'). :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Make sure at requested reference frame is supported if reference_frame not in (pin.LOCAL, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED): raise ValueError("Reference frame must be either 'pin.LOCAL' or " "'pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED'.") # Backup some user argument(s) self.reference_frame = reference_frame # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( com_position=(CenterOfMass, dict( kinematic_level=pin.POSITION, mode=mode)), com_velocity=(CenterOfMass, dict( kinematic_level=pin.VELOCITY, mode=mode)), odom_pose=(BaseOdometryPose, dict(mode=mode))), mode=mode, auto_refresh=False) # Natural frequency of linear pendulum approximate model of the robot float = float("nan") # Pre-allocate memory for the DCM self._dcm = np.zeros(2)
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Make sure that the state data meet requirements state = self.state.get() if state.v is None: raise RuntimeError( "State data do not meet requirements. Velocity is missing.") # Compute the natural frequency of linear pendulum approximate model. # Note that the height of the robot is defined as the position of the # center of mass of the robot in neutral configuration. pinocchio_data = self.pinocchio_data.copy() pin.framesForwardKinematics(self.pinocchio_model, pinocchio_data, pin.neutral(self.pinocchio_model)) pin.centerOfMass(self.pinocchio_model, pinocchio_data, pin.POSITION) min_height = min( pinocchio_data.oMf[i].translation[2] for i in self.robot.contact_frame_indices) gravity = abs(self.pinocchio_model.gravity.linear[2]) robot_height =[0][2] - min_height = math.sqrt(gravity / robot_height)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Compute the DCM in world frame com_position = self.com_position.get() com_velocity = self.com_velocity.get() self._dcm[:] = com_position[:2] + com_velocity[:2] / # Translate the ZMP from world to local odometry frame if requested if self.reference_frame == pin.LOCAL: translate_position_odom(self._dcm, self.odom_pose.get(), self._dcm) return self._dcm
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, fastmath=True) def normalize_spatial_forces(lambda_c: np.ndarray, index_start: int, index_end: int, robot_weight: float, out: np.ndarray) -> None: """Compute the spatial forces of all the constraints associated with contact frames and collision bodies, normalized by the total weight of the robot. :param lambda_c: Stacked lambda multipliers all the constraints. :param index_start: First index of the constraints associated with contact frames and collisions bodies. :param index_end: One-past-last index of the constraints associated with contact frames and collisions bodies. :param robot_weight: Total weight of the robot which will be used to rescale the spatial forces. :param out: Pre-allocated array in which to store the result. """ # Extract constraint lambdas of contacts and collisions from state lambda_ = lambda_c[index_start:index_end].reshape((-1, 4)).T # Extract references to all the spatial forces forces_linear, forces_angular_z = lambda_[:3], lambda_[3] # Scale the spatial forces by the weight of the robot out[:3] = forces_linear / robot_weight out[5] = forces_angular_z / robot_weight
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class MultiContactNormalizedSpatialForce(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Standardized spatial forces applied on all contact points and collision bodies in their respective local contact frame. The local contact frame is defined as the frame having the normal of the ground as vertical axis, and the vector orthogonal to the x-axis in world frame as y-axis. The spatial force is rescaled by the weight of the robot rather than the actual vertical force. It has the advantage to guarantee that the resulting quantity is never poorly conditioned, which would be the case otherwise. Moreover, the contribution of the vertical force is still present, which is interesting for deriving a reward, as it allows for indirectly penalize jerky contact states and violent impacts. The side effect is not being able to guarantee that this quantity is bounded. Indeed, only the ratio of the norm of the tangential force at every contact point (or the resulting one) is bounded by the product of the friction coefficient by the vertical force, not the tangential force itself. This issue is a minor inconvenience as all it requires is normalization using RBF kernel to make it finite. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. """ # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( state=(StateQuantity, dict( update_kinematics=False))), mode=mode, auto_refresh=False) # Weight of the robot self._robot_weight: float = float("nan") # Slice of constraint lambda multipliers for contacts and collisions self._contact_slice: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0) # Stacked spatial forces on all contact points and collision bodies self._force_spatial_rel_batch = np.empty((6, 0))
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Make sure that the state data meet requirements state = self.state.get() if state.lambda_c is None: raise RuntimeError("State data do not meet requirements. " "Constraints lambda multipliers are missing.") # Compute the weight of the robot gravity = abs(self.pinocchio_model.gravity.linear[2]) robot_mass = self.pinocchio_data.mass[0] self._robot_weight = robot_mass * gravity # Extract slice of constraints associated with contacts and collisions index_first, index_last = None, None for i, fieldname in enumerate(self.robot.log_constraint_fieldnames): is_contact = any( fieldname.startswith(f"Constraint{registry_type}") for registry_type in ("ContactFrames", "CollisionBodies")) if index_first is None: if is_contact: index_first = i elif index_last is None: if not is_contact: index_last = i elif is_contact: raise ValueError( "Constraints associated with contacts and collisions are " "not continuously ordered.") if index_last is None: index_last = i + 1 assert index_first is not None self._contact_slice = (index_first, index_last) # Make sure that all contacts and collisions constraints are supported for constraint in self.robot.constraints.contact_frames.values(): assert isinstance(constraint, jiminy.FrameConstraint) for constraints_body in self.robot.constraints.collision_bodies: for constraint in constraints_body: assert isinstance(constraint, jiminy.FrameConstraint) # Make sure that the extracted slice is consistent with the constraints num_contraints = len(self.robot.constraints.contact_frames) + sum( map(len, self.robot.constraints.collision_bodies)) assert 4 * num_contraints == index_last - index_first # Pre-allocated memory for stacked normalized spatial forces self._force_spatial_rel_batch = np.zeros( (6, num_contraints), order='C')
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: state = self.state.get() normalize_spatial_forces( state.lambda_c, *self._contact_slice, self._robot_weight, self._force_spatial_rel_batch) return self._force_spatial_rel_batch
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, fastmath=True) def normalize_vertical_forces( lambda_c: np.ndarray, foot_slices: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...], vertical_transform_batches: Tuple[np.ndarray, ...], robot_weight: float, out: np.ndarray) -> None: """Compute the sum of the vertical forces in world frame of all the constraints associated with contact frames and collision bodies, normalized by the total weight of the robot. :param lambda_c: Stacked lambda multipliers all the constraints. :param foot_slices: Slices of lambda multiplier of the constraints associated with contact frames and collisions bodies acting each foot, as a sequence of pairs (index_start, index_end) corresponding to the first and one-past-last indices respectively. :param vertical_transform_batches: Last row of the rotation matrices from world to local contact frame associated with all contact and collision constraints acting on each foot, as a list of 2D arrays. The first dimension gathers the 3 spatial coordinates while the second corresponds to the N individual constraints on each foot. :param robot_weight: Total weight of the robot which will be used to rescale the vertical forces. :param out: Pre-allocated array in which to store the result. """ for i, ((index_start, index_end), vertical_transforms) in ( enumerate(zip(foot_slices, vertical_transform_batches))): # Extract constraint multipliers from state lambda_ = lambda_c[index_start:index_end].reshape((-1, 4)).T # Extract references to all the linear forces # forces_angular = np.array([0.0, 0.0, lambda_[3]]) forces_linear = lambda_[:3] # Compute vertical forces in world frame and aggregate them f_z_world = np.sum(vertical_transforms * forces_linear) # Scale the vertical forces by the weight of the robot out[i] = f_z_world / robot_weight
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class MultiFootNormalizedForceVertical(AbstractQuantity[np.ndarray]): """Standardized total vertical forces apply on each foot in world frame. The lambda multipliers of the contact constraints are used to compute the total forces applied on each foot. Although relying on the total wrench acting on their respective parent joint seems enticing, it aggregates all external forces, not just the ground contact reaction forces. Most often, there is no difference, but not in the case of multiple robots interacting with each others, or if user-specified external forces are manually applied on the foot, eg to create disturbances. Relying on sensors to get the desired information is not an option either, because they do not give access to the ground truth. .. warning:: Contact frames associated with identical parent body must be consecutive to be able to extract constraint data by reference. """ frame_names: Tuple[str, ...] """Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. These frames must be part of the end-effectors, ie being associated with a leaf joint in the kinematic tree of the robot. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], frame_names: Union[Sequence[str], Literal['auto']] = 'auto', *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param frame_names: Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. 'auto' to automatically detect them from the set of contact and force sensors of the robot. Optional: 'auto' by default. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.frame_names = tuple(sanitize_foot_frame_names(env, frame_names)) # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( state=(StateQuantity, dict( update_kinematics=False))), mode=mode, auto_refresh=False) # Weight of the robot self._robot_weight: float = float("nan") # Slice of constraint lambda multipliers associated with each foot self._foot_slices: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...] = () # Stacked vertical forces in (world frame) on each foot self._vertical_force_batch = np.array([]) # Define proxies for vertical axis transform of each frame constraint self._vertical_transform_list: Tuple[np.ndarray, ...] = () # Stacked vertical axis transforms self._vertical_transform_batches: Tuple[np.ndarray, ...] = () # Define proxy for views of the batch storing vertical axis transforms self._vertical_transform_views: Tuple[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...], ...] = ()
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: # Call base implementation super().initialize() # Make sure that the state data meet requirements state = self.state.get() if state.lambda_c is None: raise RuntimeError("State data do not meet requirements. " "Constraints lambda multipliers are missing.") # Compute the weight of the robot gravity = abs(self.pinocchio_model.gravity.linear[2]) robot_mass = self.pinocchio_data.mass[0] self._robot_weight = robot_mass * gravity # Get the joint index corresponding to each foot frame foot_joint_indices: List[int] = [] for frame_name in self.frame_names: frame_index = self.pinocchio_model.getFrameId(frame_name) joint_index = self.pinocchio_model.frames[frame_index].parent foot_joint_indices.append(joint_index) # Get constraint names and vertical axis transforms for each foot num_contraints = 0 foot_parents: List[int] = [] foot_lookup_names: List[List[str]] = [[] for _ in self.frame_names] vertical_transforms: List[List[np.ndarray]] = [ [] for _ in self.frame_names] constraint_lookup_pairs = ( ("ContactFrames", self.robot.constraints.contact_frames), ("CollisionBodies", { name: constraint for constraints in ( self.robot.constraints.collision_bodies) for name, constraint in constraints.items()})) for registry_type, registry in constraint_lookup_pairs: for name, constraint in registry.items(): assert isinstance(constraint, jiminy.FrameConstraint) frame = self.pinocchio_model.frames[constraint.frame_index] try: foot_index = foot_joint_indices.index(frame.parent) foot_lookup_names[foot_index] += ( f"Constraint{registry_type}{name}{i}" for i in range(constraint.size)) vertical_transforms[foot_index].append( constraint.local_rotation[2]) foot_parents.append(frame.parent) num_contraints += 1 except IndexError: pass assert 4 * num_contraints == sum(map(len, foot_lookup_names)) self._vertical_transform_list = tuple( e for values in vertical_transforms for e in values) # Make sure that contact frames are ordered in contiguous slices for parent in np.unique(foot_parents): index_first = foot_parents.index(parent) index_last = len(foot_parents) - foot_parents[::-1].index(parent) for i in range(index_first, index_last): if foot_parents[i] != parent: raise ValueError( "Contact frames associated with identical parent body " "must be consecutive.") # Extract constraint lambda multiplier slices associated with each foot self._foot_slices = tuple( (self.robot.log_constraint_fieldnames.index(lookup_names[0]), self.robot.log_constraint_fieldnames.index(lookup_names[-1]) + 1) for lookup_names in foot_lookup_names) # Pre-allocate memory for stacked vertical forces in world frame self._vertical_force_batch = np.zeros((len(self.frame_names),)) # Pre-allocate memory for stacked vertical axis transforms self._vertical_transform_batches = tuple( np.zeros((3, num_foot_contacts), order='F') for num_foot_contacts in map(len, vertical_transforms)) # Define proxy for views of the batch storing vertical axis transforms self._vertical_transform_views = tuple( e for values in self._vertical_transform_batches for e in values.T)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> np.ndarray: # Copy all vertical axis transforms in contiguous buffer multi_array_copyto(self._vertical_transform_views, self._vertical_transform_list) # Compute the normalized sum of the vertical forces in world frame state = self.state.get() normalize_vertical_forces(state.lambda_c, self._foot_slices, self._vertical_transform_batches, self._robot_weight, self._vertical_force_batch) return self._vertical_force_batch
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class MultiFootCollisionDetection(InterfaceQuantity[bool]): """Check if some of the feet of the robot are colliding with each other. It takes into account some safety margins by which their volume will be inflated / deflated. See `MultiFrameCollisionDetection` documentation for details. """ frame_names: Tuple[str, ...] """Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. These frames must be part of the end-effectors, ie being associated with a leaf joint in the kinematic tree of the robot. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], frame_names: Union[Sequence[str], Literal['auto']] = 'auto', *, security_margin: float = 0.0) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param frame_names: Name of the frames corresponding to some feet of the robot. 'auto' to automatically detect them from the set of contact and force sensors of the robot. Optional: 'auto' by default. :param security_margin: Signed distance below which a pair of geometry objects is stated in collision. Optional: 0.0 by default. """ # Backup some user argument(s) self.frame_names = tuple(sanitize_foot_frame_names(env, frame_names)) # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( is_colliding=(MultiFrameCollisionDetection, dict( frame_names=self.frame_names, security_margin=security_margin ))), auto_refresh=False)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> bool: return self.is_colliding.get()
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class DeltaBaseOdometryPosition(InterfaceQuantity[ArrayOrScalar]): """Variation of the base odometry position (X, Y) over a given horizon. See `BaseOdometryPose` and `DeltaQuantity` documentations for details. """ max_stack: int """Time horizon over which to compute the variation. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], horizon: float, *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param horizon: Horizon over which values of the quantity will be stacked before computing the drift. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Convert horizon in stack length, assuming constant env timestep assert horizon >= env.step_dt max_stack = max(int(np.ceil(horizon / env.step_dt)), 1) + 1 # Backup some of the user-arguments self.max_stack = max_stack self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( data=(DeltaQuantity, dict( quantity=(MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=(BaseOdometryPose, dict( mode=mode)), axis=0, keys=(0, 1))), horizon=horizon, op=sub, bounds_only=True))), auto_refresh=False) # Enable direct forwarding (inlining) for efficiency self.__dict__["refresh"] =
[docs] def refresh(self) -> ArrayOrScalar: return
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, fastmath=True, inline='always') def angle_difference(angle_left: ArrayOrScalar, angle_right: ArrayOrScalar) -> ArrayOrScalar: """Compute the signed element-wise difference (aka. oriented angle) between two batches of angles. The oriented angle is defined as the smallest angle in absolute value between right and left angles (ignoring multi-turns), signed in accordance with the angle going from right to left angles. .. warning:: This method is fully compliant with angles restricted between [-pi, pi], but it requires the "physical" distance between the two angles to be smaller than pi. .. seealso:: This proposed implementation is the most efficient one for batch size of 1000. See this posts for reference about other implementations: :param angle_left: Left-hand side angles. :param angle_right: Right-hand side angles. """ delta = angle_left - angle_right delta -= np.floor((delta + np.pi) / (2.0 * np.pi)) * (2 * np.pi) return delta
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class DeltaBaseOdometryOrientation(InterfaceQuantity[ArrayOrScalar]): """Variation of the base odometry orientation (Yaw,) over a given horizon. See `BaseOdometryPose` and `DeltaQuantity` documentations for details. """ max_stack: int """Time horizon over which to compute the variation. """ mode: QuantityEvalMode """Specify on which state to evaluate this quantity. See `QuantityEvalMode` documentation for details about each mode. .. warning:: Mode `REFERENCE` requires a reference trajectory to be selected manually prior to evaluating this quantity for the first time. """ def __init__(self, env: InterfaceJiminyEnv, parent: Optional[InterfaceQuantity], horizon: float, *, mode: QuantityEvalMode = QuantityEvalMode.TRUE) -> None: """ :param env: Base or wrapped jiminy environment. :param parent: Higher-level quantity from which this quantity is a requirement if any, `None` otherwise. :param horizon: Horizon over which values of the quantity will be stacked before computing the drift. :param mode: Desired mode of evaluation for this quantity. Optional: 'QuantityEvalMode.TRUE' by default. """ # Convert horizon in stack length, assuming constant env timestep assert horizon >= env.step_dt max_stack = max(int(np.ceil(horizon / env.step_dt)), 1) + 1 # Backup some of the user-arguments self.max_stack = max_stack self.mode = mode # Call base implementation super().__init__( env, parent, requirements=dict( data=(DeltaQuantity, dict( quantity=(MaskedQuantity, dict( quantity=(BaseOdometryPose, dict( mode=mode)), axis=0, keys=(2,))), horizon=horizon, op=angle_difference, bounds_only=False))), auto_refresh=False) # Enable direct forwarding (inlining) for efficiency self.__dict__["refresh"] =
[docs] def refresh(self) -> ArrayOrScalar: return