Source code for gym_jiminy.common.envs.locomotion

"""Generic environment to learn locomotion skills for legged robots using
Jiminy simulator as physics engine.
import os
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from jiminy_py.core import (  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from jiminy_py.robot import BaseJiminyRobot
from jiminy_py.simulator import Simulator

import pinocchio as pin

from ..utils import sample
from ..bases import InfoType
from .generic import BaseJiminyEnv


F_IMPULSE_DT = 10.0e-3

    EncoderSensor: 3.0e-3,
    EffortSensor: 0.0,
    ContactSensor: 0.0,
    ForceSensor: 0.0,
    ImuSensor: 0.0
    EncoderSensor: np.array([0.0, 0.02]),
    EffortSensor: np.array([10.0]),
    ContactSensor: np.array([2.0, 2.0, 2.0]),
    ForceSensor: np.array([2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0]),
    ImuSensor: np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])
    EncoderSensor: np.array([0.0, 0.0]),
    EffortSensor: np.array([0.0]),
    ContactSensor: np.array([4.0, 4.0, 4.0]),
    ForceSensor: np.array([4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0]),
    ImuSensor: np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

DEFAULT_SIMULATION_DURATION = 30.0  # (s) Default simulation duration
DEFAULT_STEP_DT = 0.04              # (s) Stepper update period


[docs] class WalkerJiminyEnv(BaseJiminyEnv): """Gym environment for learning locomotion skills for legged robots. Jiminy is used for both physics computations and rendering. The observation and action spaces are unchanged wrt `BaseJiminyEnv`. """ reward_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 1.0) def __init__(self, urdf_path: Optional[str], hardware_path: Optional[str] = None, mesh_dir_path: Optional[str] = None, simulation_duration_max: float = DEFAULT_SIMULATION_DURATION, step_dt: float = DEFAULT_STEP_DT, reward_mixture: Optional[dict] = None, std_ratio: Optional[dict] = None, config_path: Optional[str] = None, avoid_instable_collisions: bool = True, debug: bool = False, *, robot: Optional[Robot] = None, viewer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: r""" :param urdf_path: Path of the urdf model to be used for the simulation. It is assumed that the robot has a floating base. :param hardware_path: Path of Jiminy hardware description toml file. Optional: Looking for '\*_hardware.toml' file in the same folder and with the same name. :param mesh_dir_path: Path to the folder containing the model meshes. Optional: Env variable 'JIMINY_DATA_PATH' will be used if available. :param simulation_duration_max: Maximum duration of a simulation before returning done. :param step_dt: Environment timestep for learning. Note that it is independent from the controller and observation update periods. The latter are configured via `engine.set_options`. :param reward_mixture: Weighting factors of selected contributions to total reward. :param std_ratio: Relative standard deviation of selected contributions to environment stochasticity. :param config_path: Configuration toml file to import. It will be imported AFTER loading the hardware description file. It can be automatically generated from an instance by calling `export_config_file` method. Optional: Looking for '\*_options.toml' file in the same folder and with the same name. If not found, using default configuration. :param avoid_instable_collisions: Prevent numerical instabilities by replacing collision mesh by vertices of associated minimal volume bounding box, and replacing primitive box by its vertices. :param debug: Whether the debug mode must be activated. Doing it enables telemetry recording. :param robot: Robot being simulated, already instantiated and initialized. Build default robot using 'urdf_path', 'hardware_path' and 'mesh_dir_path' if omitted. Optional: None by default. :param viewer_kwargs: Keyword arguments used to override the original default values whenever a viewer is instantiated. This is the only way to pass custom arguments to the viewer when calling `render` method, unlike `replay` which forwards extra keyword arguments. Optional: None by default. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to forward to `Simulator` and `BaseJiminyEnv` constructors. """ # Handling of default arguments if reward_mixture is None: reward_mixture = { 'survival': 1.0, 'direction': 0.0, 'energy': 0.0, 'failure': 0.0 } reward_mixture = {k: v for k, v in reward_mixture.items() if v > 0.0} if std_ratio is None: std_ratio = { 'model': 0.0, 'ground': 0.0, 'sensors': 0.0, 'disturbance': 0.0, } std_ratio = {k: v for k, v in std_ratio.items() if v > 0.0} # Backup user arguments self.reward_mixture = reward_mixture self.urdf_path = urdf_path self.mesh_dir_path = mesh_dir_path self.hardware_path = hardware_path self.config_path = config_path self.std_ratio = std_ratio self.avoid_instable_collisions = avoid_instable_collisions # Robot and engine internal buffers self._f_xy_profile = [ PeriodicGaussianProcess(F_PROFILE_WAVELENGTH, F_PROFILE_PERIOD), PeriodicGaussianProcess(F_PROFILE_PERIOD, F_PROFILE_PERIOD)] self._power_consumption_max = 0.0 self._height_neutral = 0.0 # Configure the backend simulator if robot is None: assert isinstance(self.urdf_path, str) simulator = urdf_path=self.urdf_path, hardware_path=self.hardware_path, mesh_dir_path=self.mesh_dir_path, config_path=self.config_path, avoid_instable_collisions=self.avoid_instable_collisions, debug=debug, viewer_kwargs=viewer_kwargs, **{**dict( has_freeflyer=True), **kwargs}) else: # Instantiate a simulator simulator = Simulator(robot, viewer_kwargs=viewer_kwargs, **kwargs) # Load engine and robot options if config_path is None: if isinstance(robot, BaseJiminyRobot): urdf_path = ( robot._urdf_path_orig) # type: ignore[attr-defined] else: urdf_path = robot.urdf_path if not urdf_path: raise ValueError( "'config_path' must be provided if the robot is not " "associated with any URDF.") config_path = str(pathlib.Path( urdf_path).with_suffix('')) + '_options.toml' if not os.path.exists(config_path): config_path = "" simulator.import_options(config_path) # Initialize base class super().__init__( simulator, step_dt, simulation_duration_max, debug, **kwargs)
[docs] def _setup(self) -> None: """Configure the environment. It is doing the following steps, successively: - updates some proxies that will be used for computing the reward and termination condition, - enforce some options of the low-level robot and engine, - randomize the environment according to 'std_ratio'. .. note:: This method is called internally by `reset` method at the very beginning. One must override it to implement new contributions to the environment stochasticity, or to create custom low-level robot if the model must be different for each learning episode. """ # Call the base implementation super()._setup() if not self.robot.has_freeflyer: raise RuntimeError( "`WalkerJiminyEnv` only supports robots with freeflyer.") # Update some internal buffers used for computing the reward self._power_consumption_max = 0.0 for motor in self.robot.motors: motor_power_max = motor.velocity_limit * motor.effort_limit self._power_consumption_max += motor_power_max # Compute the height of the freeflyer in neutral configuration # TODO: Take into account the ground profile. q_init, _ = self._sample_state() self._height_neutral = q_init[2] # Get the options of robot and engine robot_options = self.robot.get_options() engine_options = self.simulator.get_options() # Make sure to log at least the required data for terminal reward # computation and log replay. engine_options['telemetry']['enableConfiguration'] = True engine_options['telemetry']['enableVelocity'] = True if 'disturbance' in self.std_ratio.keys(): engine_options['telemetry']['enableForceExternal'] = True # ============= Add some stochasticity to the environment ============= # Change ground friction engine_options['contacts']['friction'] = sample( *GROUND_FRICTION_RANGE, scale=self.std_ratio.get('ground', 0.0), enable_log_scale=True, rg=self.np_random) # Add sensor noise, bias and delay if 'sensors' in self.std_ratio.keys(): for cls in (EncoderSensor, EffortSensor, ContactSensor, ForceSensor, ImuSensor): sensors_options = robot_options["sensors"][cls.type] for sensor_options in sensors_options.values(): for name in ("delay", "jitter"): sensor_options[name] = sample( low=0.0, high=(self.std_ratio['sensors'] * SENSOR_DELAY_SCALE[cls]), rg=self.np_random) for name in ( ("bias", SENSOR_BIAS_SCALE), ("noiseStd", SENSOR_NOISE_SCALE)): sensor_options[name] = sample( scale=(self.std_ratio['sensors'] * SENSOR_NOISE_SCALE[cls]), shape=(len(cls.fieldnames),), rg=self.np_random) # Randomize the flexibility parameters if 'model' in self.std_ratio.keys(): if self.robot.is_flexibility_enabled: dynamics_options = robot_options["model"]["dynamics"] for flexibility in dynamics_options["flexibilityConfig"]: flexibility['stiffness'] += FLEX_STIFFNESS_SCALE * sample( scale=self.std_ratio['model'], rg=self.np_random) flexibility['damping'] += FLEX_DAMPING_SCALE * sample( scale=self.std_ratio['model'], rg=self.np_random) # Apply the disturbance to the first actual body if 'disturbance' in self.std_ratio.keys(): # Make sure the pinocchio model has at least one frame assert self.robot.pinocchio_model.nframes # Determine the actual root body of the kinematic tree frame = self.robot.pinocchio_model.frames[0] for frame in self.robot.pinocchio_model.frames: if frame.type == pin.FrameType.BODY and frame.parent == 1: frame_name = break else: raise RuntimeError( "There is an issue with the robot model. Impossible to " "determine the root joint.") # Schedule some external impulse forces applied on PelvisLink for t_ref in np.arange( 0.0, self.simulation_duration_max, F_IMPULSE_PERIOD)[1:]: t = t_ref + sample(scale=F_IMPULSE_DELTA, rg=self.np_random) f_xy = sample(dist='normal', shape=(2,), rg=self.np_random) f_xy /= float(np.linalg.norm(f_xy, ord=2)) f_xy *= sample( 0.0, self.std_ratio['disturbance']*F_IMPULSE_SCALE, rg=self.np_random) self.simulator.register_impulse_force( frame_name, t, F_IMPULSE_DT, np.pad(f_xy, (0, 4))) # Schedule a single periodic force profile applied on PelvisLink for func in self._f_xy_profile: func.reset(self.np_random) self.simulator.register_profile_force( frame_name, self._force_external_profile) # Set the options, finally self.robot.set_options(robot_options) self.simulator.set_options(engine_options)
[docs] def _force_external_profile(self, t: float, q: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, wrench: np.ndarray) -> None: """User-specified processing of external force profiles. Typical usecases are time rescaling (1.0 second by default), or changing the orientation of the force (x/y in world frame by default). It could also be used for clamping the force. .. warning:: Beware it updates 'wrench' by reference for the sake of efficiency. :param t: Current time. :param q: Current configuration vector of the robot. :param v: Current velocity vector of the robot. :param wrench: Force to apply on the robot as a vector (linear and angular) [Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz]. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument wrench[0] = F_PROFILE_SCALE * self._f_xy_profile[0](t) wrench[1] = F_PROFILE_SCALE * self._f_xy_profile[1](t) wrench[:2] *= self.std_ratio['disturbance']
[docs] def has_terminated(self, info: InfoType) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """Determine whether the episode is over. It terminates (`terminated=True`) under the following conditions: - fall detection: the freeflyer goes lower than 75% of its height in neutral configuration. It is truncated under the following conditions: - observation out-of-bounds - maximum simulation duration exceeded :param info: Dictionary of extra information for monitoring. :returns: terminated and truncated flags. """ # Call base implementation terminated, truncated = super().has_terminated(info) # Check if the agent has successfully solved the task if self._robot_state_q[2] < self._height_neutral * 0.5: terminated = True return terminated, truncated
[docs] def compute_reward(self, terminated: bool, info: InfoType) -> float: """Compute reward at current episode state. It computes the reward associated with each individual contribution according to 'reward_mixture'. .. note:: This method can be overwritten to implement new contributions to the reward, or to monitor more information. :returns: Aggregated reward. """ reward_dict = info.setdefault('reward', {}) # Define some proxies reward_mixture_keys = self.reward_mixture.keys() if 'survival' in reward_mixture_keys: reward_dict['survival'] = 1.0 if 'energy' in reward_mixture_keys: _, v_mot = self.robot.sensor_measurements[EncoderSensor.type] command = self.robot_state.command power_consumption = np.sum(np.maximum(command * v_mot, 0.0)) power_consumption_rel = \ power_consumption / self._power_consumption_max reward_dict['energy'] = - power_consumption_rel if terminated: if 'failure' in reward_mixture_keys: reward_dict['failure'] = - 1.0 # Add a negative reward proportional to the average deviation on # Y-axis. It is equal to 0.0 if the frontal displacement is # perfectly symmetric wrt Y-axis over the whole trajectory. if 'direction' in reward_mixture_keys: frontal_displacement = abs(np.mean( self.log_data['currentFreeflyerPositionTransY'])) reward_dict['direction'] = - frontal_displacement # Compute the total reward reward_total = sum(self.reward_mixture[name] * value for name, value in reward_dict.items()) return reward_total