"""Generic gym environment specifically tailored to work with Jiminy Simulator
as backend physics engine, and Jiminy Viewer as 3D visualizer. It implements
the official OpenAI Gym API and extended it to add more functionalities.
import os
import math
import weakref
import logging
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
from functools import partial
from typing import (
Dict, Any, List, cast, no_type_check, Optional, Tuple, Callable, Union,
SupportsFloat, Iterator, Generic, Sequence as SequenceT,
Mapping as MappingT, MutableMapping as MutableMappingT)
import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces
from gymnasium.core import RenderFrame
import jiminy_py.core as jiminy
from jiminy_py import tree
from jiminy_py.core import ( # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
EncoderSensor, EffortSensor, array_copyto)
from jiminy_py.dynamics import compute_freeflyer_state_from_fixed_body
from jiminy_py.log import extract_variables_from_log
from jiminy_py.simulator import Simulator, TabbedFigure
from jiminy_py.viewer.viewer import (DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_REL,
from jiminy_py.viewer.replay import viewer_lock
import pinocchio as pin
from ..utils import (FieldNested,
from ..bases import (DT_EPS,
from ..quantities import QuantityManager
from .internal import loop_interactive
# Maximum realtime slowdown of simulation steps before triggering timeout error
# Absolute tolerance when checking that observations are valid
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _LazyDictItemFilter(Mapping):
def __init__(self,
dict_packed: MappingT[str, SequenceT[Any]],
item_index: int) -> None:
self.dict_packed = dict_packed
self.item_index = item_index
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Any:
return self.dict_packed[name][self.item_index]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
return iter(self.dict_packed)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.dict_packed)
class BaseJiminyEnv(InterfaceJiminyEnv[ObsT, ActT],
Generic[ObsT, ActT]):
"""Base class to train an agent in Gym OpenAI using Jiminy simulator for
physics computations.
It creates an Gym environment wrapping an already instantiated Jiminy
simulator and behaves like any standard Gym environment.
The observation space is a dictionary gathering the current simulation
time, the real robot state, and the sensors data. The action is a vector
gathering the torques of the actuator of the robot.
There is no reward by default. It is up to the user to overload this class
to implement one. It has been designed to be highly flexible and easy to
customize by overloading it to fit the vast majority of users' needs.
derived: "InterfaceJiminyEnv"
"""Top-most block from which this environment is part of when leveraging
modular pipeline design capability.
def __init__(self,
simulator: Simulator,
step_dt: float,
simulation_duration_max: float = 86400.0,
debug: bool = False,
render_mode: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> None:
:param simulator: Jiminy Python simulator used for physics
computations. It must be fully initialized.
:param step_dt: Simulation timestep for learning. Note that it is
independent from the controller and observation update
periods. The latter are configured via
:param simulation_duration_max:
Maximum duration of a simulation. If the current simulation time
exceeds this threshold, then it will triggers `is_truncated=True`.
It cannot exceed the maximum possible duration before telemetry
log time overflow which is extremely large (about 30 years). Beware
that log data are stored in RAM, which may cause out-of-memory
error if the episode is lasting for too long without reset.
Optional: About 4GB of log data assuming 5ms control update period
and telemetry disabled for everything but the robot configuration.
:param debug: Whether the debug mode must be enabled. Doing it enables
telemetry recording.
:param render_mode: Desired rendering mode, ie "human" or "rgb_array".
If "human" is specified, calling `render` will open
a graphical window for visualization, otherwise a
rgb image is returned, as a 3D numpy array whose
first dimension are the 3 red, green, blue channels
and the two subsequent dimensions are the pixel
height and weight respectively. `None` to select
automatically the most appropriate mode based on
the user-specified rendering backend if any, or the
machine environment. Note that "rgb_array" does not
require a graphical window manager.
Optional: None by default.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments that may be useful for derived
environments with multiple inheritance, and to allow
automatic pipeline wrapper generation.
# Make sure that the simulator is single-robot
if len(simulator.robots) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Multi-robot simulation is not supported for now.")
# Handling of default rendering mode
viewer_backend = (
(simulator.viewer or Viewer).backend or
if render_mode is None:
# 'rgb_array' by default if the backend is or will be
# 'panda3d-sync', otherwise 'human' if available.
backend = viewer_backend or get_default_backend()
if backend == "panda3d-sync":
render_mode = 'rgb_array'
elif 'human' in self.metadata['render_modes']:
render_mode = 'human'
render_mode = 'rgb_array'
# Force backend if none is specified and rendering mode is RGB array
if ("backend" not in simulator.viewer_kwargs and
render_mode == 'rgb_array'):
simulator.viewer_kwargs['backend'] = "panda3d-sync"
# Make sure that the robot name is unique
simulator.viewer_kwargs['robot_name'] = None
# Make sure that rendering mode is valid
assert render_mode in self.metadata['render_modes']
# Backup some user arguments
self.simulator = simulator
self.simulation_duration_max = simulation_duration_max
self._step_dt = step_dt
self.render_mode = render_mode
self.debug = debug
# Define some proxies for fast access.
# Note that some of them will be initialized in `_setup` method.
self.engine: jiminy.Engine = self.simulator.engine
self.stepper_state = self.simulator.stepper_state
self.is_simulation_running = self.simulator.is_simulation_running
self.robot = self.simulator.robot
self.robot_state = self.simulator.robot_state
self._robot_state_q = np.array([])
self._robot_state_v = np.array([])
self._robot_state_a = np.array([])
self.sensor_measurements: SensorMeasurementStackMap = OrderedDict(
# Top-most block of the pipeline is the environment itself by default
self.derived = self
# Store references to the variables to register to the telemetry
self._registered_variables: MutableMappingT[
str, Tuple[FieldNested, DataNested]] = {}
self.log_fieldnames: MappingT[str, FieldNested] = _LazyDictItemFilter(
self._registered_variables, 0)
# Internal buffers for physics computations
self.np_random = np.random.Generator(np.random.SFC64())
self.log_path: Optional[str] = None
# Whether evaluation mode is active
self._is_training = True
# Whether play interactive mode is active
self._is_interactive = False
# Information about the learning process
self._info: InfoType = {}
# Keep track of cumulative reward
self.total_reward = 0.0
# Number of simulation steps performed
self.num_steps = np.array(-1, dtype=np.int64)
self._num_steps_beyond_terminate: Optional[int] = None
# Initialize a quantity manager for later use
self.quantities = QuantityManager(self)
# Initialize the interfaces through multiple inheritance
super().__init__() # Do not forward extra arguments, if any
# Initialize the seed of the environment
# Initialize the observation and action buffers
self.observation: ObsT = zeros(self.observation_space)
self.action: ActT = zeros(self.action_space)
# Check that the action space and 'compute_command' are consistent
if (BaseJiminyEnv.compute_command is type(self).compute_command and
BaseJiminyEnv._initialize_action_space is not
raise NotImplementedError(
"`BaseJiminyEnv.compute_command` must be overloaded in case "
"of custom action spaces.")
# Define specialized operators for efficiency.
# Note that a partial view of observation corresponding to measurement
# must be extracted since only this one must be updated during refresh.
self._copyto_action = build_copyto(self.action)
self._contains_observation = build_contains(
self.observation, self.observation_space, tol_rel=OBS_CONTAINS_TOL)
self._contains_action = build_contains(self.action, self.action_space)
self._get_clipped_env_observation: Callable[
[], DataNested] = OrderedDict
# Set robot in neutral configuration
q = self._neutral()
self.robot.pinocchio_model, self.robot.pinocchio_data, q)
# Configure the default camera pose if not already done
if "camera_pose" not in self.simulator.viewer_kwargs:
if self.robot.has_freeflyer:
# Get root frame name.
# The first and second frames are respectively "universe" no
# matter if the robot has a freeflyer or not, and the second
# one is the freeflyer joint "root_joint" if any.
root_name = self.robot.pinocchio_model.names[1]
# Relative camera pose wrt the root frame by default
self.simulator.viewer_kwargs["camera_pose"] = (
# Absolute camera pose by default
self.simulator.viewer_kwargs["camera_pose"] = (
(0.0, 7.0, 0.0), (np.pi/2, 0.0, np.pi), None)
# Register the action to the telemetry automatically iif there is
# exactly one scalar action per motor.
if isinstance(self.action, np.ndarray):
action_size = self.action.size
if action_size > 0 and action_size == self.robot.nmotors:
action_fieldnames = [
".".join(('action', motor.name))
for motor in self.robot.motors]
'action', self.action, action_fieldnames)
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
"""Fallback attribute getter.
It enables to get access to the attribute and methods of the low-level
Simulator directly, without having to do it through `simulator`.
.. note::
This method is not meant to be called manually.
return getattr(self.__getattribute__('simulator'), name)
def __dir__(self) -> List[str]:
"""Attribute lookup.
It is mainly used by autocomplete feature of Ipython. It is overloaded
to get consistent autocompletion wrt `getattr`.
return [*super().__dir__(), *dir(self.simulator)]
def __del__(self) -> None:
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# This method must not fail under any circumstances
def _get_time_space(self) -> spaces.Box:
"""Get time space.
return spaces.Box(low=0.0,
def _get_agent_state_space(self,
use_theoretical_model: bool = False,
ignore_velocity_limit: bool = True
) -> spaces.Dict:
"""Get state space.
This method is not meant to be overloaded in general since the
definition of the state space is mostly consensual. One must rather
overload `_initialize_observation_space` to customize the observation
space as a whole.
:param use_theoretical_model: Whether to compute the state space
associated with the theoretical model
instead of the extended simulation model.
:param ignore_velocity_limit: Whether to ignore the velocity bounds
specified in model.
# Define some proxies for convenience
pinocchio_model = self.robot.pinocchio_model
position_limit_lower = pinocchio_model.lowerPositionLimit
position_limit_upper = pinocchio_model.upperPositionLimit
velocity_limit = pinocchio_model.velocityLimit
# Deduce bounds associated the theoretical model from the extended one
if use_theoretical_model:
position_limit_lower, position_limit_upper = map(
(position_limit_lower, position_limit_upper))
velocity_limit = self.robot.get_theoretical_velocity_from_extended(
# Ignore velocity bounds in requested
if ignore_velocity_limit:
velocity_limit = np.full_like(velocity_limit, float("inf"))
# Aggregate position and velocity bounds to define state space
return spaces.Dict(OrderedDict(
def _get_measurements_space(self) -> spaces.Dict:
"""Get sensor space.
It gathers the sensors data in a dictionary. It maps each available
type of sensor to the associated data matrix. Rows correspond to the
sensor type's fields, and columns correspond to each individual sensor.
.. note:
The mapping between row `i` of data matrix and associated sensor
type's field is given by:
.. code-block:: python
field = getattr(jiminy_py.core, key).fieldnames[i]
The mapping between column `j` of data matrix and associated sensor
name and object are given by:
.. code-block:: python
sensor = env.robot.sensors[key][j]
.. warning:
This method is not meant to be overloaded in general since the
definition of the sensor space is mostly consensual. One must
rather overload `_initialize_observation_space` to customize the
observation space as a whole.
# Define some proxies for convenience
position_limit_lower = self.robot.pinocchio_model.lowerPositionLimit
position_limit_upper = self.robot.pinocchio_model.upperPositionLimit
# Initialize the bounds of the sensor space
sensor_measurements = self.robot.sensor_measurements
sensor_space_lower = OrderedDict(
(key, np.full(value.shape, -np.inf))
for key, value in sensor_measurements.items())
sensor_space_upper = OrderedDict(
(key, np.full(value.shape, np.inf))
for key, value in sensor_measurements.items())
# Replace inf bounds of the encoder sensor space
for sensor in self.robot.sensors.get(EncoderSensor.type, ()):
# Get the position bounds of the sensor.
# Note that for rotary unbounded encoders, the sensor bounds
# cannot be extracted from the motor because only the principal
# value of the angle is observed by the sensor.
assert isinstance(sensor, EncoderSensor)
joint = self.robot.pinocchio_model.joints[sensor.joint_index]
joint_type = jiminy.get_joint_type(joint)
if joint_type == jiminy.JointModelType.ROTARY_UNBOUNDED:
sensor_position_lower = - np.pi
sensor_position_upper = np.pi
motor = self.robot.motors[sensor.motor_index]
sensor_position_lower = motor.position_limit_lower
sensor_position_upper = motor.position_limit_upper
except IndexError:
sensor_position_lower = position_limit_lower[joint.idx_q]
sensor_position_upper = position_limit_upper[joint.idx_q]
# Update the bounds accordingly
sensor_space_lower[EncoderSensor.type][0, sensor.index] = (
sensor_space_upper[EncoderSensor.type][0, sensor.index] = (
# Replace inf bounds of the effort sensor space
for sensor in self.robot.sensors.get(EffortSensor.type, ()):
assert isinstance(sensor, EffortSensor)
motor = self.robot.motors[sensor.motor_index]
sensor_space_lower[EffortSensor.type][0, sensor.index] = (
- motor.effort_limit)
sensor_space_upper[EffortSensor.type][0, sensor.index] = (
return spaces.Dict(OrderedDict(
(key, spaces.Box(low=min_val, high=max_val, dtype=np.float64))
for (key, min_val), max_val in zip(
sensor_space_lower.items(), sensor_space_upper.values())))
def _initialize_action_space(self) -> None:
"""Configure the action space of the environment.
The action is a vector gathering the torques of the actuator of the
.. warning::
This method is called internally by `reset` method. It is not
meant to be overloaded since the actual action space of the
robot is uniquely defined.
# Get effort limit
command_limit = np.array([
motor.effort_limit for motor in self.robot.motors])
# Set the action space
self.action_space = spaces.Box(
low=-command_limit, high=command_limit, dtype=np.float64)
def _initialize_seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
"""Specify the seed of the environment.
.. note::
This method is not meant to be called manually.
.. warning::
It also resets the low-level jiminy Engine. Therefore one must call
the `reset` method afterward.
:param seed: Random seed, as a positive integer.
Optional: A strongly random seed will be generated by gym
if omitted.
:returns: Updated seed of the environment
# Generate distinct sequences of 3 bytes uint32 seeds for the engine
# and environment.
engine_seed = np.random.SeedSequence(seed).generate_state(3)
np_seed = np.random.SeedSequence(engine_seed).generate_state(3)
# Re-initialize the low-level bit generator based on the provided seed
self.np_random.bit_generator.state = np.random.SFC64(np_seed).state
# Reset the seed of the action and observation spaces
# Reset the seed of Jiminy Engine
def register_variable(self,
name: str,
value: DataNested,
fieldnames: Optional[
Union[str, FieldNested]] = None,
namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
"""Register variable to the telemetry.
.. warning::
Variables are registered by reference. Consequently, the user is
responsible to manage the lifetime of the data to prevent it from
being garbage collected.
.. seealso::
See `gym_jiminy.common.utils.register_variables` for details.
:param name: Base name of the variable. It will be used to prepend
fields, using '.' delimiter.
:param value: Variable to register. It supports any nested data
structure whose leaves have type `np.ndarray` and either
dtype `np.float64` or `np.int64`.
:param fieldnames: Nested fieldnames with the exact same data structure
as the variable to register 'value'. Individual
elements of each leaf array must have its own
fieldname, all gathered in a nested tuple with the
same shape of the array.
Optional: Generic fieldnames will be generated
:param namespace: Namespace used to prepend the base name 'name', using
'.' delimiter. Empty string to disable.
Optional: Disabled by default.
# Create default fieldnames if not specified
if fieldnames is None:
fieldnames = get_fieldnames(value, name)
# Store string in a list
if isinstance(fieldnames, str):
fieldnames = [fieldnames]
# Prepend with namespace if requested
if namespace:
fieldnames = tree.map_structure(
lambda key: ".".join(filter(None, (namespace, key))),
# Early return with a warning is fieldnames is empty
if not fieldnames:
LOGGER.warning("'value' or 'fieldnames' cannot be empty.")
# Check if variable can be registered successfully to the telemetry.
# Note that a dummy controller must be created to avoid using the
# actual one to keep control of when registration will take place.
register_variables(jiminy.BaseController(), fieldnames, value)
# Combine namespace and variable name if provided
name = ".".join(filter(None, (namespace, name)))
# Store the header and a reference to the variable if successful
self._registered_variables[name] = (fieldnames, value)
def step_dt(self) -> float:
return self._step_dt
def is_training(self) -> bool:
return self._is_training
def unwrapped(self) -> "BaseJiminyEnv":
return self
def train(self) -> None:
self._is_training = True
def eval(self) -> None:
self._is_training = False
def reset(self, # type: ignore[override]
seed: Optional[int] = None,
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Tuple[DataNested, InfoType]:
"""Reset the environment.
In practice, it resets the backend simulator and set the initial state
of the robot. The initial state is obtained by calling '_sample_state'.
This method is also in charge of setting the initial action (at the
beginning) and observation (at the end).
.. warning::
It starts the simulation immediately. As a result, it is not
possible to change the robot (included options), nor to register
log variable.
:param seed: Random seed, as a positive integer.
Optional: A strongly random seed will be generated by gym
if omitted.
:param options: Additional information to specify how the environment
is reset. The field 'reset_hook' is reserved for
chaining multiple `BasePipelineWrapper`. It is not
meant to be defined manually.
Optional: None by default.
:returns: Initial observation of the episode and some auxiliary
information for debugging or monitoring purpose.
# Reset the seed if requested
if seed is not None:
# Stop the episode if one is still running
# Remove external forces, if any
# Make sure the environment is properly setup.
# Note that the robot is not allowed to change after this point.
# Make sure the low-level engine has not changed,
# otherwise some proxies would be corrupted.
if self.engine is not self.simulator.engine:
raise RuntimeError(
"Changing the memory address of the low-level jiminy engine "
"is an undefined behavior.")
# Re-initialize some shared memories.
# It is necessary because the robot may have changed.
self.robot = self.simulator.robot
self.robot_state = self.simulator.robot_state
self.sensor_measurements = OrderedDict(self.robot.sensor_measurements)
# Reset action
fill(self.action, 0)
# Enforce the low-level controller.
# The robot may have changed, for example it could be randomly
# generated, which would corrupt the old controller. As a result, it is
# necessary to either instantiate a new low-level controller and to
# re-initialize the existing one by calling `controller.initialize`
# method BEFORE calling `reset` method because doing otherwise would
# cause a segfault.
self.robot.controller = None
# Reset the simulator.
# Do NOT remove all forces since it has already been done before, and
# because it would make it impossible to register forces in `_setup`.
# Reset some internal buffers
self.num_steps[()] = 0
self._num_steps_beyond_terminate = None
# Create a new log file
if self.debug:
fd, self.log_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".data")
# Extract the observer/controller update period.
# The controller update period is used by default for the observer if
# it was not specify by the user in `_setup`.
engine_options = self.simulator.get_options()
self.control_dt = float(
if self.observe_dt < 0.0:
self.observe_dt = self.control_dt
# Make sure that both the observer and the controller are running
# faster than the environment to which it is attached for the action to
# take effect and be observable. Moreover, their respective update
# period must be a divisor of the environment step for both
# computational efficiency and avoid breaking markovian assumption due
# to previous action having a direct effect on the next step.
control_update_ratio, observe_update_ratio = 0.0, 0.0
if self.observe_dt > 0.0:
observe_update_ratio = round(self.step_dt / self.observe_dt, 10)
assert round(observe_update_ratio) == observe_update_ratio, (
"Observer update period must be a divisor of environment "
"simulation timestep")
if self.control_dt > 0.0:
control_update_ratio = round(self.step_dt / self.control_dt, 10)
assert round(control_update_ratio) == control_update_ratio, (
"Controller update period must be a divisor of environment "
"simulation timestep")
# Sample the initial state and reset the low-level engine
q_init, v_init = self._sample_state()
if not jiminy.is_position_valid(self.robot.pinocchio_model, q_init):
raise RuntimeError(
"The initial state provided by `_sample_state` is "
"inconsistent with the dimension or types of joints of the "
# Set robot in initial configuration
self.robot.pinocchio_model, self.robot.pinocchio_data, q_init)
# Initialize sensor measurements that are zero-ed at this point. This
# may be necessary for pre-compiling blocks before actually starting
# the simulation to avoid triggering timeout error. Indeed, some
# computations may require valid sensor data, such as normalized
# quaternion or non-zero linear acceleration.
a_init, u_motor = (np.zeros(self.robot.nv),) * 2
f_external = [pin.Force.Zero(),] * self.robot.pinocchio_model.njoints
0.0, q_init, v_init, a_init, u_motor, f_external)
# Run the reset hook if any.
# Note that the reset hook must be called after `_setup` because it
# expects that the robot is not going to change anymore at this point.
# Similarly, the observer and controller update periods must be set.
reset_hook: Optional[Callable[[], InterfaceJiminyEnv]] = (
options or {}).get("reset_hook")
env: InterfaceJiminyEnv = self
if reset_hook is not None:
assert callable(reset_hook)
env_derived = reset_hook() or env
assert env_derived.unwrapped is self
env = env_derived
self.derived = env
# Re-initialize the quantity manager.
# Note that computation graph tracking is never reset automatically.
# It is the responsibility of the practitioner implementing a derived
# environment whenever it makes sense for its specific use-case.
# Instantiate the actual controller.
# Note that a weak reference must be used to avoid circular reference.
self.robot.controller = jiminy.FunctionalController(
partial(type(env)._controller_handle, weakref.proxy(env)))
# Register user-specified variables to the telemetry
for header, value in self._registered_variables.values():
register_variables(self.robot.controller, header, value)
# Start the engine
self.simulator.start(q_init, v_init)
# Refresh robot_state proxies. It must be done here because memory is
# only allocated by the engine when starting a simulation.
self._robot_state_q = self.robot_state.q
self._robot_state_v = self.robot_state.v
self._robot_state_a = self.robot_state.a
# Initialize shared buffers
# Update shared buffers
# Clear cache and auto-refresh managed quantities
# Initialize the observation
# Initialize specialized most-derived observation clipping operator
self._get_clipped_env_observation = build_clip(
env.observation, env.observation_space)
# Make sure the state is valid, otherwise there `refresh_observation`
# and `_initialize_observation_space` are probably inconsistent.
obs: ObsT = cast(ObsT, self._get_clipped_env_observation())
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"The observation computed by `refresh_observation` is "
"inconsistent with the observation space defined by "
"`_initialize_observation_space` at initialization.") from e
# Make sure there is no 'nan' value in observation
for value in tree.flatten(obs):
if is_nan(value):
raise RuntimeError(
f"'nan' value found in observation ({obs}). Something "
"went wrong with `refresh_observation` method.")
# Reset the extra information buffer
# The simulation cannot be done before doing a single step.
if any(self.derived.has_terminated(self._info)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The simulation has already terminated at `reset`. Check the "
"implementation of `has_terminated` if overloaded.")
# Reset cumulative reward
self.total_reward = 0.0
# Note that the viewer must be reset if available, otherwise it would
# keep using the old robot model for display, which must be avoided.
if self.simulator.is_viewer_available:
viewer = self.simulator.viewer
assert viewer is not None # Assert(s) for type checker
viewer._setup(self.robot) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if viewer.has_gui():
return obs, deepcopy(self._info)
def close(self) -> None:
"""Clean up the environment after the user has finished using it.
It terminates the Python Jiminy engine.
.. warning::
Calling `reset` or `step` afterward is an undefined behavior.
def step(self, # type: ignore[override]
action: ActT
) -> Tuple[DataNested, SupportsFloat, bool, bool, InfoType]:
"""Integration timestep of the environment's dynamics under prescribed
agent's action over a single timestep, i.e. collect one transition step
of the underlying Markov Decision Process of the learning problem.
.. warning::
When reaching the end of an episode (``terminated or truncated``),
it is necessary to reset the environment for starting a new episode
before being able to do steps once again.
:param action: Action performed by the agent during the ongoing step.
* observation (ObsType) - The next observation of the environment's
as a result of taking agent's action.
* reward (float): the reward associated with the transition step.
* terminated (bool): Whether the agent reaches the terminal state,
which means success or failure depending of the MDP of the task.
* truncated (bool): Whether some truncation condition outside the
scope of the MDP is satisfied. This can be used to end an episode
prematurely before a terminal state is reached, for instance if
the agent's state is going out of bounds.
* info (dict): Contains auxiliary information that may be helpful
for debugging and monitoring. This might, for instance, contain:
metrics that describe the agent's performance state, variables
that are hidden from observations, or individual reward terms
from which the total reward is derived.
# Make sure a simulation is already running
if not self.is_simulation_running:
raise RuntimeError(
"No simulation running. Please call `reset` before `step`.")
# Update of the action to perform if relevant
if action is not self.action:
# Make sure the action is valid if debug
if self.debug:
for value in tree.flatten(action):
if is_nan(value):
raise RuntimeError(
f"'nan' value found in action ({action}).")
# Update the action
# Try performing a single simulation step
except Exception:
# Stop the simulation before raising the exception
# Make sure there is no 'nan' value in observation
if is_nan(self._robot_state_a):
raise RuntimeError(
"The acceleration of the system is 'nan'. Something went "
"wrong with jiminy engine.")
# Update number of (successful) steps
self.num_steps += 1
# Update shared buffers
# Clear cache and auto-refresh managed quantities
# Update the observer at the end of the step.
# This is necessary because, internally, it is called at the beginning
# of the every integration steps, during the controller update.
# Reset the extra information buffer
# Check if the simulation is over.
# Note that 'truncated' is forced to True if the integration failed or
# if the maximum number of steps will be exceeded next step.
terminated, truncated = self.derived.has_terminated(self._info)
truncated = (
truncated or not self.is_simulation_running or
self.stepper_state.t + DT_EPS > self.simulation_duration_max)
# Check if stepping after done and if it is an undefined behavior
if self._num_steps_beyond_terminate is None:
if terminated:
self._num_steps_beyond_terminate = 0
if self.is_training and self._num_steps_beyond_terminate == 0:
"Calling `step` after termination causes the reward to be "
"'nan' systematically and is strongly discouraged in "
"train mode. Please call `reset` to avoid further "
"undefined behavior.")
self._num_steps_beyond_terminate += 1
# Compute reward if not beyond termination
if self._num_steps_beyond_terminate:
reward = float('nan')
# Compute reward and update extra information
reward = self.compute_reward(terminated, self._info)
# Make sure the reward is not 'nan'
if math.isnan(reward):
raise RuntimeError(
"The reward is 'nan'. Something went wrong with "
"`compute_reward` implementation.")
# Update cumulative reward
self.total_reward += reward
# Write log file if simulation has just terminated in debug mode
if self.debug and self._num_steps_beyond_terminate == 0:
self.simulator.write_log(self.log_path, format="binary")
# Clip (and copy) the most derived observation before returning it
obs = self._get_clipped_env_observation()
return obs, reward, terminated, truncated, deepcopy(self._info)
def render(self) -> Optional[Union[RenderFrame, List[RenderFrame]]]:
"""Render the agent in its environment.
.. versionchanged::
This method does not take input arguments anymore due to changes of
the official `gym.Wrapper` API. A workaround is to set
`simulator.viewer_kwargs` beforehand. Alternatively, it is possible
to call the low-level implementation `simulator.render` directly to
avoid API restrictions.
:returns: RGB array if 'render_mode' is 'rgb_array', None otherwise.
# Set the available rendering modes
viewer_backend = (self.simulator.viewer or Viewer).backend
if self.render_mode == 'human' and viewer_backend == "panda3d-sync":
# Call base implementation
return self.simulator.render( # type: ignore[return-value]
return_rgb_array=self.render_mode == 'rgb_array')
def plot(self,
enable_block_states: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any) -> TabbedFigure:
"""Display common simulation data and action over time.
.. Note:
It adds tabs for the base environment action plus all blocks
((state, action) for controllers and (state, features) for
observers) on top of original `Simulator.plot`.
:param enable_block_states: Whether to display the internal state of
all blocks.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to forward to `simulator.plot`.
# Call base implementation
figure = self.simulator.plot(**kwargs)
assert not isinstance(figure, Sequence)
# Extract log data
log_vars = self.simulator.log_data.get("variables", {})
if not log_vars:
raise RuntimeError(
"Nothing to plot. Please run a simulation before calling "
"`plot` method.")
# Plot all registered variables
for key, fieldnames in self.log_fieldnames.items():
# Filter state if requested
if not enable_block_states and key.endswith(".state"):
# Extract action hierarchical time series.
# Fieldnames stored in a dictionary cannot be nested. In such a
# case, keys corresponds to subplots, and values are individual
# scalar data over time to be displayed to the same subplot.
t = log_vars["Global.Time"]
tab_data: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]] = {}
if isinstance(fieldnames, dict):
for group, subfieldnames in fieldnames.items():
if not isinstance(subfieldnames, list):
"Action space not supported by this method.")
return figure
value_map = extract_variables_from_log(
log_vars, subfieldnames, "controller", as_dict=True)
tab_data[group] = {
key.split(".", 2)[2]: value
for key, value in value_map.items()}
elif isinstance(fieldnames, list):
value_map = extract_variables_from_log(
log_vars, fieldnames, "controller", as_dict=True)
key.split(".", 2)[2]: value
for key, value in value_map.items()})
# Add action tab
figure.add_tab(key.replace(".", " "), t, tab_data)
# Return figure for convenience and consistency with Matplotlib
return figure
def replay(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Replay the current episode until now.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for delegation to
`replay.play_trajectories` method.
# Do not open graphical window automatically if recording requested.
# Note that backend is closed automatically is there is no viewer
# backend available at this point, to reduce memory pressure, but it
# will take time to restart it systematically for every recordings.
if kwargs.get('record_video_path') is not None:
kwargs['close_backend'] = not self.simulator.is_viewer_available
# Stop any running simulation before replay if `has_terminated` is True
if any(self.derived.has_terminated({})):
with viewer_lock:
# Call render before replay in order to take into account custom
# backend viewer instantiation options, eg the initial camera pose,
# and to update the ground profile.
return_rgb_array="record_video_path" in kwargs.keys(),
viewer_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {
'verbose': False,
'enable_travelling': self.robot.has_freeflyer,
def play_interactive(self,
enable_travelling: Optional[bool] = None,
start_paused: bool = True,
enable_is_done: bool = True,
verbose: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Activate interact mode enabling to control the robot using keyboard.
It stops automatically as soon as `terminated or truncated` is True.
One has to press a key to start the interaction. If no key is pressed,
the action is not updated and the previous one keeps being sent to the
.. warning::
It ignores any external `gym.Wrapper` that may be used for training
but are not considered part of the environment pipeline.
.. warning::
This method requires `_key_to_action` method to be implemented by
the user by overloading it, otherwise it raises an exception.
:param enable_travelling: Whether enable travelling, following the
motion of the root frame of the model. This
parameter is ignored if the model has no
Optional: Enabled by default iif 'panda3d'
viewer backend is used.
:param start_paused: Whether to start in pause.
Optional: Enabled by default.
:param verbose: Whether to display status messages.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to forward to `_key_to_action`
# Enable play interactive flag and make sure training flag is disabled
is_training = self.is_training
self._is_interactive = True
if is_training:
# Make sure viewer gui is open, so that the viewer will shared external
# forces with the robot automatically.
viewer = self.simulator.viewer
if viewer is None or not viewer.has_gui():
# Reset the environnement
obs = self.observation
reward = None
# Refresh the ground profile
viewer = self.simulator.viewer
assert viewer is not None # Assert(s) for type checker
# Enable travelling
if enable_travelling is None:
backend = viewer.backend
assert backend is not None # Assert(s) for type checker
enable_travelling = backend.startswith('panda3d')
enable_travelling = enable_travelling and self.robot.has_freeflyer
if enable_travelling:
tracked_frame = self.robot.pinocchio_model.frames[2].name
# Refresh the scene once again to update camera placement
# Define interactive loop
def _interact(key: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
nonlocal obs, reward, enable_is_done
if key is not None:
action = self._key_to_action(
key, obs, reward, **{"verbose": verbose, **kwargs})
if action is None:
action = self.action
_, reward, terminated, truncated, _ = self.step(action)
obs = self.observation
if not enable_is_done and self.robot.has_freeflyer:
return self._robot_state_q[2] < 0.0
return terminated or truncated
# Run interactive loop
# Disable travelling if it enabled
if enable_travelling:
# Stop the simulation to unlock the robot.
# It will enable to display contact forces for replay.
# Disable play interactive mode flag and restore training flag
self._is_interactive = False
if is_training:
def evaluate(self,
policy_fn: Callable[[
DataNested, Optional[float], bool, InfoType
], ActT],
seed: Optional[int] = None,
horizon: Optional[int] = None,
enable_stats: bool = True,
enable_replay: Optional[bool] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> List[InfoType]:
r"""Evaluate a policy on the environment over a complete episode.
.. warning::
It ignores any external `gym.Wrapper` that may be used for training
but are not considered part of the environment pipeline.
:param policy_fn:
.. raw:: html
Policy to evaluate as a callback function. It must have the
following signature (**rew** = None at reset):
| policy_fn\(**obs**: DataNested,
| **reward**: Optional[float],
| **done_or_truncated**: bool,
| **info**: InfoType
| \) -> ActT # **action**
:param seed: Seed of the environment to be used for the evaluation of
the policy.
Optional: Random seed if not provided.
:param horizon: Horizon of the simulation, namely maximum number of
steps before termination. `None` to disable.
Optional: Disabled by default.
:param enable_stats: Whether to print high-level statistics after the
Optional: Enabled by default.
:param enable_replay: Whether to enable replay of the simulation, and
eventually recording if the extra
keyword argument `record_video_path` is provided.
Optional: Enabled by default if display is
available, disabled otherwise.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to forward to the `replay`
method if replay is requested.
# Handling of default arguments
if enable_replay is None:
enable_replay = (
(Viewer.backend or get_default_backend()) != "panda3d-sync" or
interactive_mode() >= 2)
# Make sure evaluation mode is enabled
is_training = self.is_training
if is_training:
# Set the seed without forcing full reset of the environment
# Initialize the simulation
obs, info = self.reset()
reward, terminated, truncated = None, False, False
# Run the simulation
info_episode = [info]
env = self.derived
while not (terminated or truncated or (
horizon is not None and self.num_steps > horizon)):
action = policy_fn(obs, reward, terminated or truncated, info)
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Restore training mode if it was enabled
if is_training:
# Display some statistic if requested
if enable_stats:
print("env.num_steps:", self.num_steps)
print("cumulative reward:", self.total_reward)
# Replay the result if requested
if enable_replay:
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# Do not fail because of replay/recording exception
LOGGER.warning("%s", e)
return info_episode
# methods to override:
# ----------------------------
def _setup(self) -> None:
"""Configure the environment. It must guarantee that its internal state
is valid after calling this method.
By default, it enforces some options of the engine.
.. warning::
Beware this method is called BEFORE `observe_dt` and
`controller_dt` are properly set, so one cannot rely on it at this
point. Yet, `step_dt` is available and should always be. One can
still access the low-level controller update period through
.. note::
The user must overload this method to enforce custom observer
update period, otherwise it will be the same of the controller.
.. note::
This method is called internally by `reset` methods.
# Call base implementation
# Configure the low-level integrator
engine_options = self.simulator.get_options()
engine_options["stepper"]["iterMax"] = 0
if self.debug:
engine_options["stepper"]["verbose"] = True
engine_options["stepper"]["logInternalStepperSteps"] = True
# Set maximum computation time for single internal integration steps
engine_options["stepper"]["timeout"] = self.step_dt * TIMEOUT_RATIO
if self.debug:
engine_options["stepper"]["timeout"] = 0.0
# Enable full logging in debug and evaluation mode
if self.debug or not self.is_training:
# Enable telemetry at engine-level
telemetry_options = engine_options["telemetry"]
for key in telemetry_options.keys():
telemetry_options[key] = True
# Enable telemetry at robot-level
robot_options = self.robot.get_options()
robot_telemetry_options = robot_options["telemetry"]
for key in robot_telemetry_options.keys():
robot_telemetry_options[key] = True
# Update engine options
def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None:
"""Configure the observation of the environment.
By default, the observation is a dictionary gathering the current
simulation time, the real agent state, and the sensors data.
.. note::
This method is called internally by `reset` method at the very end,
just before computing and returning the initial observation. This
method, alongside `refresh_observation`, must be overwritten in
order to define a custom observation space.
observation_spaces: Dict[str, spaces.Space] = OrderedDict()
observation_spaces['t'] = self._get_time_space()
observation_spaces['states'] = spaces.Dict(
observation_spaces['measurements'] = self._get_measurements_space()
self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_spaces)
def _neutral(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns a neutral valid configuration for the agent.
The default implementation returns the neutral configuration if valid,
the "mean" configuration otherwise (right in the middle of the position
lower and upper bounds).
.. warning::
Beware there is no guarantee for this configuration to be
statically stable.
.. note::
This method is called internally by '_sample_state' to generate the
initial state. It can be overloaded to ensure static stability of
the configuration.
# Get the neutral configuration of the actual model
q = pin.neutral(self.robot.pinocchio_model)
# Make sure it is not out-of-bounds before returning
position_limit_lower = self.robot.pinocchio_model.lowerPositionLimit
position_limit_upper = self.robot.pinocchio_model.upperPositionLimit
for idx, val in enumerate(q):
lo, hi = position_limit_lower[idx], position_limit_upper[idx]
if hi < val or val < lo:
q[idx] = 0.5 * (lo + hi)
return q
def _sample_state(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Returns a randomized yet valid configuration and velocity for the
The default implementation returns the neutral configuration and zero
Offsets are applied on the freeflyer to ensure no contact points are
going through the ground and up to three are in contact.
.. note::
This method is called internally by `reset` to generate the initial
state. It can be overloaded to act as a random state generator.
# Get the neutral configuration
q = self._neutral()
# Make sure the configuration is not out-of-bound
# Make sure the configuration is normalized
q = pin.normalize(self.robot.pinocchio_model, q)
# Make sure the robot impacts the ground
if self.robot.has_freeflyer:
engine_options = self.simulator.get_options()
ground_fun = engine_options['world']['groundProfile']
self.robot, q, ground_profile=ground_fun)
# Zero velocity
v = np.zeros(self.robot.pinocchio_model.nv)
return q, v
def _initialize_buffers(self) -> None:
"""Initialize internal buffers for fast access to shared memory or to
avoid redundant computations.
.. note::
This method is called at every `reset`, right after
`self.simulator.start`. At this point, the simulation is running
but `refresh_observation` has never been called, so that it can be
used to initialize buffers involving the engine state but required
to refresh the observation.
.. note::
Buffers requiring manual update must be refreshed using
`_refresh_buffers` method.
.. warning::
This method is not appropriate for initializing buffers involved in
`compute_command`. At the time being, there is no better way that
taking advantage of the flag `self.is_simulation_running` in the
method `compute_command` itself.
def _refresh_buffers(self) -> None:
"""Refresh internal buffers that must be updated manually.
.. note::
This method is called after every internal `engine.step` and before
refreshing the observation one last time. As such, it is the right
place to update shared data between `has_terminated` and
`compute_reward`. However, it is not appropriate for quantities
involved in `refresh_observation` not `compute_command`, which may
be called more often than once per step.
.. note::
`_initialize_buffers` method can be used to initialize buffers that
may requires special care.
.. warning::
Be careful when using this method to update buffers involved in
`refresh_observation`. The latter is called at `self.observe_dt`
update period, while this method is called at `self.step_dt` update
period. `self.observe_dt` is likely to be different from
`self.step_dt`, unless configured manually when overloading
`_setup` method.
def refresh_observation(self, measurement: EngineObsType) -> None:
"""Compute the observation based on the current state of the robot.
In practice, it updates the internal buffer directly for the sake of
By default, it sets the observation to the value of the measurement,
which would not work unless `ObsT` corresponds to `EngineObsType`.
.. note::
This method is called and the end of every low-level `Engine.step`.
.. warning::
This method may be called without any simulation running, either
to perform basic consistency checking or allocate and initialize
buffers. There is no way at the time being to distinguish the
initialization stage in particular. A workaround consists in
checking whether the simulation already started. It is not exactly
the same but it does the job regarding preserving efficiency.
.. warning::
One must only rely on `measurement` to get the state of the robot,
as anything else is not reliable for this. More specifically,
`self.robot_state` would not be valid if an adaptive stepper is
being used for physics integration.
observation = self.observation
array_copyto(observation["t"], measurement["t"])
agent_state_out = observation['states']['agent']
agent_state_in = measurement['states']['agent']
array_copyto(agent_state_out['q'], agent_state_in['q'])
array_copyto(agent_state_out['v'], agent_state_in['v'])
sensors_out = observation['measurements']
sensors_in = measurement['measurements']
for sensor_type in self._sensors_types:
array_copyto(sensors_out[sensor_type], sensors_in[sensor_type])
def compute_command(self, action: ActT, command: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Compute the motors efforts to apply on the robot.
By default, all it does is forwarding the input action as is, without
performing any processing. One is responsible of overloading this
method if the action space has been customized, or just to clip the
action to make sure it is never out-of-bounds if necessary.
.. warning::
There is not good place to initialize buffers that are necessary to
compute the command. The only solution for now is to define
initialization inside this method itself, using the safeguard
`if not self.is_simulation_running:`.
:param action: High-level target to achieve by means of the command.
# Check if the action is out-of-bounds, in debug mode only
if self.debug and not self._contains_action():
LOGGER.warning("The action is out-of-bounds.")
assert isinstance(action, np.ndarray)
array_copyto(command, action)
def has_terminated(self, info: InfoType) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
"""Determine whether the episode is over, because a terminal state of
the underlying MDP has been reached or an aborting condition outside
the scope of the MDP has been triggered.
By default, it always returns `terminated=False`, and `truncated=True`
iif the observation is out-of-bounds. One can overload this method to
implement custom termination conditions for the environment at hands.
.. warning::
No matter what, truncation will happen when reaching the maximum
simulation duration, i.e. 'self.simulation_duration_max'.
.. note::
This method is called after `refresh_observation`, so that the
internal buffer 'observation' is up-to-date.
:param info: Dictionary of extra information for monitoring.
:returns: terminated and truncated flags.
# Make sure that a simulation is running
if not self.is_simulation_running:
raise RuntimeError(
"No simulation running. Please start one before calling this "
# Check if the observation is out-of-bounds in debug mode only
truncated = not self._contains_observation()
return False, truncated
def _key_to_action(self,
key: str,
obs: ObsT,
reward: Optional[float],
**kwargs: Any) -> Optional[ActT]:
"""Mapping from input keyboard keys to actions.
.. note::
This method is called before `step` method systematically, even if
not key has been pressed, or reward is not defined. In such a case,
the value is `None`.
.. note::
The mapping can be state dependent, and the key can be used for
something different than computing the action directly. For
instance, one can provide as extra argument to this method a
custom policy taking user parameters mapped to keyboard in input.
.. warning::
Overloading this method is required for calling `play_interactive`
:param key: Key pressed by the user as a string. `None` if no key has
been pressed since the last step of the environment.
:param obs: Previous observation from last step of the environment.
It is always available, included right after `reset`.
:param reward: Previous reward from last step of the environment.
Not available before first step right after `reset`.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword argument provided by the user when calling
`play_interactive` method.
:returns: Action to forward to the environment.
raise NotImplementedError