"""Controller and observer abstract interfaces from reinforcement learning,
specifically design for Jiminy engine, and defined as mixin classes. Any
observer/controller block must inherit and implement those interfaces.
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (
Dict, Any, Tuple, TypeVar, Generic, TypedDict, no_type_check,
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import gymnasium as gym
import jiminy_py.core as jiminy
from jiminy_py.simulator import Simulator
from jiminy_py.viewer.viewer import is_display_available
from ..utils import DataNested
from ..envs.generic import BaseJiminyEnv
from ..quantities import QuantityManager
# Temporal resolution of simulator steps
ObsT = TypeVar('ObsT', bound=DataNested)
ActT = TypeVar('ActT', bound=DataNested)
BaseObsT = TypeVar('BaseObsT', bound=DataNested)
BaseActT = TypeVar('BaseActT', bound=DataNested)
SensorMeasurementStackMap = Dict[str, npt.NDArray[np.float64]]
InfoType = Dict[str, Any]
class EngineObsType(TypedDict):
"""Raw observation provided by Jiminy Core Engine prior to any
t: np.ndarray
"""Current simulation time.
states: Dict[str, DataNested]
"""State of the agent.
measurements: SensorMeasurementStackMap
"""Sensor measurements. Individual data for each sensor are aggregated by
types in 2D arrays whose first dimension gathers the measured components
and second dimension corresponds to individual measurements sorted by
sensor indices.
class InterfaceObserver(ABC, Generic[ObsT, BaseObsT]):
"""Observer interface for both observers and environments.
observe_dt: float = -1
observation_space: gym.Space # [ObsT]
observation: ObsT
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Initialize the observer interface.
:param args: Extra arguments that may be useful for mixing
multiple inheritance through multiple inheritance.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments. See 'args'.
# Call super to allow mixing interfaces through multiple inheritance
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Refresh the observation space
def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None:
"""Configure the observation space.
def refresh_observation(self, measurement: BaseObsT) -> None:
"""Compute observed features based on the current simulation state and
lower-level measure.
.. warning:
When overloading this method, one is expected to use the internal
buffer `observation` to store the observation by updating it by
reference. It may be error prone and tricky to get use to it, but
it is computationally more efficient as it avoids allocating memory
multiple times and redundant calculus. Additionally, it enables to
retrieve the observation later on by calling `get_observation`.
:param measurement: Low-level measure from the environment to process
to get higher-level observation.
class InterfaceController(ABC, Generic[ActT, BaseActT]):
"""Controller interface for both controllers and environments.
control_dt: float = -1
action_space: gym.Space # [ActT]
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Initialize the controller interface.
:param args: Extra arguments that may be useful for mixing
multiple inheritance through multiple inheritance.
:param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments. See 'args'.
# Call super to allow mixing interfaces through multiple inheritance
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Refresh the action space
def _initialize_action_space(self) -> None:
"""Configure the action space.
def compute_command(self, action: ActT, command: BaseActT) -> None:
"""Compute the command to send to the subsequent block, based on the
action and current observation of the environment.
.. note::
By design, the observation of the environment has been refreshed
automatically prior to calling this method.
:param action: High-level target to achieve by means of the command.
:param command: Command to send to the subsequent block. It corresponds
to the target features of another lower-level
controller if any, the target motors efforts of the
environment to ultimately control otherwise. It must be
updated in-place.
def compute_reward(self,
terminated: bool, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
info: InfoType # pylint: disable=unused-argument
) -> float:
"""Compute the reward related to a specific control block, plus extra
information that may be helpful for monitoring or debugging purposes.
For the corresponding MDP to be stationary, the computation of the
reward is supposed to involve only the transition from previous to
current state of the simulation (possibly comprising multiple agents)
under the ongoing action.
By default, it returns 0.0 without extra information no matter what.
The user is expected to provide an appropriate reward on its own,
either by overloading this method or by wrapping the environment with
`ComposedJiminyEnv` for modular environment pipeline design.
:param terminated: Whether the episode has reached the terminal state
of the MDP at the current step. This flag can be
used to compute a specific terminal reward.
:param info: Dictionary of extra information for monitoring.
:returns: Aggregated reward for the current step.
return 0.0
# Note that `InterfaceJiminyEnv` must inherit from `InterfaceObserver`
# before `InterfaceController` to initialize the action space before the
# observation space since the action itself may be part of the observation.
# Similarly, `gym.Env` must be last to make sure all the other initialization
# methods are called first.
class InterfaceJiminyEnv(
InterfaceObserver[ObsT, EngineObsType],
InterfaceController[ActT, np.ndarray],
gym.Env[ObsT, ActT],
Generic[ObsT, ActT]):
"""Observer plus controller interface for both generic pipeline blocks,
including environments.
metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {
"render_modes": (
['rgb_array'] + (['human'] if is_display_available() else []))
simulator: Simulator
robot: jiminy.Robot
stepper_state: jiminy.StepperState
robot_state: jiminy.RobotState
sensor_measurements: SensorMeasurementStackMap
is_simulation_running: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
num_steps: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
"""Number of simulation steps that has been performed since last reset of
the base environment.
.. note::
The counter is incremented before updating the observation at the end
of the step, and consequently, before evaluating the reward and the
termination conditions.
quantities: "QuantityManager"
action: ActT
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
# Track whether the observation has been refreshed manually since the
# last called '_controller_handle'. It typically happens at the end of
# every simulation step to return an observation that is consistent
# with the updated state of the agent.
self.__is_observation_refreshed = True
# Store latest engine measurement for efficiency
self.__measurement = EngineObsType(
agent=OrderedDict(q=np.array([]), v=np.array([]))),
self._sensors_types = tuple(self.robot.sensor_measurements.keys())
# Call super to allow mixing interfaces through multiple inheritance
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Define convenience proxy for quantity manager
self.quantities = self.unwrapped.quantities
def _setup(self) -> None:
"""Configure the observer-controller.
In practice, it only resets the controller and observer update periods.
.. note::
This method must be called once, after the environment has been
reset. This is done automatically when calling `reset` method.
# Re-initialize observation and control periods to ill-defined value to
# trigger exception if not set properly later on.
self.observe_dt = -1
self.control_dt = -1
# The observation must always be refreshed after setup
self.__is_observation_refreshed = False
def _observer_handle(self,
t: float,
q: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray,
sensor_measurements: jiminy.SensorMeasurementTree
) -> None:
"""Thin wrapper around user-specified `refresh_observation` method.
.. warning::
This method is not supposed to be called manually nor overloaded.
:param t: Current simulation time.
:param q: Current extended configuration vector of the robot.
:param v: Current extended velocity vector of the robot.
:param sensor_measurements: Current sensor data.
# Early return if no simulation is running
if not self.is_simulation_running:
# Reset the quantity manager.
# In principle, the internal cache of quantities should be cleared each
# time the state of the robot and/or its derivative changes. This is
# hard to do because there is no way to detect this specifically at the
# time being. However, `_observer_handle` is never called twice in the
# exact same state by the engine, so resetting quantities at the
# beginning of the method should cover most cases. Yet, quantities
# cannot be used reliably in the definition of profile forces because
# they are always updated before the controller gets called, no matter
# if either one or the other is time-continuous. Hacking the internal
# dynamics to clear quantities does not address this issue either.
# self.quantities.clear()
# Refresh the observation if not already done but only if a simulation
# is already running. It would be pointless to refresh the observation
# at this point since the controller will be called multiple times at
# start. Besides, it would defeat the purpose `_initialize_buffers`,
# that is supposed to be executed before `refresh_observation` is being
# called for the first time of an episode.
if not self.__is_observation_refreshed:
measurement = self.__measurement
measurement["t"][()] = t
measurement["states"]["agent"]["q"] = q
measurement["states"]["agent"]["v"] = v
measurement_sensors = measurement["measurements"]
sensor_measurements_it = iter(sensor_measurements.values())
for sensor_type in self._sensors_types:
measurement_sensors[sensor_type] = next(sensor_measurements_it)
except RuntimeError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"The observation space must be invariant.") from e
self.__is_observation_refreshed = True
def _controller_handle(self,
t: float,
q: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray,
sensor_measurements: jiminy.SensorMeasurementTree,
command: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Thin wrapper around user-specified `refresh_observation` and
`compute_command` methods.
.. note::
The internal cache of managed quantities is cleared right away
systematically, before anything else.
.. warning::
This method is not supposed to be called manually nor overloaded.
It will be used by the base environment to instantiate a
`jiminy.FunctionalController` responsible for both refreshing
observations and compute commands of all the way through a given
pipeline in the correct order of the blocks to finally sends
command motor torques directly to the robot.
:param t: Current simulation time.
:param q: Current extended configuration vector of the robot.
:param v: Current actual velocity vector of the robot.
:param sensor_measurements: Current sensor measurements.
:param command: Output argument corresponding to motors torques to
apply on the robot. It must be updated by reference
using `[:]` or `np.copyto`.
:returns: Motors torques to apply on the robot.
# Refresh the observation
self._observer_handle(t, q, v, sensor_measurements)
# No need to check for breakpoints of the controller because it already
# matches the update period by design.
self.compute_command(self.action, command)
# Always consider that the observation must be refreshed after calling
# '_controller_handle' as it is never called more often than necessary.
self.__is_observation_refreshed = False
def stop(self) -> None:
"""Stop the episode immediately without waiting for a termination or
truncation condition to be satisfied.
.. note::
This method is mainly intended for data analysis and debugging.
Stopping the episode is necessary to log the final state, otherwise
it will be missing from plots and viewer replay. Moreover, sensor
data will not be available during replay using object-oriented
method `replay`. Helper method `play_logs_data` must be preferred
to replay an episode that cannot be stopped at the time being.
def has_terminated(self, info: InfoType) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
"""Determine whether the episode is over, because a terminal state of
the underlying MDP has been reached or an aborting condition outside
the scope of the MDP has been triggered.
.. note::
This method is called after `refresh_observation`, so that the
internal buffer 'observation' is up-to-date.
:param info: Dictionary of extra information for monitoring.
:returns: terminated and truncated flags.
def train(self) -> None:
"""Sets the environment in training mode.
def eval(self) -> None:
"""Sets the environment in evaluation mode.
This only has an effect on certain environments. It can be used for
instance to enable clipping or filtering of the action at evaluation
time specifically. See documentations of a given environment for
details about their behaviors in training and evaluation modes.
def unwrapped(self) -> "BaseJiminyEnv":
"""The "underlying environment at the basis of the pipeline from which
this environment is part of.
def step_dt(self) -> float:
"""Get timestep of a single 'step'.
def is_training(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the environment is in 'train' or 'eval' mode.