
class AbstractMotorBase : public std::enable_shared_from_this<AbstractMotorBase>

Subclassed by jiminy::SimpleMotor

Public Functions

inline virtual GenericConfig getDefaultMotorOptions()

Dictionary gathering the configuration options shared between motors.

explicit AbstractMotorBase(const std::string &name) noexcept

name[in] Name of the motor.

virtual ~AbstractMotorBase()
virtual void refreshProxies()

Refresh the proxies.


This method is not intended to be called manually. The Robot to which the motor is added is taking care of it when its own refresh method is called.

virtual void resetAll()

Reset the internal state of the motors.

This method resets the internal state of the motor.


This method is not intended to be called manually. The Robot to which the motor is added is taking care of it when its own reset method is called.

const GenericConfig &getOptions() const noexcept

Configuration options of the motor.

double get() const

Actual effort of the motor at the current time.

const Eigen::VectorXd &getAll() const

Actual effort of all the motors at the current time.

virtual void setOptions(const GenericConfig &motorOptions)

Set the configuration options of the motor.


motorOptions[in] Dictionary with the parameters of the motor.

void setOptionsAll(const GenericConfig &motorOptions)

Set the same configuration options for all motors of same type as current one.


motorOptions[in] Dictionary with the parameters used for any motor.

bool getIsInitialized() const

Whether the motor has been initialized.

const std::string &getName() const

Name of the motor.

std::size_t getIndex() const

Index of the motor.

const std::string &getJointName() const

Name of the joint associated with the motor.

pinocchio::JointIndex getJointIndex() const

Index of the joint associated with the motor in the kinematic tree.

JointModelType getJointType() const

Type of joint associated with the motor.

Eigen::Index getJointPositionIndex() const

Index of the joint associated with the motor in configuration vector.

Eigen::Index getJointVelocityIndex() const

Index of the joint associated with the motor in the velocity vector.

double getCommandLimit() const

Maximum effort of the motor.

double getArmature() const

Rotor inertia of the motor.

double getBacklash() const

Backlash of the transmission.

virtual void computeEffort(double t, const Eigen::VectorBlock<const Eigen::VectorXd> &q, double v, double a, double command) = 0

Request the motor to update its actual effort based of the input data.

It assumes that the internal state of the robot is consistent with the input arguments.

  • t[in] Current time.

  • q[in] Current configuration of the motor.

  • v[in] Current velocity of the motor.

  • a[in] Current acceleration of the motor.

  • command[in] Current command effort of the motor.

void computeEffortAll(double t, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Eigen::VectorXd &v, const Eigen::VectorXd &a, const Eigen::VectorXd &command)

Request every motors to update their actual effort based of the input data.

It assumes that the internal state of the robot is consistent with the input arguments.


This method is not intended to be called manually. The Robot to which the motor is added is taking care of it while updating the state of the motors.

  • t[in] Current time.

  • q[in] Current configuration vector of the robot.

  • v[in] Current velocity vector of the robot.

  • a[in] Current acceleration vector of the robot.

  • command[in] Current command effort vector of the robot.

Public Members

std::unique_ptr<const AbstractMotorOptions> baseMotorOptions_ = {nullptr}

Structure with the parameters of the motor.

struct AbstractMotorOptions

Subclassed by jiminy::SimpleMotor::SimpleMotorOptions

Public Functions

inline AbstractMotorOptions(const GenericConfig &options)

Public Members

const double mechanicalReduction

Mechanical reduction ratio of transmission (joint/motor), usually >= 1.0.

const bool enableCommandLimit
const bool commandLimitFromUrdf
const double commandLimit
const bool enableArmature
const double armature
const bool enableBacklash
const double backlash
class SimpleMotor : public jiminy::AbstractMotorBase

Public Functions

inline virtual GenericConfig getDefaultMotorOptions() override

Dictionary gathering the configuration options shared between motors.

explicit SimpleMotor(const std::string &name) noexcept
virtual ~SimpleMotor() = default
inline auto shared_from_this()
inline auto shared_from_this() const
void initialize(const std::string &jointName)
virtual void setOptions(const GenericConfig &motorOptions) override

Set the configuration options of the motor.


motorOptions[in] Dictionary with the parameters of the motor.

struct SimpleMotorOptions : public jiminy::AbstractMotorBase::AbstractMotorOptions

Public Functions

inline SimpleMotorOptions(const GenericConfig &options)

Public Members

const bool enableFriction

Flag to enable the joint friction.


Must be negative.

const double frictionViscousPositive

Viscous coefficient of the joint friction for positive velocity.


Must be negative.

const double frictionViscousNegative

Viscous coefficient of the joint friction for negative velocity.


Must be negative.

const double frictionDryPositive

Dry coefficient of the joint friction for positive velocity, which corresponds to the positive dry friction at saturation.


Must be negative.

const double frictionDryNegative

Dry coefficient of the joint friction for negative velocity, which corresponds to the negative dry friction at saturation.


Must be negative.

const double frictionDrySlope

Slope of the Tanh of the joint velocity that saturates the dry friction.


Must be negative.